满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



money cut  tomorrow  say  from  time  walk  one  work  through  think  leave

John was a woodcutter. He asked for a job1._________down trees.

"Let's see you cut down this tree," the boss2 said.

John skillfully cut down a big tree.

The boss said, "You can work here 2._____next Monday."

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday passed. On Thursday afternoon, the boss came to John and 3._____"John, go to pick up your pay on the way out today. But don't come back to work 4.___________."

"Why not?" John asked.

"You've fallen behind. You've dropped from 5.______ place on Monday to last place today."

"But I'm a hard6._______," John said. "Every day I arrive first, 7.______last, and even work 8.________ my lunch time."

The boss 9._________a minute, and .then asked,"Have you sharpened your ax ?

John answered, "No, sir. I've been working too hard to take 10._______ for that!"


1.cutting 2.from 3.said 4.tomorrow 5.first 6.worker 7.leave 8.through 9.thought 10.time 【解析】 试题分析:约翰是一个伐木工人。他找了一个伐树的工作。干了几天后老板却让他离开。虽然他很努力,但是他却不知道工欲善其行,必先利其器的道理。 1.John是一个伐木工人。所以他要找一个砍树的工作用cutting down trees做定语来解释工作的内容,和中心词job是逻辑上的主谓关系。所以填cutting。 2.你可以从下星期一开始在这里工作。根据下文的Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday passed.可知是从周开始。所以填from。 3.周四下午,老板过来对约翰说,拿了工资离开。用said表示后面是说话的内容。所以填said。 4.今天拿了工资离开了,但明天就不要回来上班。Tomorrow和today相对。所以填Tomorrow。 5.5】你落后了。你从星期一的第一名已经下降到今天的最后一名。first和last相对。所以填first。 6.6】但我是一个很努力的工人。根据第一句话可知,John是个工人,所以填worker。 7.7】每天我都是第一个到达, 最后一个离开。所以填leave 和arrive相对。 8.8】甚至在我的午餐时间都工作。所以填through意为在一段时间内。 9.9】老板想了一会儿问:你削尖你的斧头了吗?所以填thought意为想。 10.10】我一直努力干活没时间磨斧子。所以填time。take time 花时间做某事。 【考点】词语运用。

A. But some experts believe that there is no relation between cold weather and catching colds. So why do we catch colds more easily during this season?

B. The common cold is a viral infection(病毒性感染) that can be caused by any of up to 250 kinds of viruses, the most common group of which are the viruses that hit the nose. Dr Jain says, "These viruses are transmitted through the nose and respiratory passages (呼吸道) by touch and by contact with a special air that is made when the patients cough and breath. "

C. In cold winter days, as you have probably noticed, catching a cold is common among people-- runny noses, sore throats, nothing quite like the common cold to make you feel uncomfortable and terrible.

D. Medical experts also say that there is no cure for the common cold and even special medicine for this cold is of no use. However, there are some good ways which can be of some help: Wash your hands regularly don't often touch your eyes, nose and mouth. Don't share drinking glasses with anyone Get enough sleep and you'll certainly become stronger to fight against the virus.

E. Dr Meenakshi, an Internal Medicine expert says, "One reason could be the truth that people are likely to stay indoors, so the virus can spread easily among people. Also the virus grows better in wetness. "
















The town of Pompeii is located (位于)at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, an active volcano (火山) in Italy. Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption (喷发) of Vesuvius in AD 79. However, Pompeii has become a new tourist attraction recently.

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1.How can a visitor get to the top of Mount VESUVIUS?

A. By bus       B. on foot

C. By subway   D. By railway

2.If your family including children want to have a colorful and economical day which activity would be your best choice

A.A short trip from Pompeii itself

B. Lucia’s au-inclusive guided walking tour

C. Bay of Naples Museum

D. Cafe Vesuvius-Naples

3.Where can you see a small replica of the town of Pompeii

A. At the Bay of Naples Museum

B. On the mountain top

C. At the house of wedding

D. At the Cafe Vesuvius -Naples

4.How long is Cafe Vesuvius -Naples open

A.11 hours    B.14 hours    C.15 hours    D.16 hours

5.Which of the activities cant you do?

A. Look into the huge crater on the top of the mountain

B. Design your favorite at the Central Baths

C. Leave the Main Gate at 5 pm

D. Taste the best pizzas in town at 10am



There are plenty of possible reasons why you don't have any flow­ers near you. Perhaps, you just don't like them. Or maybe someone nearby doesn't. Maybe you're at work, and flowers are not allowed. Assuming(假定) the problem is simply that you don't have time to go out and get flowers, you may be surprised to learn just how easy it actu­ally is.

It's good to get flowers for yourself, but even better to be given them. I'm sure you know this, just as I'm sure there's someone special in your life who feels the same way. So why not take the chance to make someone happy, and get them some flowers? I know, you would, but it's just too much trouble.  Well, that's where you're wrong!

It' s a good excuse, and while it might have worked in the past, I'm afraid it doesn't work any more. Perhaps you are really too busy to go into town and get some flowers. On the other hand, the fact that you are reading this clearly shows that you have enough time to go online. Nowadays, you can buy pretty well anything online, and yes that includes flowers. By the way, there's another point to consider here. Price. I'm sure you've noticed that you can usually get things cheaper if you buy online, and flowers are no exception(例外). For the same price as a few roses, you could have a full bouquet of flowers picked and arranged by an expert.

So why are you still here? Go online, and hunt down some flowers! There are plenty of flower shops available(可得到的) and you should have no trouble finding one that delivers near you, espe­cially if you live in a city or large town.  Then you're just a few clicks away from a beautiful bouquet.


1.This passage mainly tells us that______.

A. there are few flowers around us now

B. flowers are not allowed in the workplaces

C. people don't like flowers any more

D. how we can get flowers when we're busy

2.From the third paragraph, we can know that______.

A. we can get flowers with the help of the Internet

B. it is very difficult for us to get more flowers

C. everyone used to be very busy with their work

D. we are too busy to surf the Net

3.The underlined word "delivers" in the last paragraph means____.

A.买    B.邮寄   C.预订    D.传授

4.The following reasons why you dont like flowers are talked about except

A. You dont like the flowers

B. The flowers are expensive

C. Youre at work

D. Flowers arent allowed

5.What's the purpose of the author's writing this passage?

A. To advise people to buy flowers online.

B. To explain why people don't buy flowers.

C. To list the advantages of buying flowers online.

D. To share some information about a flower shop.




The other day, I decided to teach my son about the power of small acts of kindness. He had won some lollies(棒棒糖) in a prize machine in the local supermarket, so I asked him if he would like to share his win with the next child that walked past. He was hesitant because he was a shy little boy, but he said yes after I encouraged him a bit.

A father and his child passed by us. I went to the father and asked if my son could give his daughter a lolly that he had won. The father. looked at me sideways and was unsure what to say. I explained that I was teaching my son about the power of kindness. At last, he said okay.

We went to his daughter, but to my surprise, the little girl wouldn't accept the lolly! My son didn't feel pleased by the fact that she wouldn't accept his offering and then he told me in a low voice, "We go to the same school. "

When we left the supermarket, I explained to my son that people in the world that day were not so open to kindness because their thoughts and opinions had been shaped by the past and I told him not to be unhappy.  "They may have been unfriendly, but I'm sure we left them moved in some way. And the young girl will remember you as the boy with a kind heart, when she meets you at school!" I said and he nodded.

1.The mother ask her son to give some of his lollies to another child because______.

A. her son had too many lollies to share with others

B. she wanted her son to learn to share with others

C. she wanted to teach her son about the power of kindness

D. she wanted her son to be more open to others

2.The underlined word "hesitant" in the first paragraph most probably means______.

A. to want to finish it as soon as possible

B. to be not sure to do it well

C. to doubt whether he/she should do it

D. to be not able to do it on one's own

3.How did the boy feel when the little girl refused his lolly?

A. Angry.        B. Pleased.

C. Surprised.      D. Unhappy.

4.After reading the passage, we can learn that______.

A. the little girl is very shy

B. the little girl's father is very rude

C. the little boy has met the little girl before

D. the little girl felt sad for the boy's lolly

5.By saying the words in the last paragraph, the writer mainly wants to______.

A. tell us that it's not good to live in the past

B. tell us that people are not friendly today

C. tell her son not to be afraid to meet the girl

D. teach her son that kindness will be remembered




Once, there lived a man in the mountains. He had a statue made by a famous master. But the statue was put at his door, ___to the ground, because he didn't like it at all.

One day, a man from the city ________by his house. This man was full of Knowledge. When he saw the statue, he asked the owner _________ he would sell it.

The owner laughed and said, "Who will like this dull and ____ stone?"

The man from the city said, "I will give you five dollars ______ it."

The owner was surprised and ____. Then the statue was moved to the city.

A few months later, the man from the mountains visited ______. When he walked around the streets, he saw many people _______ in front of a shop, and a man was shouting in a loud voice, "Come in and see the most wonderful statue in the world. Only one dollar __________ this most great work of a master."

The man from the mountains __  one dollar and walked into the shop. He was shocked by the thing in the shop, because it was the stat­ue that he himself had sold for five dollars.

1.A. facing B. faced      C. looks      D. looked

2.A.past    B. passed     C. passes     D. passing

3.A.how     B. when       C. who        D. if

4.A.clean   B. dirty      C. interesting D. sad

5.A.for     B. on      C. of      D. with

6.A.disagreed  B. agreed   C. left      D. cried

7.A.streats     B. shop   C. village  D. city

8.A.standing    B. stand   C. to stand D. stood

9.A.to enjoy    B. enjoyingC. to buy  D. buying

10.A.sold       B. spent   C. cost     D. paid



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