满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---Do you know girl over there? ---Yes. ...

---Do you know            girl over there?

---Yes. She is            exchange student from America.

A. the; aB. a; the

C. the; anD. an; the


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你认识那边那个女孩吗?——是的。她是一个来自美国的交换生。结合语境可知上文特指某个女孩,故用定冠词。下文泛指任何一个交换生,故用不定冠词。Exchange词首音素是元音,故不定冠词用an,选C。 考点:考查冠词  


1.Ann is a           (fun) girl, and we all like her.

2.The           (nine) lesson is Kitty's favourite in Book Two.

3.My iPad is           (break). I cant listen to music any more.

4.In           (west) countries, people dont like talking about age.

5.My           (neighbour) flats are large. They all have big balconies in their flats.




1.We should do more exercise and breath           (新鲜的) air, wash hands more often

and eat cooked meat to get away from influenza A(H7N9) virus(禽流感病毒).

2.On the missing Malaysian plane, more than two         (百) people lost their lives (丧生).

3.A music show Im a singer is very            (著名的) to Chinese people.

4.Thank you for           (邀请) us to your birthday party.

5.The            (小刀) on the desk are these children’s.




1.A.cinema        B.place        C.Canada       D.machine

2.A.exchange      B.exit         C.exercise     D.engineer

3.A.minute        B.fifth         C.video       D.mile

4.A.problem       B.often        C.zero         D.office

5.A.full         B.future        C.usually      D.computer

6.A.window       B.shower       C.own          D.follow

7.A.foot          B.food         C.boot       D.room

8.A.double        B.enough       C.thousand    D.country

9.A.south         B.with         C.theatre     D.think

10.A.bank         B.thank        C.English     D.orange



姜堰四中为了激发中学生创意灵感,提高学习英语热情,举办了题为“My dream home”的演讲比赛。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,完成演讲稿。








1.---  2.---

要求:1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;

      2. 要点须包括表格中的信息,但学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!不要使用真实姓名和校名等;

      3. 词数:80左右。信的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Ladies and Gentlemen :

I’d like to tell you about my dream home.











Jack is ten years old and he is a very lazy boy. He doesn’t like doing any work. He has to go to school, of course. But he doesn’t s   1.    hard there and doesn't do any work. His father and mother are b    2.   doctors and they hope their son will become a doctor too when he g   3.    up. One day, Jack says to his mother, “When I finish school, I want to be a cleaner.” “A cleaner?” his mother asks. She is surprised. “That’s not a good job. W    4.  do you want to be a cleaner?” “Because I will only have to work one day a w    5.   ,” Jack answers. “Only one day a week?” his mother says, “What do you mean? And h    6.  do you know it?” “Well,” Jack answers, “I think the cleaners come to work on T   7.   every week. I o   8.  see them on that day.” His mother l  9.   and says, “They go to work on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in other   10.   .”



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