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How to look good in a school uniform? Yo...

How to look good in a school uniform? You can look great in your school uniform, if you follow these tips:

(1) Make sure the uniform is the right size for you.

You will need a pair of scissors (剪刀), but please, don’t cut anything until you measure (量) where you want the uniform to reach on your body. If you can find a tailor (裁缝) to do the job for you, it will be better.

(2) Make your uniform tidy

Your uniform should be taken good care of. Make sure your uniform is always tidy and clean. It helps you look smart.

(3) Accessories (装饰物) can help.

You can wear a nice watch. It will make you look beautiful and tell you the right time when you need to know. A cute hair clip can also make you, girls, look attractive. Choose a hat that matches the shape of your face or a backpack that goes well with your uniform. Also, have fun in winter by wearing colorful scarves.

(4) Walk with confidence.

It doesn’t matter how cool your uniform is (or is not). If you are not confident, nobody will notice how great you look!

1.We can probably read this article in the       part of a newspaper.

A. news           B. sports

C. life           D. advertisement

2.The following things can make you look good EXCEPT      .

A. having a pair of scissors         B. wearing clean uniforms

C. wearing a nice watch              D. being confident

3.This article is mainly written for      .

A. students      B. parents

C. teachers      D. tailors


1.C 2.A 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文给出了一些如何穿看起来好的小窍门:确保衣服大小适合你。使你的校服保持整洁。配上点儿装饰物。走路时要充满信心。 1.推理判断题。根据本文描述如何穿校服看起来好可推知它有可能发表在报纸上有关生活的部分,所以该选C。 2.细节理解题。根据本文提到的建议穿合体干净的衣服,配上一些小附件,要充满信心地走路可知该选A。 3.推理判断题。根据本文描述如何穿校服看起来好可推知它主要是写给学生的,所以该选A。 考点:日常生活类阅读。



The Clean Your Plate Campaign (运动) began on the Internet in January. It suggests people to reduce (降低) food waste. Qi Haoran, a     from Harbin, was quite busy-- and not just     homework over the past winter vacation. Qi made a volunteer group with    other classmates to advise people to    the Clean Your Plate Campaign.

The 11 students went to many    and told people the importance of saving food.     , do you know that 950 million people around the world still      got enough to eat? Please don’t waste food.” They would say this hundreds of times every day.

China has experienced serious problems with wasted food for years. CCTV has reported      that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to    200 million people for a year.

Chinese people are well known for being friendly and warm-hearted to others. Many even think that they lose face      their guests have eaten all the food.

Luckily, the campaign has got the support of      . In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner gives the    who have eaten all that they ordered a special ticket. People can enjoy a(n)     meal when they have 10 tickets. Many people think it’s great to enjoy a meal without paying. More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer   dishes and encourage their guests to take left food home.

Did you finish your   today? To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. It’s important that everyone does their best, just like Qi.

1.A. student   B. waiter    C. cook    D. teacher

2.A. in    B. of    C. for     D. with

3.A. nine       B. ten    C. eleven    D. twelve

4.A. join       B. stop    C. save    D. leave

5.A. libraries   B. museums   C. hospitals   D. restaurants

6.A. I’m sorry      B. Good morning  C. Excuse me   D. By the way

7.A. have       B. haven’t   C. has    D. hasn’t

8.A. quietly   B. recently   C. quickly   D. nearly

9.A. feed   B. keep    C. grow    D. plant

10.A. unless   B. until    C. if     D. that

11.A. many   B. some    C. few    D. none

12.A. waiters   B. cooks    C. guests    D. students

13.A. free   B. cheap    C. expensive   D. special

14.A. bigger   B. nicer    C. worse    D. smaller

15.A. homework  B. report    C. meal    D. waste



How about making a poster to introduce our club?

______ It’s a waste of time and money.

A. Why not?       B. That's a good idea!

C. I'd like to.   D. Are you kidding?



–Now more people are paying attention to the school bus safety.

–So we believe ______ there will be fewer accidents in the future.

A. loudly    B. strongly

C. lovely   D. carefully



Do you know ______?

To meet her friends from America.

A. where Anna is going

B. who is Ann’s best friend

C. why Anna is going to the airport

D. how Anna goes to the airport



Alice, would you mind not playing the guitar? I ______ on the phone.

Oh, sorry, mom.

A. talked           B. talk

C. have talked      D. am talking



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