满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My name is Penny. I started being a in a...

My name is Penny. I started being a    in a group called Kinds Camp in 1995. There were many     kids in the camp. At that time. I was a street kid. I didn’t know what to do    one of the workers asked if I wanted to help in the camp. I really didn’t know what to expect but I     .

The first day was     for me. I thought the kids might not like     and I was afraid to talk with them. But to my surprise, they were very     and smiled(微笑) at me. By the end of that day, I found I     working there. The kids didn’t      if I wore old clothes or I couldn’t read well. They     me for me the person not who my family were or how much money I had.

Volunteering to help the disabled kids not only helped them but it     helped me. It saved me from a road that might turn in the wrong direction. It       me understand that no matter how bad your     is there will always be someone else that has it much worse than you do. It gave me hope and made me find my place in the world. For that     them greatly.

Thank Kinds Camp for       me a chance(机会) to volunteer. I will keep on volunteering.

1.A. volunteerB. owner    C. nurse    D. trader

2.A. strongB. lazyC. homeless     D. disabled

3.A. althoughB. becauseC. untilD. but

4.A. disagreedB. saidC. refusedD. agreed

5.A. excitingB. hardC. normal    D. possible

6.A. youB. meC. him    D. her

7.A. friendlyB. lonely    C. careless     D. angry

8.A. dislikedB. imagined    C. enjoyed     D. changed

9.A. adviseB. control    C. understand D. care

10.A.accpetedB. receivedC. caught    D. promised

11.A. almostB. alsoC. only     D. hardly

12.A. helpedB. tookC. gaveD学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!. saw

13.A.reasonB. educationC. situation    D. decision

14.A. thankedB. hurtC. trained    D. controlled

15.A.breakingB. raising C. carryingD. giving


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了作者从一个街上的小混混变成一个帮助别人的志愿者的故事,通过帮助比自己处境更差的人让他感悟到了很多:无论处境多艰难都不能自暴自弃,世上还有比自己更难的人需要你的帮助。 1. in a group called Kinds Camp in 1995.句意:1995年我开始成为Kinds Camp群体的一名志愿者。结合下文,作者做的是志愿者的工作,A. volunteer志愿者B. owner主人C. nurse护士D. trader商人,故选A。 2. kids in the camp.句意:在这个群体里有许多残疾的孩子。A. strong强壮的B. lazy懒惰的C. homeless无家可归的D. disabled 有残疾的,结合短文第三段Volunteering to help the disabled kids not only helped them but it helped me.可知作者帮助的是残疾人, 故选D。 3. one of the workers asked if I wanted to help in the camp.句意:直到一个工人问我是否想在这个营里帮忙我才知道做什么。A.although虽然B. because因为C.until直到D. but 但是,not…until…直到……才,故选C。 4. . 句意:我真的不知道期待什么,但是我同意了。A. disagreed不同意B. said说C. refused拒绝D. agreed同意,结合下文,作者在那里做事了,可知作者同意在那里帮助残疾人,故选D。 5. for me.第一天对我来说很难。句意:A. exciting令人激动的B. hard难的C. normal正常的D. possible可能的;作者原以为这些孩子不喜欢他并且害怕与他们交谈,所以第一天会很难,故选B。 6. and I was afraid to talk with them. 句意:我原以为这些孩子不喜欢我并且害怕与他们交谈。A.you你B. me我C. him他D. her她;结合句意,并且主语是第一人称,所以要用I的宾格形式,故选B。 7. and smiled(微笑) at me. 句意:但令我惊讶的是,他们都很友好,微笑着对我。A.friendly友好的 B. lonely孤独的 C. careless粗心的 D.angry生气的;微笑着对待作者,所以孩子们很友好,;故选A。 8.I working there.句意:在那天结束时,我发现我喜欢在那里工作了。A.disliked不喜欢B. imagined想象C.enjoyed喜欢D. changed改变;结合上文,孩子们对作者很友好,消除了他的顾虑,所以他喜欢这份工作了,故选C。 9. if I wore old clothes or I couldn’t read well. 句意:孩子们不在意我是否穿旧衣服,能不能读得好。A. advise建议B. control控制C. understand理解D.care在乎;结合下文,他们接受的是我这个人,而不是因为我的家人是谁或者我有多少钱,所以此处应填“在乎,在意”,故选D。 10. me for me the person not who my family were or how much money I had.句意:他们接受的是我这个人,而不是因为我的家人是谁或者我有多少钱。A.accepted接受B. received收到C. caught 抓住D. promised许诺;根据句意,此处应是“接受”,故选A。 11. helped me.句意:志愿去帮助残疾孩子不仅帮助了他们而且也帮助了我A. almost几乎B.also也C. only只有,仅仅D. hardly几乎不 ;此处的“也”用在句子中间,所以用also,故选B。 12. me understand that no matter how bad your is there will always be someone else that has it much worse than you do.句意:它帮我理解了无论你的情况多么糟糕,总会有比你境遇更糟的人。A. helped帮助B. took带走C. gave给D. saw看到;作者志愿者的经历及残疾孩子的生活态度帮助作者对人生有了新的感悟,故选A。 13. me understand that no matter how bad your 53 is there will always be someone else that has it much worse than you do.句意:它帮我理解了无论你的情况多么糟糕,总会有比你境遇更糟的人。A.reason理由B. education教育C. situation 情况,处境D. decision 方向;作者的本意是:人生活的客观环境不是自己能决定的,不要只盯着自己的不幸,而要看到比自己条件更差的人,要有积极的生活态度,故选C。 14. them greatly.句意:它带给我希望,让我找到自己在世上的位置,就因为这一点,我很感谢他们。A thanked感谢B. hurt 伤害C. trained 训练D. controlled控制;是作志愿者和这群孩子让作者明白了很多道理,所以他感谢他们,故选A。 15. me a chance(机会) to volunteer. I will keep on volunteering.句意:谢谢Kinds Camp 给我机会做志愿者,我会继续做下去的。A.breaking打破B. raising升起C. carrying 携带D. giving给;是Kinds Camp给了作者当志愿者帮助别人的机会,故选D。 考点:故事类短文。

Alan      his father and both of them are friendly.

A. looks after   B. takes after   C. feels like    D. is after



Grandpa is growing old. He keeps on      the same thing over and over again.

A. tell   B. tells   C. told   D. telling



Did you       much money on the car?

A. cost   B. pay   C. take   D. spend



— Do you have       dancing to the music?

—No. In fact, it’s very easy.

A. satisfaction   B. difficulty  C. importance   D. kindness



      my surprise, I got the first in the math competition.

A. To   B. In   c. With   D. Off



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