满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) Tony and Maria wer...


Tony and Maria were twins. When they were seven, their parents gave them a parrot ____ their birthday. Its name was Chico and they kept it in a large cage in the living-room. Chico soon learned to say ___ words.

When the children were at home, Chicos cage door ____ and the parrot flew out. Sometimes he landed on Marias arm, sometimes he landed on Tonys shoulder. One day he became tired and very nearly fell into the fire.

Tony put the parrot on his arm. He _____ the fire and said,Fire-bad over and over again. Chico learned the words, and said Fire-bad if anyone carried him near the fire.

One very ___night, just before bed-time, Tony put lots of coal on the living-room fire, but he forgot to put the fireguard in front of the fire.

Dad then turned off the light and went to bed. Soon ____in the house was fast asleep.

Chico was first ____ He at once saw that a bit of burning coal had fallen out of the fire on the rug. Smoke and flames were rising from the rug.

Fire-bad! Fire-bad! Screamed Chico, as he jumped_____ about his cage. Dad heard this and ran downstairs. Then came Mum, Tony and Maria. Mum and Dad filled the pails with water and threw it on the ______ rug. Tony put the fireguard in front of the fire, Maria spoke quietly to Chico to keep _____calm.

In a few minutes, the fire was put out. But if Chico had not cried out, the house might have been burned. Thank you, Chico. Youre a hero. said Tony.

1.A. in           B. at            C. for            D. to

2.A. little      B. a little        C. few            D. a few

3.A. opened       B. open         C. was opened      D. opening

4.A. pointed to  B. pointed       C. turned to        D. turned

5.A. cold         B. hot           C. warm           D. cool

6.A. anybody      B. somebody     C. everybody       D. anyone

7.A. wake up      B. to wake up     C. waked up       D. waking up

8.A. wild         B. wildly        C. soft             D. softly

9.A.burning       B. burnt         C. burn            D. burns

10.A. her         B. she           C. he             D. him


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了一只鹦鹉在知道火很危险之后,从而在一个夜晚救了一家人的故事。 1.In再……里面;at在……时间空间的一点;for为了,对于;to到,向.联系下文their birthday 可知此处指的是原因,故选C。 2. 3. 4.Point指;turn拐弯,转向。结合语境可知托尼是指着火说,故选A。 5.Cold寒冷的; hot炎热的;warm温暖的;cool 凉爽的。联系后半句描述,可知这是在一个寒冷的夜晚,故选A。 6.Anybody任何人;somebody某人;everybody每个人;anyone 任何一个。结合语境可知此处指的是,很快房间里面的每个人都睡熟了。故选C。 7. 8.Wild野蛮的,狂热的;wildly野蛮地,疯狂地;soft轻轻的;softly 轻轻地。联系前半句描述,可知奇科在笼子里面疯狂的跳起来,故选B。 9. 10.Her人称代词宾格,她;she人称代词主格,她;he人称代词主格,他;him 人称代词宾格,他。结合语境可知此处人称代词指代的是这只鹦鹉。联系前文Sometimes he landed on Maria’s arm, 可知奇科应该是只雄性鹦鹉,故选D。 考点:考查故事类短文

---- Could you tell me how long ______ the book?

---- Three days.

A. I can borrow   B. can I borrow

C. can I keep     D. I can keep



When you see the sign “EXIT”, you know you can ________ from here.

A. go in         B. go out

C. go upstairs   D. go downstairs



---- How much did your bike _______?

---- I ________400 yuan for it.

A. cost; paid     B. take; pay

C. take; cost    D. spend; took



Remember not to speak ________ when we are in the reading room.

A. fast       B. slowly     C. politely        D. loudly



Listen! They ________ about the earthquake in Japan. Let’s join them.

A. are talking     B. talk

C. have talked     D. talked



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