满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The summer vocation lasts ______ the beg...

The summer vocation lasts ______ the beginning of July to the end of August.

A. on B. from  C. at D. in


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:暑假从七月开始到八月末止。On在……上,在;from从,常与to搭配使用;at在;in在……里。所以选B。 考点:考查介词。  




要求:1 内容充实,语言准确、流畅。


PE test体育测试    1000/ 800 race  1000/ 800米跑   long jump跳远   rope skipping跳绳   dribble 运球








根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的  意义连贯、完整。

A: 1.__             ___________?

B: They are talking about H1N1. It said that 16 people have been killd by H1N1 in China.

A: That terrible. We should be careful not to catch it.

B: Yes, we have to. Weekend is coming, 2._________         _________?

A: I’m going to the Science Museum 3._______                 _______?

B: I’d love to.

( At the Science Museum)

A: Look at this. 4.____                 _______?

B: It’s called a gramophone. It was used for recording sound before the recorder was invented.

A: I see. 5._________                ________?

B: Well, it was invented by Edison, the great America inventor, who made more than a thousand inventions in all his life.

A: He was so great. Let’s go to see the other inventions.

B: Ok.





nature  press  in  heavy  happen  cheer

plenty  much  enjoy  as  size  by


Life is not easy as a Junior 3 student. You have the 1.______ of study and exams. From time to time, you may feel depressed. If that 2.______, you have to take measures to fight it. Eating salt might help you3._______up, scientists have found.

While too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease, not enough can cause depression, a study has reported.

Researchers at the University of Lowa in the US did study. They found that without enough salt in their bodies, rats don’t do things they normally 4.______ , like drinking sweet water.

Salt is a5._____ anti-depressant( 抗抑郁剂), researchers say.

Health experts recommend an adult take about six grams of salt a day. A gram of salt is about the 6._____of a toothpaste cap.

Humans have a long history of salt eating. In the Stone Age, people didn’t need to find salt, because they hunted most of their food, and ate a lot of red meat. Red meat has 7._______of salt. But when people began to farm, 8._____ about 10,000 BC, they started to eat9._________of grain and much less meat. They had to find another way to get salt. 10.______ time went by, salt became a seasoning( 调味料).



About six thousand languages are spoken in the world today. But experts say morn than half of them are in danger of disappearing.  1.   As old people die, the language dies with them.

Until recently, most people were not worried about the loss of languages. There was much more concern about the loss of different kinds of plants and animals. 2. They know that when a language is lost, the culture and much of the knowledge of the native community may be lost with it.

Languages are the means by which people find to explain the world they live in. Information about the natural world, such as plants that can be used to heal(治病 ), is often lost when the language dies. 3.

The United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization is trying to solve this problem. 4.

5. Some projects are small. For example, a language speaker and a leaner meet every day for an hour to talk. Other projects are large, such as schools where students are taught in their native language.


A.Some experts say the death of the language is a loss for everyone, not just for the native people who once spoke it.

B.Experts are trying many methods to increase speakers of endangered languages.

C.The endangered languages are spoken by some older members of native groups, but not used for everyday life by younger members.

D.It has been taking steps to develop international policies to support native cultures and save endangered languages.

E.Now, scientists, cultural experts and many other people are concerned about protecting the different languages in the world.



It’s 15:00, Tuesday, June 26th. Tessa returns home after her two-day holiday. Tessa is checking her message.

Telephone message

To: Tessa     From: Wilson

Date: June 25th , Time: 13:00 a.m

Phone: 554-3467   Ext: 357

Message: Wilson wants you to see a movie at Westwood Theater. Meet him in front of the theatre at 4:30 p.m.


June 26th

Hi, Tessa!

I came to see you but you weren’t in. Our Pen friend

Frank’s coming. I’m going to have a party to welcome him at my new house this Saturday evening. Could you please come and help prepare for the party?

My new address is 632 Maple St. Apt. 809.

Call me at 673-8982 from 20:00 to 22:00


To: Tessa

Date: June 26th   Time 10:00 a.m.

While you were out

From: Mrs. Johnson at National Bank

Phone: 4627786

Message: call Mrs Johnson before 3:30 this afternoon.

Very important!

Taken by: Mom

From: Frank @ wideworld. com.au

Subject: visit you soon

To: Tessa

Dear Tessa,

I’ve just got a new job in the city of Seattle. It offers me lots of chance to be out on business. This morning I was told to pay a visit to your town on Friday. I hope to see you and Peter there. I think I’ll be free on Saturday. I’ll call you then.

Frank Brown


1.Tessa missed the movie because ___________.

A. she got the message late

B. she lost the ticket to the movie

C. Wilson didn’t invite her

D. she didn’t wanted to go with Wilson

2.Peter went to Tessa’s home to ___________.

A. welcome Frank         B. prepare for the party

C. ask her for help      D. take part in the party

3.What should Tessa do first after reading the message?

A. Go to see Wilson.            B. Call Peter

C. Call Mrs. Johnson            D. Go to a party

4.Where does Frank work?

A. In Seattle.

B. At Westwood Theater.

C. At National Bank.

D. At 632 Maple St., Apt. 809.

5.Tessa can’t find ____________ telephone number from the messages.

A. Wilson’s                   B. Mrs. Johnson’s

C. Peter’s                    D. Frank’s



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