满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据提示或句意完成句子:.15分 1.Many __________(游客)ca...


1.Many __________(游客)can't go home because the snow is so heavy in Beijing.

2.Will you do some _________(shop) with me this weekend? .

3.We usually eat meals in the d__________ room.

4.We will have a party to celebrate our grandmother’s __________( 九十) birthday.

5.The __________ (十二) room is big and comfortable.

6.There are two ____________ /'bɑ:θru:mz/in the house.

7.We can see __________(百万) of stars in the sky on a fine summer night.

8.We are planning to Beijing to visit __________(宫殿).I hope you can go with us.

9.He’s very _______(luck) to get the small red flower at school.

10.Can I have a new schoolbag, mum? The old one is _________(break).

11.Will they share their different _______(skill) with us?

12.Millie isn’t at home. Can I take a m______________ for you?

13.I want to ____________ (邀请) Sally to go shopping with me.

14.I live in a flat in City Garden in _________(第九)Street.

15.Don’t w__________ about your maths. Let me help you.


1.visitors 2.shopping 3.dinning 4.ninetieth 5.twelfth 6.bathrooms 7.millions 8.palaces 9.lucky 10.broken 11.skills 12.message 13.invite 14.Ninth 15.worry 【解析】 试题分析: 1.许多游客不能回家,因为北京的雪下得太大了。visit 是一个动词,参观,拜访。根据句意这里应该用它的名词形式,visitor,游客。空前有many,故应该用复数形式。 2.这个周末你会和我一起去购物吗?shop 购物,是一个动词。do some shopping 是一个固定短语,意思是购物。故这里应该用ing形式。 3.我们通常在餐厅里吃饭。dining room 是一个固定词组,意思是餐厅。根据句意可知,eat meals 吃饭应该是在餐厅里。 4.我们将会举行一个晚会来庆祝我奶奶90岁的生日。表达某人多少岁生日时,应该用序数词形式,表示第……个生日。ninety 是九十,它的序数词是ninetieth。 5.第十二个房间又大又舒适。根据句意以及空后面的room、is 可知,这里表示的是单数形式,故不是12个房间,而是第十二个房间,故应该用序数词的形式。12 这个词要注意它的拼写,同时还要记住它的序数词的变化,应该是twelfth。 6.房子里有两个浴室。根据题目中给出的这个音标可知,这个单词应该是bathroom,意思是浴室。根据句意,房子里有两个浴室,故用复数形式。 7.在夏天的晚上,我们能在天空中看到几百万颗星星。million 百万,是一个数量单位。它主要有两个用法,一是和数词搭配时,没有复数形式;二是组成短语millions of,表示数百万的。这里考查的是第二个用法。故用复数millions。 8.我们计划去北京参观宫殿,我希望你能和我们一起去。palace 是一个名词,意思是宫殿。根据句意可知,北京的宫殿有很多,故应该用复数形式。 9.他非常幸运在学校得到了小红花。lucky 是一个形容词,意思是幸运的。根据句意可知,这里表示他得到小红花非常幸运。用形容词在句中做表语。 10.妈妈,我能买一个新书包吗?旧的坏了。break 是一个动词,打坏,打破。这里应该用它的形容词形式broken 在句中做表语,表示坏了。 11.他们会和我们一起分享他们不同的技能吗?skill 是一个名词,意思是技能,技巧,是一个可数名词。因为空前有different来修饰,所以这里是表示复数的意思。 12.Millie不在家,我能给你捎口信吗?take a message 捎口信,是一个固定的短语。message 是一个可数名词,意思是信息。它还有一个短语是leave a message 留口信。 13.我想邀请Sally和我一起去购物。invite 是一个动词,意思是邀请。这句话中使用的句型是want to do sth.,想要去做某事,故这里应该用动词的原形。 14.我住在第9大街城市花园的一所公寓里。Ninth Street 在这里的一个专有名词,指的是一条街道的名字,第九大街。故应该用序数词。nine是九,序数词是ninth。 15.不要担心你的数学,让我来帮助你。worry about 是一个固定短语,表示为…担心。因为空前有don’t,所以这里用动词的原形。 考点:单词填空。

My name is Daisy. Let me tell you something about my family. I live w______ my mother and father in a flat. The flat is on the fifth floor of a tall building. There are 14 f______ and a parking garage(车库) in the basement(地下室). My father parks his car there.

Our flat is not in the center of the city. It is 2 miles from the center. My father works in the city, so he goes to work by bus every day. He doesn’t drive his car. He uses his car only on weekends. He takes us to the country or to the beach.

Our flat has three bedrooms. There is a bedroom for my mother and father, one for me and one for my brother. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. 我们没有花园,但有一个小阳台。 There are some plants on the balcony. In summer we often sit out on the balcony because it gets very hot inside the flat. Our flat is small, but we are very happy in it.

1.在文中空格处甜如适当的单词:__________, __________.

2.回答问题”Where does his father park his car?”:


3.在文中找出”There are three bedrooms in our flat.”的同义句:







Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a big clock in London. London is the capital of England. This clock has four faces. So, no matter (无论)where you stand, you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a bus. The hands are about four meters long. It is about the size of two people standing on top each other. If you go to London, you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament. (国会大厦)In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the Houses of Parliament. You will probably hear it and see it. The big clock makes such a loud noise. “Ding dong, ding dong.” It goes, every quarter of an hour. The name of Big Ben comes from a big builder. 

1.Big Ben is _____.    

A. a bus     B. a clock   C. the name of Ben  D. a house 

2.Big Ben is in _______. 

A. China      B. the USA  C. Japan      D. the UK

3.The clock strikes (敲;打) every _______ minutes of an hour.

A. ten     B. fifteen      C. thirty    D. forty-five 

4.You can read the time of Big Ben _______.

A. at the top of the clock tower    

B. in the Houses of Parliament

C. on the hands of the huge clock 

D. on the four faces of the clock

5.The underlined (划线部分) word “ hands” means ___ in Chinese.

A. 手        B. 标志      C. 指针        D. 发条 




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1.New York Museum is closed on ______.

A. MondayB. FridayC. SaturdayD. Sunday

2.Tommy is an 8-year-old boy. He wants to visit The City Flower Show with his parents. How much will they pay?

A. 75 yuan.B. 100 yuan.C. 125yuan.D. 150 yuan.

3.If you want to get more information about English Summer Camp, you can   ______.

A. go to Canada          B. write to CEE/CCIEE

C. call at(010) 6606-2607D. Send an e-mail to University of Toronto

4.____ will give performances in Pop Music Week in Chaoyang Park.

A. BandsB. DancersC. SingersD. Both A and C

5.Phillip, twenty years old, is not allowed(允许) to ______.

A. The City Flower Show   B. English Summer Camp

C. New York MuseumD. Pop Music Week



My __ home is in the country (乡下). The air there is fresh and it is __. My house is very beautiful. __ three floors. There is a river __ my house and behind __ is a big garden. I can __ trees and flowers in it .I like __ green everywhere and green is my __ color. I like to work in the __ and fish in the river. I’d like to invite my friends at my home .Then we can chat and play games. How __ we are.

1.A. dream       B. day         C. dreams    D. night

2.A. quite        B. quiet        C. quietly      D. quickly

3.A. There are    B. There is      C. Have       D. Has

4.A. in front of    B. in the front   C. under       D. on

5.A. them        B. it         C. I       D. my parents

6.A. grow        B. make        C. read        D. do

7.A. saw         B. look         C. to see       D. to look

8.A. best         B. favourite.    C. like        D. well

9.A. park        B. garden      C. house      D. home

10.A. happy      B. happily      C. please      D. unhappy



Here is the knife. You can ask your mother ___the apple for you.    

A. cut   B. cuts   C. to cut   D. cutting



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