满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—I hear you have to read English every m...

—I hear you have to read English every morning.   —Right. It’s one of the _____ in my family.

A. plans         B. rules       C. orders        D. suggestions


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我听说你每天早上都要读英语。是的。这在我家是一个规定。A.计划; B.规则; C.订单; D.建议。根据语境可知选B。 考点: 考查名词词义辨析。  

—What an amazing performance! It’s a perfect fashion show I’ve ever seen.

—But I’m afraid it won’t interest_________.

A. somebody     B. everybody   C. nobody    D. anybody



—Excuse me, may I take a seat here?   —______. The man on the seat has left.

A. You’d better not B. No, thanks

C. Yes, please       D. I’m afraid not




近几年,家长开车接送孩子上下学已经普遍,人们对此看法各异,有些人认为接送孩子上学安全,可以让孩子有更多的休息时间,而且父母可以更好地和孩子沟通,而另一些人认为这会造成交通堵塞(traffic jams),特别是高峰期(rush hours),而且这样的会使孩子更多地依赖父母。




These years its common that parents drive their children to school and back home. Different people have different ideas about that.








A: Oh, You look tired. 1.______________ ?

B: I went to bed too late last night.

A: 2._______________?

B: At one oclock in the morning.

A: Thats really too late. Why did you go to bed so late ?

B: 3.______________. I didnt finish my homework until 11:00 in the evening. After that, my tutor helped me learn English and math for two hours.

A: Dear me ! If you are tired in the classroom, how can you listen to the teacher well ?

B: Yes, you are right. 4._________________________________.

A: Slept ? Yesterday ?

B: Yes, I was really tired. What should I do ?

A: 5.______________________________. And its good for your health and study.

B: I guess I should. Thank you.

A: Youre welcome.




money cut  tomorrow  say  from  time  walk  one  work  through  think  leave

John was a woodcutter. He asked for a job1._________down trees.

"Let's see you cut down this tree," the boss2 said.

John skillfully cut down a big tree.

The boss said, "You can work here 2._____next Monday."

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday passed. On Thursday afternoon, the boss came to John and 3._____"John, go to pick up your pay on the way out today. But don't come back to work 4.___________."

"Why not?" John asked.

"You've fallen behind. You've dropped from 5.______ place on Monday to last place today."

"But I'm a hard6._______," John said. "Every day I arrive first, 7.______last, and even work 8.________ my lunch time."

The boss 9._________a minute, and .then asked,"Have you sharpened your ax ?

John answered, "No, sir. I've been working too hard to take 10._______ for that!"



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