满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) Once, there lived...


Once, there lived a man in the mountains. He had a statue made by a famous master. But the statue was put at his door, ___to the ground, because he didn't like it at all.

One day, a man from the city ________by his house. This man was full of Knowledge. When he saw the statue, he asked the owner _________ he would sell it.

The owner laughed and said, "Who will like this dull and ____ stone?"

The man from the city said, "I will give you five dollars ______ it."

The owner was surprised and ____. Then the statue was moved to the city.

A few months later, the man from the mountains visited ______. When he walked around the streets, he saw many people _______ in front of a shop, and a man was shouting in a loud voice, "Come in and see the most wonderful statue in the world. Only one dollar __________ this most great work of a master."

The man from the mountains __  one dollar and walked into the shop. He was shocked by the thing in the shop, because it was the stat­ue that he himself had sold for five dollars.

1.A. facing B. faced      C. looks      D. looked

2.A.past    B. passed     C. passes     D. passing

3.A.how     B. when       C. who        D. if

4.A.clean   B. dirty      C. interesting D. sad

5.A.for     B. on      C. of      D. with

6.A.disagreed  B. agreed   C. left      D. cried

7.A.streats     B. shop   C. village  D. city

8.A.standing    B. stand   C. to stand D. stood

9.A.to enjoy    B. enjoyingC. to buy  D. buying

10.A.sold       B. spent   C. cost     D. paid


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:山里人有一尊由著名的大师雕刻的雕像。但是他漠视它。城里人认识到它的价值。用5美元就买下了它并运到城市里。在城里看一次雕塑就需要1美元。所以说:知识就是财富。 1.考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。从前在山上有一个人。他有一尊由著名的大师雕刻的雕像。但这座雕像被放在他的门前,脸朝着地,因为他一点也不喜欢它。A. facing面对着,表和主语是逻辑上的主动关系;B. faced 和with连用,意为面对;C. looks看起来;动词的单三形式;D. looked看起来,过去式形式。 和主语是两逻辑上的主谓关系,故选A。 2.2】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。一天,一个从城市来的男子走过他的房子。A.past介词,经过; B. passed动词,经过;一般过去时;C. passes动词的单三形式,经过;D. passing动词的-ing,经过;本句是谓语动词,整体是一般过去时,所以这里应该保持一致。用passed。故选B。 3.3】考查连词辨析及对语境的理解。这个人很有知识。当他看到这座雕像时,他问主人他卖不卖。A.how怎样;B. when什么时间;C. who谁;D. if是否,如果。根据句意可知选D。 4.4】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。主人笑着说,"谁会喜欢这呆板又脏的石头呀?" A.clean干净的;B. dirty脏的;C. interesting有意思的;D. sad伤心的。雕塑在地下趴着没人打理,所以很脏,故选B。 5.5】考查介词辨析及对语境的理解。从城市来的人说,"我会给你五美元买它。"A.for 表等价交换;B. on关于;C. of 的;D. with用。文章最后也有,…he himself had sold for five dollars,故选A。 6.6】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。A. disagreed不同意;B. agreed同意;C. left离开;D. cried喊叫。主人很惊讶,然后同意了。然后这座雕像被搬到那座城市去了。根据后面雕塑被搬走可知同意了。故选B。 7.7】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. streets街道;B. shop商店;C. village村子;D. city城市。几个月后,山里人去了那个城市。根据前后的语境可知,是去了雕塑被运去的地方。所以选D。 8.8】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。A. standing正站着;B. stand站;C. to stand动词不定式;D. stood动词的过去式。当他走在街上,他看到许多人正站在一家商店前,男子用响亮的声音大声喊道,"进来,看看世界上最美的雕像。see sb doing 看到某人正在做某事。故选A。 9.9】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。A. to enjoy动词不定式表目的;欣赏;B. enjoying动词的-ing形式表动作正在发生;C. to buy动词不定式表目的;买;D. buying动词的-ing形式表动作正在发生;只有一美元来欣赏这个最伟大的大师的作品。根据语境可知,表目的用动词不定式,欣赏大师的雕像只需一美元。故选A。 10.0】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。山里人付了1 美元,走进那家商店。看到商店里的东西他感到很震惊,因为那正是他卖了5美元的雕塑。 A.sold卖;B. (人)spent花费;C. (物)cost花费;D.(人) paid支付。根据语境可知,是付费看雕塑。故选D。 【考点】故事类短文阅读。

-Could you tell me _____________ in English ? -He got advice from the English teacher.

A. What did Li Ming get good grades.

B. When Li Ming got good grades.

C. How did Li Ming get good grades.

D. How Li Ming got good grades.



-Would you like some more apples ?      -No, thanks._________

A. Ive had enough    B. Just a little

C. Id love to       D.I dont like.



Dont listen to the music any longer. The baby is sleeping, or you can ______the music.

A. turn on       B. turn down

C. turn up      D. turn off



Break the wall between you and ________. We will become good friends.

A.I        B. me      C. my          D. mine



-Why dont your parents buy the house now ? They are rich enough.

-They are waiting for a _______ price.

A. low        B. cheap        C. lower       D. cheaper



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