满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.My mother flies to Beijing once a mon...


1.My mother flies to Beijing once a month.(划线部分提问)

does your mother fly to Beijing?

2.Millie did some housework last night.(划线部分提问)

What        Millie       last night?

3.He is not old enough to go school.(同义句)

He is       young       go to school.

4.Don't make any noise. A baby is sleeping in the room.(同义句)

, there is a baby sleeping in the room.

5. some,to,will,you,they, ideas,happy, very, be,give(连词成句)



1.How often 2.did… do 3.too… to 4.Be quiet 5.They will be very happy to give you some ideas. 【解析】 试题分析: 1.。 2.2】该句句意为:Millie昨天晚上做什么了?划线部分是did some housework,是对什么事情进行提问,所以要用What did he do last night?故填did…do。 3.3】该句句意为:他年龄不够大,不能上学。Not…enough to do,不足以做什么,可以和too…to太……而不能相互换。故填too…to。 4.4】该句句意为:别发出任何噪音,小婴儿正在房间里睡觉。Don't make any noise.等于be quiet。故填Be quiet。 5.5】该句可整理为:They will be very happy to give you some ideas.他们将会非常高兴给你一些建议。 故填They will be very happy to give you some ideas. 考点:句型转换。


1. Amy's      (十四)birthday is coming, I want to buy a present for her.

2.Yesterday David asked me to fix his       (损坏的)bike.

3.There are seven       (骨头)in a giraffe's long neck.

4. He often       (抱怨)too much about his work.

5. Neil thinks       (仔细)and plans everything well.

6.There's nothing wrong with       (写)a poem if you like it.

7.If you are in       (麻烦), come to me for help.

8. ---How big can a goldfish grow?

---It can be 20 centimeters long and       up to 400 grams.

9.---Did you hear the news about Lin Tao?

-Yes. How brave! He       an old lady from a fire.

10.---Did you go       last weekend?

---Yes. We put up our tent near a lake. We had a wonderful time there.




1. About half of the students will go to       ['kɒlɪdʒ] soon.

2.They are planning to       [reɪz] some horses.

3.Cross the bridge, turn right and walk       [streɪt] on.

4.Why not go and       [sɜːtʃ] the Internet for some information?

5. We must        [prɪ'peə]some food and drinks for the party.



In Canada and the United States, people enjoy entertaining(请客)at home. They often invite friends over for a meal, a party, or just for coffee and conversation.

Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite someone to their home:

" Would you like to come over for dinner on Saturday night? "

" Hey, we're having a party on Friday. Can you come'? "

To reply to an invitation, either say thank you and accept(接受), or say you're sorry and give an excuse(借口):

" Thanks, I'd love to. What time would you like me to come?" or " Oh, sorry. I've tickets for a movie." Sometimes, however, people use expressions(措辞)that sound like invitations, but which are not real invitations(邀请). For example:

" Please come over for a drink sometime? "

" Why not get together for a party sometime? "

"Why don't you come over and see us sometime soon?"

They are really just polite ways of ending a conversation. They are not real invitations because they don't tell time or date. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly. To reply to expressions like these, people just say: "Sure, that would be nice!" or "OK. Yes, thanks."

So next time when you hear what sounds like an invitation. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?

1. Why do Canadians and Americans often invite friends for meals at home?

A. Because they have no time.

B. Because they can spend less money

C. Because they enjoy entertaining at home

D. Because they have modern and beautiful houses

2.Which of the following is a real invitation?

A. "If you're free, let's go for a drink sometime."

B. "Please go to the cinema with me some day."

C. "Would you like to have a cup of tea with us sometime?"

D. "I've two tickets here. Can you go to the concert with me?"

3. If people say "Let's get together for lunch some day", you just say“_______".

A That's great. I'll be there on time. 

B. How about this weekend?

C. Oh, sorry. I'm very busy. 

D. That would be nice.

4.People use "not real invitation" to show that_______.

A. they're trying to be friendly

B. they're trying to be helpful

C. they're trying to make friends with others

D. they haven't got ready for a party yet



Mr. Green once worked in a big company. He was so busy that he couldn't do any reading. So he gave up his job and opened a bookshop in the center of the town. It wasn't big but all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there. When the shop was closed, he could read at home. He knew a lot and many learned people were glad to make friends with him.

It was Sunday and it was cold outside. Mr. Green was very busy. At nine in the evening al! the buyers left but a woman was still there. She was dressed up and seemed to be waiting for somebody there. Standing by the shelves, she looked over the books one after another, and made them in a terrible mess(混乱). Mr. Green came up to her and asked, "Excuse me, madam. What can I do for you?"

"Your books are not interesting at all," said the woman, "I want a delicious one."

"That's easy," Mr. Green smiled. He brought out a cookbook and said, "Here you are, madam."

1. Why did Mr. Green change  his job?

A. Because he didn't like reading.

B. Because he wasn't free enough to read books.

C. Because he liked the life in the center of the town.

D. Because he liked cookbooks very much.

2. Most people liked to buy books in the shop because_______.

A. the bookshop was in the center of the town

B. all the books were nice cookbooks

C. it was very large

D. the books there were all good for people

3.Which is WRONG?

A. Mr. Green liked to lend his books to the learned persons.

B. When Mr. Green came back home from the bookshop, he often did some reading.

C. Many learned people liked to make friends with Mr. Green.

D. On that Sunday evening all the buyers left the bookshop except (除......之外)a woman.

4.What's the most suitable(合适)ending of the story?

A. Mr. Green would make friends with the woman.

B. Mr. Green would teach the woman how to cook delicious food.

C: The woman left the bookshop without buying any books.

D. The woman bought many books in order to be a learned person.



In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution(污染). They join "Environment Clubs(环境俱乐部)". In an Environment Club, people work together to make our environment clean. Here are some things students often do.

No-garbage(垃圾)lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment Clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will find the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school!

No-car day. On a no car day, nobody comes to school in a car, not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air, so remember: walk, jump, bike or run. Use your legs! It's lots of fun !

Turn off the water! Did you know that some toilets can waste 20~40 m3 0f water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In Environment Clubs, students mend(修理) some toilets.

We love our environment. Let's work together to make it clean.

1.Environment Clubs ask students_______.

A. to run to school every day   

B. to take exercise every day

C. not to forget to take cars   

D. not to throw away lunch bags

2.From the passage we know the students usually have lunch _______.

A. at school    B. in shops  

C. in clubs    D. at home

3. After students mend toilets, they won't waste(浪费)_______.

A. a small river  B. a club   

C. a lot of water   D. a toilet

4.The writer wrote the passage to ask students to__________.

A. clean schools    B. make less pollution

C. join clubs    D. help teachers



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