满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分) The other day, I d...


The other day, I decided to teach my son about the power of small acts of kindness. He had won some lollies(棒棒糖) in a prize machine in the local supermarket, so I asked him if he would like to share his win with the next child that walked past. He was hesitant because he was a shy little boy, but he said yes after I encouraged him a bit.

A father and his child passed by us. I went to the father and asked if my son could give his daughter a lolly that he had won. The father. looked at me sideways and was unsure what to say. I explained that I was teaching my son about the power of kindness. At last, he said okay.

We went to his daughter, but to my surprise, the little girl wouldn't accept the lolly! My son didn't feel pleased by the fact that she wouldn't accept his offering and then he told me in a low voice, "We go to the same school. "

When we left the supermarket, I explained to my son that people in the world that day were not so open to kindness because their thoughts and opinions had been shaped by the past and I told him not to be unhappy.  "They may have been unfriendly, but I'm sure we left them moved in some way. And the young girl will remember you as the boy with a kind heart, when she meets you at school!" I said and he nodded.

1.The mother ask her son to give some of his lollies to another child because______.

A. her son had too many lollies to share with others

B. she wanted her son to learn to share with others

C. she wanted to teach her son about the power of kindness

D. she wanted her son to be more open to others

2.The underlined word "hesitant" in the first paragraph most probably means______.

A. to want to finish it as soon as possible

B. to be not sure to do it well

C. to doubt whether he/she should do it

D. to be not able to do it on one's own

3.How did the boy feel when the little girl refused his lolly?

A. Angry.        B. Pleased.

C. Surprised.      D. Unhappy.

4.After reading the passage, we can learn that______.

A. the little girl is very shy

B. the little girl's father is very rude

C. the little boy has met the little girl before

D. the little girl felt sad for the boy's lolly

5.By saying the words in the last paragraph, the writer mainly wants to______.

A. tell us that it's not good to live in the past

B. tell us that people are not friendly today

C. tell her son not to be afraid to meet the girl

D. teach her son that kindness will be remembered


1.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:作者想教给儿子明白一个小小的善举的力量。于是她让儿子和路过的小朋友分享他手里赢得的棒棒糖。一个小女孩和她的爸爸走过来,妈妈说明了情况,让儿子给小女孩一颗棒棒糖。小女孩拒绝了。但是妈妈告诉儿子,善行一定会被记住。 1.文章第一句话可知,她让儿子和路过的小朋友分享他手里赢得的棒棒糖,是因为她想教给儿子一个小小的善举的力量。所以选C。 2.词意推测题。根据because he was a shy little boy可知,他是一个害羞的小男孩,所以当妈妈要他把东西给路过的小朋友的时候,他犹豫不决,不置可否,所以选C。 3.细节理解题。根据My son didn't feel pleased by the fact that she wouldn't accept his offering,可知,当小女孩不接受他给的棒棒糖时,他很不高兴。所以选D。 4.推理判断题。根据We go to the same school.可知,小男孩以前见过小女孩。所以选 C更佳。 5.5】推理判断题。根据文章最后一句话可知,作者想要告诉她的儿子,善行一定会以某种方式被记住。 所以选D。 考点:故事类短文阅读。


Once, there lived a man in the mountains. He had a statue made by a famous master. But the statue was put at his door, ___to the ground, because he didn't like it at all.

One day, a man from the city ________by his house. This man was full of Knowledge. When he saw the statue, he asked the owner _________ he would sell it.

The owner laughed and said, "Who will like this dull and ____ stone?"

The man from the city said, "I will give you five dollars ______ it."

The owner was surprised and ____. Then the statue was moved to the city.

A few months later, the man from the mountains visited ______. When he walked around the streets, he saw many people _______ in front of a shop, and a man was shouting in a loud voice, "Come in and see the most wonderful statue in the world. Only one dollar __________ this most great work of a master."

The man from the mountains __  one dollar and walked into the shop. He was shocked by the thing in the shop, because it was the stat­ue that he himself had sold for five dollars.

1.A. facing B. faced      C. looks      D. looked

2.A.past    B. passed     C. passes     D. passing

3.A.how     B. when       C. who        D. if

4.A.clean   B. dirty      C. interesting D. sad

5.A.for     B. on      C. of      D. with

6.A.disagreed  B. agreed   C. left      D. cried

7.A.streats     B. shop   C. village  D. city

8.A.standing    B. stand   C. to stand D. stood

9.A.to enjoy    B. enjoyingC. to buy  D. buying

10.A.sold       B. spent   C. cost     D. paid



-Could you tell me _____________ in English ? -He got advice from the English teacher.

A. What did Li Ming get good grades.

B. When Li Ming got good grades.

C. How did Li Ming get good grades.

D. How Li Ming got good grades.



-Would you like some more apples ?      -No, thanks._________

A. Ive had enough    B. Just a little

C. Id love to       D.I dont like.



Dont listen to the music any longer. The baby is sleeping, or you can ______the music.

A. turn on       B. turn down

C. turn up      D. turn off



Break the wall between you and ________. We will become good friends.

A.I        B. me      C. my          D. mine



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