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Sun Painting club Kids can learn Chines...


Sun Painting club

   Kids can learn Chinese painting here. They can learn how to draw plants and fruit. Their teacher is Yang Yong. His English name is Jeff. His phone number is 223-6665.


Fee(费用):300 yuan

Ages of kids:6-13

Blue Sports Club

  You can learn ping pong, soccer and baseball here. The soccer teacher is Alan Green. He is from Canada. The baseball teacher is Rose Jones. She is English.

Time: July 8-18(baseball); July19-28(soccer); August1-10(baseball)

Fee:260 yuan for each sports

Ages of kids: 10-18

E-mail address: bluesports2014@163.com

1.Yang Yong’s English name is ___.

A. Paul           B. Jeff         C. Peter           D. Green

2.Mr. Miller may teach kids ____ .

A. baseball        B. soccer       C. ping pong        D. painting

3.Miss Jones is from  ____ .

A. England            B. Canada     C. America            D. China.

4.Sally is seven years old, She can learn  ____ .

A. soccer               B. baseball   C. Chinese painting       D. ping pong

5.Mr. Black’s son wants to learn Chinese painting and baseball.

He needs ____.

A. 360 yuan.      B.560 yuan. C. 760 yuan  .    D. 520 yuan.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了两个俱乐部的情况,短文分别叙述了在俱乐部可以学到什么,介绍了老师的情况,学费、学习的时间及联系方式等。 1.Their teacher is Yang Yong. His English name is Jeff. 杨红的英语名词是Jeff ,故选B。 2.推理判断题。根据You can learn ping pong, soccer and baseball here. The soccer teacher is Alan Green. He is from Canada. The baseball teacher is Rose Jones.可知足球老师是Alan Green ,棒球老师是Rose Jones 。可推知Mr. Miller 是乒乓球老师,故选C。 3.The baseball teacher is Rose Jones. She is English.可知Rose Jones 来自英国,故选A。 4.Sun Painting club可知绘画俱乐部适合的是6-13岁的孩子,Sally7岁了,正好适合学画画,故选C。 5.学画画的费用是300元;学棒球的费用是260元,这两项加起来共560元,故选B。 考点:广告类短文阅读。

In America, the school day usually starts at 9a.m. and finishes at about 4 p.m. The school subjects      different from ours. In China, we always _____ Chinese, math, English, P.E. and so on. But in America , students have more  _____ , such as cooking and driving lessons. Their life isn’t just   _____ study . They have     _____ things to do than the Chinese students do . There are many clubs in American schools, too. If the students are  _____ in sports , they can join different sports clubs . American students also have art clubs ,language clubs and some  _____ clubs. From 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. , they do  _____ things in different clubs.

  Maybe you think English is very popular in the world, so Amer学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ican students don’t need to learn any other language _____ that’s not true. American kids from the age of seven  ____ learn a foreign language. For example ,they learn French or Chinese.                     

1.A. is B. are C .were     D. be

2.A. haveB. think C. has D. want

3.A.学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! clubsB. sports     C. lessons D. things

4.A. aboutB. over     C. down     D. in

5.A. much    B. more     C. many D. lots

6.A. interest         B. interested       C. interests       D. interesting

7.A. otherB. another C. any         D. others

8.A. impossible B. Dangerous     C. different     D. important

9.A. BecauseB. So     C. But    D. and

10.A. have to B. don’t have to   C. has to D. must to



-Do you want to join me for dinner?  -______ .

A. Yes, I’d love to.    B That’s a good idea   C That’s for sure. D. Sorry, I’d love.



I have two pens. ______ is red, ______ is black.

A. Either… or…    B. First… next…  C. One…the other…  D. One… Two…



We like elephants , because they are interesting . And we like dogs , ______.

A. also    B. either    C. /     D. too



One of the students _______China.

A. come from     B. are from    C. comes from     D. come to



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