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书面表达(15分) 近年来,地震频繁发生,给人们造成了巨大的灾难和损失。那么,地...




2、如果住在楼房中,不要试图跑出楼外。最安全、最有效的办法是,躲到最小的房间,如厕所、厨房等。也可以躲在桌 、柜等家具下面以及房间内侧的墙角,并且注意保护好头部。千万不要去阳台和窗下躲避。

3.如果正在街上,绝对不能跑进建筑物中避险,也不要在高楼下 、广告牌下 、狭窄的胡同、桥头等危险地方停留。

参考词汇:平房:bungalow     广告牌:billboard

胡同:bystreet       阳台:balcony



When earthquake happens, stay calm, there are a lot of things we can do:






When earthquake happens, stay calm. There are a lot of things we can do: If you are in a bungalow, go under the bed or tables quickly, don't move, wait until the earthquake stops, and then go out or wait for help. If you live in a tall building, don't try to get out of it. The best way is to go to the smallest room such as the kitchen or the bathroom, or hide in the corner of the room. Remember to protect your head, and never go to the balcony or go near the window. If you are in the street, don't go into the bystreet or building, or get under tall buildings, billboards, or stay on the bridge. 【解析】 试题分析:考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。运用适当的短语表达中心思想,增加作文的可读性。完成提示词时也要符合事实。温馨提醒:考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 【亮点说明】这篇短文使用了一些固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少。学习中注意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:提纲作文。  



A: Hi, Alice! A nice day, isn’t it?

B: Yes. Spring is coming. _1. _________________________________?

A: Tomorrow? Tomorrow is not a good day for planting trees!

B: _2._____________________________?

A: I listened to the weather report. It says it’s going to be rainy and windy.

B: _3. ________________________! If it rains, we have to stay at home and do some reading.

A: Why not come to my home to play computer games? My father bought different parts of the computer and put them together. He made our own computer last week.

B: Great! But _4.____________________________?

A: My home is near our school. It’s a white building. I live on the fourth floor.

B: OK! _5. ___________________________.

A: See you.





of,  use,  color,  fly,  late,  thousand,  take,  one,  mean,  on,  spend,  like

Spring is a good time for kite flying--a polular activity in China. On a sunny day with good wind, you'll see hundreds of ___1.__ kites flying in the sky. They have all kinds of shapes ___2.__flowers, swallows (燕子) and peaches. Some of the shapes have special ___3.__. For example, swallows mean good luck and peaches wish you a long life.

The city of Weifang in Shandong Province is the home ___4.__ kites. It holds an international kite festival in April every year. There are competitions for kite -flying skills and new styles of kites.__ _5._ of kite fans from more than 30 countries visit the city to take part in the competitions, or to just enjoy the festival .

The largest kite in the world is a big "octopus". It's about 1,100 square meters, twice as big as a basketball court. Li Jingyang, a kite fan in Jilin,_ _6.__eight months making it in 2008.

Chinese people __7.__invented the kite for wars over 2,000 years ago.They __8._ kites to send news to their friends.In the Tang Dynasty ,_ _9.__kites became a game for many people.

___10.__ ,The kite spread to the West in the 1100s. Kites shaped the first planes. At the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC, a board reads:"The earliest man -made planes were the kites and missiles (飞弹) of ancient China."




Don't touch your face in a conversation

Speak quickly

C.Stand up straight and tall

D.Don't cross your arms

E.Be polite

F.Eye contact

G.Don't slouch ( 没精打采地坐 ) in your chair

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Say something without speaking

Your mother asks:"How did your exam go, sweetie?" "Really well!" You say, excitedly giving a "V" sign with your right hand. The gesture shows you did well in the exam.

Body language does not use words. It uses the movement or position of your body to show certain meanings.

Body language is important for teenagers. Understanding this language helps you to communicate better with others.



Look into a person's eyes during a conversation. It makes your opinion more believable. Most people like to have eye contact with their listeners.


Smile when you talk to somebody. It is not only polite but also makes you feel relaxed.


It shows your respect to others. It also makes you more confident.



This means you are upset and uncomfortable. Keep your arms open and you will feel more relaxed.


It shows that you are not interested in what others say. Sit up straight and lean a little forward to look more interested.


It shows that you are not confident of your words. You'd better put your hands along the sides of your body.




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The British Museum

One of the greatest museums in the world. There are famous exhibitions from ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece and other parts of the world.

Open:10 a.m.--5 p.m.(Monday to Saturday) and 2.30 p.m.--6 p.m.(Sunday).

Free entrance.


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Clink Prison


In this old London prison you can experience prison life. You can also have your birthday party here!

Open:10a.m.--6 p.m. (Monday to Friday)

Adults: £3.50;  children: £2.50


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The London Eye


Take a bird's-eye view of the capital on this amazing big wheel. Spectacular views at night!

Open:9:30 a.m.--8:30 p.m.

Adults: £11.50; students/over sixties £9.00; children £5.75 under fives free.

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The Globe Theatre


Visit the replica (复制品) of the old theatre. Learn about the life and plays of Shakespeare.

Open:9 a.m.--12 a.m. (Monday to Friday)

Adults: £7.50;  children: £4.50

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The National Gallery


This has one of the really great collections of paintings in the world. Don't miss it!

Open: 10 a.m.--6 p.m. (Monday to Saturday) and 2 p.m.--6 p.m. (Sunday)

Adults: £ 13.50;  children: £10:00

1.Ann has just arrived in London, she enjoys plays very much, where should she go first?

A. The National Gallery       B.The Globe Theatre

C.The London Eye               D.The British Mesum

2.Alan is a photographer, and he wants some pictures of London at night, ______ is the place for him.

A. The National Gallery        B.The Globe Theatre

C.The London Eye               D.The British Mesum

3.Which of the following can you see in the British Museum?

A. Exhibitions from ancient Egypt.

B. A bird's- eye view of London.

C. Something about the plays of Shakespeare.

D. What prison life was like.

4.Hector wants to spend his birthday with his girl friend in Clink Prison, how much does he have to pay?

A.£3.50.       B.£4.50.        C.£10.        D.£7.

5.Joe is going to the National Gallery, which time of the following is OK ?

A. 10:30 a.m., Sunday                B. 6:00 a.m., Tuesday

C. 9:30 a.m., Friday                 D. 3:00 p.m., Wednesday



After two weeks, Ling Qinghao finally sent a message to his wife in their hometown in Anhui, and told her her he was safe.

Ling, 44, was a Chinese construction worker who went to Libya. The recent problems in Libya have left the country in disorder. Several Chinese were injured last month.

Ling was one of the thousands of Chinese evacuees (被疏散者) from Libya. The evacuee's first stop was Greece. They are staying there in a five-star hotel that the Chinese government paid for. According to the Foreign Ministry, by March 2, China has evacuated (疏散) a total of 35,860 Chinese from Libya. Among them, 20745 have already returned to China.

To evacuate means to quickly move people away from a disaster or disorder. An evacuation tests how a nation would deal with an emergency (突发事件). From getting flight tickets to dealing with customs services , many parts of the government and companies have to work together.

To protect the safety of overseas Chinese, China took action quickly. Since February 24, the nation has sent out airplanes and ships to evacuate its people from Libya.They even sent a navy ship to help. This is the first time that China has sent the army in an evacuation.

"We have done a great job in no more than 10 days. This shows China's ability to protect its people overseas in emergencies," Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao said.

1.According to the article, where was Ling Qinghao born?

A. He was born in Libya.             B. He was born in Anhui.

C. He was born in Greece.             D. He was born in a hotel.

2.Why did China take actions quickly to evacuate the Chinese in Libya?

A. To make more money.

B. To bring them back to China to construct more buildings.

C. To protect them from the dangerous situation.

D. To show our motherland's great power.

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Several Chinese were injured last month.

B. The Chinese evacuees in Greece live in a five-star hotel.

C. A navy ship was sent to help the evacuation.

D. Our government often send .the army in evacuations.

4.According to the Foreign Ministry,______Chinese have returned to Chinaby March 2 ?

A. 35860.         B. 20745 .

C. 56605.         D. 15115.

5.What is this article mainly about?

A. It's mainly about Ling and his life in Libya.

B. It's mainly about the Ling family.

C. About Chinese living in Libya return to the motherland..

D.It's mainly about the recent situation in Libya.



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