满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Last night, Dan hung out with his friend...

Last night, Dan hung out with his friends too late. When he came home, he went upstairs without a _______. But to his surprise, his father was sitting in his room.

A. noise         B. sound

C. voice         D. silence


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:昨天晚上,Dan和他的朋友闲逛的太晚了。当他回家的时候,他没有一点噪音的上楼。但是,令他惊讶的是,他的父亲正坐在他的房间中。分析选项:noise噪音;sound声音;voice声音,指声音的总称,指人发出的声音;silence沉默。联系实际一定是没有发声音。因此选择第二项。故选 B 考点:考查名词辨析。  

---Why didn't you go to the party last night?

---Because I was waiting for Sam in his office _______ he came back.

A.for          B.until

C.since        D.from



—Hey! Peter! What are you looking at?

---I find ________ hole in the blackboard, let's go and tell Mr. Wang about it.

A. a          B. an            C. the           D.\





提示词:red packet 红包、压岁钱      set off firecrackers 放鞭炮

Dear John,

How is it going? You asked about Chinese festivals in you last letter. There are many Chinese traditional festivals in China. _______________________________________________________








A: Hello, Sonia! Well have our School Day next Wednesday.

B: Yeah. Thats right. Whats up?

A: Lets do something for it.

B: Good idea!

B: 1.                            .

B: Have you? Whats the volunteer club for?

A: It helps organize celebration activities on that day. 2.                           ?

B: Sure, Id like to join the club, too. By the way, my MP3 is broken. 3.    ?

B: You are a lucky dog! You neednt go anywhere. My father is good at repairing it.

A: Really? Thank goodness. I have asked many students. But nobody knows.

4.                      . And I need it.

B: A listening test? When?

A: Next Monday.

A: 5.                             .

B: Thank you.





this, hero, quick, sit, be, have, go, with, again, another, when, stop

Once, an old man told me a story of himself:

I thought I was great when I was young. At that time I decided to write a book, in order to add special points to the book and spend my vocation, I would like to look for a person among _1.__ poor and dawdling(虚度) people. I believed there could be such a person.

I was lucky. One day I found such a place where there __2._ a small lonely farm. The most exciting I found in front of a small house was an old man __3.__ a bearded face, wearing brown jeans, __4._ in a chair and cutting grass.

I turned to go home and wanted right away to sit before my typewriter. And __5.__ I went around the small house on the muddy(泥泞的) road when turning, and from __6._ angle(角度), looked toward the old man, I suddenly __7.__. To my surprise, I found that beside the chair was a stick and an empty pant to the ground. All of a sudden, who was just now I also thought as a poor dawdling old man, became a __8.__ I was always looking for. Thank God I looked back __9._.

Since then, I havent __10._ given conclusions for those I have only seen or talked for a while.



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