满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---Why didn't you go to the party last n...

---Why didn't you go to the party last night?

---Because I was waiting for Sam in his office _______ he came back.

A.for          B.until

C.since        D.from


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--为什么你昨天没有去参加那个聚会?--因为,我一直在山姆的办公室中等他回来。分析选项:for为;until直到才;since自从;from来自。联系两句的关系为直到才,因此选择第二项。故选 B 考点:考查连词的用法。  

—Hey! Peter! What are you looking at?

---I find ________ hole in the blackboard, let's go and tell Mr. Wang about it.

A. a          B. an            C. the           D.\





提示词:red packet 红包、压岁钱      set off firecrackers 放鞭炮

Dear John,

How is it going? You asked about Chinese festivals in you last letter. There are many Chinese traditional festivals in China. _______________________________________________________








A: Hello, Sonia! Well have our School Day next Wednesday.

B: Yeah. Thats right. Whats up?

A: Lets do something for it.

B: Good idea!

B: 1.                            .

B: Have you? Whats the volunteer club for?

A: It helps organize celebration activities on that day. 2.                           ?

B: Sure, Id like to join the club, too. By the way, my MP3 is broken. 3.    ?

B: You are a lucky dog! You neednt go anywhere. My father is good at repairing it.

A: Really? Thank goodness. I have asked many students. But nobody knows.

4.                      . And I need it.

B: A listening test? When?

A: Next Monday.

A: 5.                             .

B: Thank you.





this, hero, quick, sit, be, have, go, with, again, another, when, stop

Once, an old man told me a story of himself:

I thought I was great when I was young. At that time I decided to write a book, in order to add special points to the book and spend my vocation, I would like to look for a person among _1.__ poor and dawdling(虚度) people. I believed there could be such a person.

I was lucky. One day I found such a place where there __2._ a small lonely farm. The most exciting I found in front of a small house was an old man __3.__ a bearded face, wearing brown jeans, __4._ in a chair and cutting grass.

I turned to go home and wanted right away to sit before my typewriter. And __5.__ I went around the small house on the muddy(泥泞的) road when turning, and from __6._ angle(角度), looked toward the old man, I suddenly __7.__. To my surprise, I found that beside the chair was a stick and an empty pant to the ground. All of a sudden, who was just now I also thought as a poor dawdling old man, became a __8.__ I was always looking for. Thank God I looked back __9._.

Since then, I havent __10._ given conclusions for those I have only seen or talked for a while.



Careful and careless are as different as fire and water. But it is strange that quite a few scientists have both these qualities (品质). _1.__

Newton, the famous English scientist, was such a person. _2.__ When they were ready to eat, Newton left to get a bottle of wine. But after his friend had waited for a long time, Newton still didn’t come back. At last his friend found Newton in his lab. When Newton was going to get the bottle of wine, he suddenly had a new idea for his experiment (实验). So he forgot his friend and the dinner. _3.__ While he was walking, he kept thinking about problems. When he got to the top of the mountain, he found that the rein was not in his hand and that the horse was gone.

_4.__ Once he was waiting for a friend at a bridge. While waiting, he became lost in thought. It started to rain. __5._ When he took out a piece of paper to write something down, the paper was wet and then he knew that it was raining. But after he put the paper into his pocket, he again forgot he was standing in the rain.


A. Another time, Newton was leading a horse up a mountain, and held the rein (缰绳) in his hand.

B. Once Newton invited a friend to dinner at home.

C. The rain kept on for some time.

D. Einstein was another example.

E. They are both careful and careless.



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