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词语运用(10个小题,每小题1分,共10分) ,阅读短文,用方框内所给单词的正确...



destroy      start      language      move      million      music              except        open        by         besides         in        many

The Library of Congress is Americans national library. It has ___1.___ of books and other objects. It has newspapers, popular publications and letters of historical interest. It also has maps, photos, art prints, movies, and ___2.___instruments. All together, it has ___3.___than 100 million objects.

The Library of Congress is ____4.___to the public Monday through Saturday, __5.___for government holidays. The Library of Congress was established in 1800. It___6.__with eleven boxes of books in one room of the Capitol building. ___7.___1814, the collection had increased to about 3,000 books. They were all ___8.___ that year when the Capitol was burned during Americas war with Britain.

To help re-build the library, Congress bought the books of President Thomas Jefferson. Mr. Jeffersons collection included 7,000 books in seven ___9.___.

In 1897, the library___10.__into its own building, across the street from the Capitol.


1.millions 2.musical 3.more 4.open 70 except 5.started 6.By 7.destroyed 8.languages 9.moved 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了美国的国会图书馆的历史,它在1800年由11箱子书开始发展,后来在英美战中中被毁,战后又得以重建. 1. thousand等的复数形式和介词of搭配表示概数,根据所给单词million可知填复数名词millions,百万。 2. 3. than超过,根据所给单词many可知填形容词比较级more,更多的。 4.Open可用作形容词,故填open,开放的。 5. for除了,故填介词except,除……之外。 6. 7. 8. the Capitol was burned during America’s war with Britain.描述,可知这些书籍都被毁了。结合语境可知本句主语是动作对象,故用被动语态。根据所给单词,可知填过去分词destroyed,毁坏。 9. 10. 考点:考查选词填空

Almost all the film fans heard of the film The Sound of Music._______1._______ Now the original stage production of The Sound of Music is to be performed for the first time in the Austrian capital, 40 years after the film was released.

________2.__________ It was created by Rodgers and Hammerstein. Its one of their classic sets.

Though the film is being one of the most successful musicals of all time, _____3.______The film was never shown in any cinema in Austria and was not shown on television until the early 1990s.

The musical is based on the true story of the Von Trapp family who formed a singing group. _________4.___________.

Sensitivities about Nazism during wartime Austria and problems towards the Von Trapp family themselves could explain why Austrians didnt have a warm attitude to the film. Another source of anger for Austrians is the song Edelweiss,._______5._________ The song was actually an invention by Rodgers and Hammerstein.

The production is being staged at the Vienna Opera House, the Volksoper.


A. which is considered a traditional folk song by many film fans

B. They escaped from Nazi occupied Austria in 1938.

C. It was a very interesting film.

D. Julie Andrews started in the 1965 film version.

E. it is hardly known inside Austria.




Rock singer Wu Tong says mixing musical styles is not only creative, it also shows that people can live together harmoniously. The track Linglong Tower was Wu's most popular piece when he performed in Tianjin, a city with a long tradition of quyi or narrative music.

Honored as the "Shakespeare of the Asian," Cao Yu was one of the greatest playwrights of 20th-Century China. "Sunrise", Cao Yu's second play, was published in 1936. Following his first work "Thunderstorm," In 1937, the young playwright's third play, "The Wilderness," was released. In 1940, Cao Yu completed the writing of his fifth play, "Peking Man,"

A winner of the 2011 L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, Professor Reng Yonghua says she could not have done it without the backing of her family. As a mother of two daughters, 12 and 14, Reng said she is lucky to have been supported by her family.

Joan Chen, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi - who's the next of their ilk? Most agree 24-year-old Liu Yifei is the likely contender to become an internationally Chinese actress. Born to a French-language professor and a dancer, Liu received training in dancing, singing and piano as a little girl. She moved to the United States at 10 and spent four years in New York City's Long Island.

Wang Zhiming grew up in a family of instrument makers, but he is the only one who could actually play a violin. Wang, 51, has been making violins for more than 30 years. He grew up around violins and musical instruments. He is the third generation of instrument makers in his family, following his grandfather and father.

根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。

1.What does Wu Tong do?

A.  A writer     B. An actor

C. A scientist   D. A singer

2.Cao Yu's second play________was published in1936.

A. Sunrise.      B. Peking Man

C. Thunderstorm  D. Wilderness

3.Liu Yifei didnt receive training in __________.

A. dancing,     B. singing

C. violin.     D. piano

4.Wang Zhiming has been making violins for more than _______years.

A..30          B.51          C.24        D.14

5.We can see that ___________________.

A. Professor Reng Yonghua has two daughters and a son

B. Zhang Ziyi is an internationally Chinese actress.

C. Wang Zhiming’s grandmother and father can make violins

D. Tianjin is a city with a long tradition of rock.



An unpleasant habit of announcing the death of a celebrity has sprung in recent years, when in fact the subject is alive and well. The latest blatantly false was the supposed death of Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan from a heart attack.

It spread rapidly on the Chinese blogosphere and Twitter in the West, and there was even, supposedly, a message from US President Barack Obama paying homage to the martial arts hero. Jackie Chan is a man who can talk through talent, he is a constant reminder of the strength of humanity. He will forever be in our hearts, a true inspiration who inspired many generations,

Cruelly, it was the actors son, Jaycee Chan, who had to prove if the news was true, by making a phone call and finding him, fortunately, busy as hell organizing, with other Hong Kong celebrities, a charity concert on Friday to raise money for those struck down by the earthquake in Japan. Jaycee Chan described the false news as an insane joke, but Jackie Chan was not angry at the news. He said, It is not the first time to hear that I was dead.

The Hong Kong-based The Sun Newspaper reported on Wednesday that a blogger with the handle SKIPHOPZ was the source of the false news.

根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。

1.Announcing the death of a celebrity when in fact the subject is alive and well makes people feel_______

A.happy        B. pleasant        C. unpleasant       D. glad

2.The latest blatantly false was the supposed death of _________

A. Jackie Chan              B. Jackie Chans son

C. Jaycee Chan              D. Jaycee Chans son

3.To prove if the news was true, the actors son_________.

A. flew to Hong Kong       B. wrote to the US President

C. made a call             D. sent an e-mail

4.A charity concert on Friday in Hong Kong to raise money for ________

A. Japanese         B. Chinese

C. Americans        D. people in Hong Kong

5.We can find from the article that____________.

A. It spread slowly on the Chinese blogosphere and Twitter in the West

B. The US President Barack Obama paid homage to the martial arts hero.

C. Jackie Chan was angry at the false news.

D. A blogger with the handle SKIPHOPZ was the source of the false news.



In a Police Mess(食堂), an officer wanted to get some fresh vegetables. He was so pleased with his mushrooms that he decided to share them. When their breakfast arrived the next day, each officer found some mushrooms on his plate.

Try the dog with a piece first. Suggested one cautious officer who was afraid that the mushrooms might be poisonous.

The dog seemed to enjoy its mushrooms, and the officers then began to eat their meal, saying that the mushrooms tasted wonderful.

An hour later, however, there was great confusion when the gardener rushed in to announce that the dog was dead. Immediately, the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the nearest hospital. Stomach pumps were used and the officers had a very unpleasant time getting rid of the remains of the mushrooms.

When they returned to the mess, they sat down and started to discuss the symptoms of the mushroom poisoning. The gardener was called in to give a full account of the way the poor dog had died. Did it suffer much before death? asked one of the officer, feeling very pleased that he had escaped a painful death himself. The gardener looked rather surprised , No, he said in a puzzled tone. It was killed when a car ran over it.

根据材料内容选择最佳答案, 并将其标号填入题前括号内。

1.What did the officers share the next morning ?

A. Meat      B. Mushrooms     C. Fresh fruit     D. Nothing

2.They tried the dog first_____________.

A. because they loved the dog very much

B. because the dog was hungry

C. because it was the officers dog

D. because they wanted to know if the mushrooms were poisonous

3.The officers rushed to the nearest hospital________.

A. two hours after breakfast

B. after the gardener rushed in to announce that the dog was dead.

C. just before lunch

D. about half an hour after breakfast

4.From the story we know_________.

A. the dog died from an accident.

B. the dog died from the mushrooms it ate

C. the gardener killed the dog

D. one officer killed the dog

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The officers werent satisfied with the mushrooms

B. The officers were happy to hear the mews that the dog was dead.

C. The officers stomachs were washed in the hospital

D. The officers were sent to the hospital at once.




Tony and Maria were twins. When they were seven, their parents gave them a parrot ____ their birthday. Its name was Chico and they kept it in a large cage in the living-room. Chico soon learned to say ___ words.

When the children were at home, Chicos cage door ____ and the parrot flew out. Sometimes he landed on Marias arm, sometimes he landed on Tonys shoulder. One day he became tired and very nearly fell into the fire.

Tony put the parrot on his arm. He _____ the fire and said,Fire-bad over and over again. Chico learned the words, and said Fire-bad if anyone carried him near the fire.

One very ___night, just before bed-time, Tony put lots of coal on the living-room fire, but he forgot to put the fireguard in front of the fire.

Dad then turned off the light and went to bed. Soon ____in the house was fast asleep.

Chico was first ____ He at once saw that a bit of burning coal had fallen out of the fire on the rug. Smoke and flames were rising from the rug.

Fire-bad! Fire-bad! Screamed Chico, as he jumped_____ about his cage. Dad heard this and ran downstairs. Then came Mum, Tony and Maria. Mum and Dad filled the pails with water and threw it on the ______ rug. Tony put the fireguard in front of the fire, Maria spoke quietly to Chico to keep _____calm.

In a few minutes, the fire was put out. But if Chico had not cried out, the house might have been burned. Thank you, Chico. Youre a hero. said Tony.

1.A. in           B. at            C. for            D. to

2.A. little      B. a little        C. few            D. a few

3.A. opened       B. open         C. was opened      D. opening

4.A. pointed to  B. pointed       C. turned to        D. turned

5.A. cold         B. hot           C. warm           D. cool

6.A. anybody      B. somebody     C. everybody       D. anyone

7.A. wake up      B. to wake up     C. waked up       D. waking up

8.A. wild         B. wildly        C. soft             D. softly

9.A.burning       B. burnt         C. burn            D. burns

10.A. her         B. she           C. he             D. him



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