满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

If the skirt is ____ ___ , I’ll take it....

If the skirt is ____  ___ , I’ll take it.

A. cheap enough     B. enough cheap

C. expensive enough  D. enough expensive


A 【解析】 试题分析:cheap便宜的;expensive昂贵的;enough,足够的,作副词修饰形容词时,一般放在被修饰词后面。句意:如果这件裙子够便宜,我就要。结合语境可知选A。 考点:考查形容词副词辨析  

---- Mr. Zhang looks so sad. Shall we go and find what happened ____   __ him?

---- OK. Let’s go.

A. at             B. in              C. to              D. on



Dont talk to Sally like that. She is just ___    __ eleven-year-old girl.

A. a             B.  an            C. the             D. /






2、如果住在楼房中,不要试图跑出楼外。最安全、最有效的办法是,躲到最小的房间,如厕所、厨房等。也可以躲在桌 、柜等家具下面以及房间内侧的墙角,并且注意保护好头部。千万不要去阳台和窗下躲避。

3.如果正在街上,绝对不能跑进建筑物中避险,也不要在高楼下 、广告牌下 、狭窄的胡同、桥头等危险地方停留。

参考词汇:平房:bungalow     广告牌:billboard

胡同:bystreet       阳台:balcony



When earthquake happens, stay calm, there are a lot of things we can do:









A: Hi, Alice! A nice day, isn’t it?

B: Yes. Spring is coming. _1. _________________________________?

A: Tomorrow? Tomorrow is not a good day for planting trees!

B: _2._____________________________?

A: I listened to the weather report. It says it’s going to be rainy and windy.

B: _3. ________________________! If it rains, we have to stay at home and do some reading.

A: Why not come to my home to play computer games? My father bought different parts of the computer and put them together. He made our own computer last week.

B: Great! But _4.____________________________?

A: My home is near our school. It’s a white building. I live on the fourth floor.

B: OK! _5. ___________________________.

A: See you.





of,  use,  color,  fly,  late,  thousand,  take,  one,  mean,  on,  spend,  like

Spring is a good time for kite flying--a polular activity in China. On a sunny day with good wind, you'll see hundreds of ___1.__ kites flying in the sky. They have all kinds of shapes ___2.__flowers, swallows (燕子) and peaches. Some of the shapes have special ___3.__. For example, swallows mean good luck and peaches wish you a long life.

The city of Weifang in Shandong Province is the home ___4.__ kites. It holds an international kite festival in April every year. There are competitions for kite -flying skills and new styles of kites.__ _5._ of kite fans from more than 30 countries visit the city to take part in the competitions, or to just enjoy the festival .

The largest kite in the world is a big "octopus". It's about 1,100 square meters, twice as big as a basketball court. Li Jingyang, a kite fan in Jilin,_ _6.__eight months making it in 2008.

Chinese people __7.__invented the kite for wars over 2,000 years ago.They __8._ kites to send news to their friends.In the Tang Dynasty ,_ _9.__kites became a game for many people.

___10.__ ,The kite spread to the West in the 1100s. Kites shaped the first planes. At the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC, a board reads:"The earliest man -made planes were the kites and missiles (飞弹) of ancient China."



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