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阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分) My grandfather too...


My grandfather took me to the fishing pond(鱼塘)on the farm when I was about 7 years old, and he asked me to throw a stone into the water.

I did what I was asked. Then my grandfather told me to watch the waves made by the stone. Moments later, he asked me to think of myself as that stone.

"You may make a lot of splashes(浪花)in your life, but remember the waves that come from those splashes will affect the peace of all your friends beside you," he said.

"Remember that you are responsible for(负责) what you throw into your circle, and that your waves will touch many other circles. Always try to live in a way that the waves that come from your circle send out the peace of your goodness to other circles."

"Remember the waves that come from anger and jealousy(嫉妒)will also send those feelings to other circles. You are responsible for all the waves."

That was the first time I realized each person creates the inner peace or anger that flows(流)out into the world. We cannot create world peace if we have hatred(仇恨)and anger.

We spread the feelings and thoughts that we hold inside, whether we tell others about them or not. Whatever is inside of us is flowing out into the world and touching all the other circles of life.


1.What did the writer's grandfather ask him to do on the farm?

A. To catch some fish in the fishpond.

B. To throw a stone into the water.

C. To swim with him.

D. To do some farm work.

2.Why did the writer's grandfather take him to the fishpond?

A.To spend time with him.

B.To teach him how to fish.

C. To play a fun game with him.

D.To teach him a meaningful life lesson

3.What does the author want to tell us by sharing his unforgettable experience?

A.We can have hatred, doubt and anger.

B.We shouldn't keep in touch with other people.

C. What we think and do can influence others' lives.

D. It's difficult to get on well with other people.

4.The underlined word "spread" means _____________ in Chinese.

A. 传播    B. 吸收     C.毁坏     D.打碎

5.What should we do to create world peace according to the writer?

A.Spread anger and jealousy.

B. Hold doubt and hatred inside.

C.Have a lot of money and good health.

D.Send out the peace of goodness.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文告诉我们:作者的爷爷让他在农场把石头扔进水里,教他一节有意义的生活课,那就是-我们所想所做会影响别人的生活。为创造世界的和平,我们应该发出善意的和平信号。 1.1】细节理解题。作者的爷爷让他在农场做什么了?把石头扔进水里。根据and he asked me to throw a stone into the water. 据句意,故选B。 2.2】细节理解题。作者的爷爷为什么带他到鱼塘?为教他一节有意义的生活课。通读全文,可得出答案,故可知选D。 3.3】细节理解题。通过分享他令人难忘的经历,作者想告诉我们什么?我们所想所做会影响别人的生活。据You may make a lot of splashes(浪花)in your life, but remember the waves that come from those splashes will affect the peace of all your friends beside you," he said.故选C。 4.4】词义猜测题。划线的单词“spread”的汉语意思是传播。据最后一段及Whatever is inside of us is flowing out into the world and touching all the other circles of life.可知,应该选A。 5.5】细节理解题。根据作者的意思,为创造世界的和平,我们应该做些什么?发出善意的和平。根据That was the first time I realized each person creates the inner peace or anger that flows(流)out into the world. We cannot create world peace if we have hatred(仇恨)and anger.故选D。 考点:社会生活类短文阅读。


My young daughter and I were flying to Miami for holiday. The plane was completely    . We couldn’t get seats together and were separated by the aisle(过道). I asked two men if they would like to change      with us, so that we could be together. They    .

At the same time, a mother     three children also had the same problem as us. The mother    her baby, but her young son and his older brother were separated from her. She was very anxious about the boys sitting with    . She was very worried, but    helped her. Suddenly a man said, “I think we can help you.” Then he and his group managed to make enough space for the      .

My young daughter, however, was afraid of not being next to a window or her mom. I told her I couldn’t do anything; we had to sit    we were. Amazingly, the man sitting next to me turned to me and said he really liked the seat near the aisle, so we changed seats and continued our trip    .

Would that man give us his seat if the others hadn’t done so for the mom and her children? I don’t know. Perhaps kindness is contagious.

1.A.crowded      B.uncomfortable     C.full      D.noisy

2.A.money       B.seats             C.minds      D.ideas

3.A.agreed       B.refused           C.waited     D.nodded

4.A.with         B.except            C.next to    D.besides

5.A.held         B.raised            C.fetched    D.brought

6.A.friends       B.waitresses         C.strangers D.relatives

7.A.somebody    B.anybody          C.everybody     D.nobody

8.A.family       B.home             C.house        D.team

9.A.that         B.what              C.where        D.when

10.A.sadly        B.hurriedly          C.slowly     D.happily



I wanted to know ________________, but nobody could give me a direct answer.

A. if is there a flight to France tonight

B. why so many people rushed to buy salt

C. how he will get to the airport

D. how many times has he been to Japan



I will never forget the fire ______________ happened in Shanghai last year.

A. when     B. where

C. what     D. which



—Mike has won the first prize in the English competition.

—___________ pleasant surprise he gave her mother!

A. What      B. How

C. What a    D. How a



I hear that Zhengzhou Subway Line No.1 ____________ in 2012. Is it true?

A. is completed    B. will be completed

C. was completed   D. has been completed



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