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书面表达前不久的英语课上,你们班组织了一次“I love my home. I ...

书面表达前不久的英语课上,你们班组织了一次“I love my home. I love Lishui!”为主题的班会。其中三位同学发言如下:

Han Mei: I love my home and I love Lishui. My dream is to be a tour guide so that I can introduce our beautiful city to visitors from home and abroad.

Li Lei: Our city is becoming more and more beautiful. I will continue to do what I can to help protect our environment.

Wang Hong: I love our city. I will study harder so that I can do more for our city in the future.


Boys and girls,

Lishui is our common home. Every one of us should love it. Hanmei wants to be a   1.  so that she can 2. our city to visitors from home and abroad. Li Lei shows his love to our city by protecting the 3. . Wang Hong will 4. in order to do more for our city in the future. If 5. , our city will become more and more beautiful!

Thank you.


1.tour guide 2.introduce 3.environment 4.study harder 5.we all do our best 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文给出了三位同学在以“I love my home. I love Lishui!”为主题的班会的发言,他们都爱自己所在的城市,决心努力为家乡的发展做贡献。 1. 2. 3. 4.I will study harder so that I can do more for our city in the future.可知该填写study harder。 5. 考点:任务型阅读。



You bet: of course

pig out: to eat a lot

Jock: someone good at sports

couch potato: a person who watches too much television

party animal: someone that loves parties or go out to clubs


1.David has been partying every night this week. He is a ______.

2.You’ve been watching TV all day. Don’t be such a ______ and get up!

3.Even though I’m on a diet, I still like to ______ with my friends sometimes.

4.– Could you help me solve this problem?   – ______.

5.John runs very fast. He is the biggest ______ in our school.




All of us want to be heard, but are we listening when other people are speaking? Doing it well takes lots of practice. Here are some 1. (有用的) tips.

First, give them your full attention. Put down your pen. Turn off your cell phone. Show them you are 2. (感兴趣的) in listening to them.

Second, use body 3. (语言). Meet their eyes. Nod, smile and say “Mm hum” “Yeah” “I see” or “Really” to show that you are listening.

4.  (第三), let them talk. Say things like “That’s really interesting.” or “I’d like to hear more.” Don’t finish their sentences for them. Don’t change the subject to talk about yourself,5. (也). A good listener listens about 80% of the time   6. (在…期间) the conversation and   7. (花费) only 20% of the time talking. Remember that we have two ears and one mouth for a   8. (原因) ---listen more, speak less.

Fourth, be slow to share your ideas. It’s possible that the speakers just want to feel heard and9. (理解). So share your own ideas only when they are needed.

Last but not least, put yourself in their shoes. You may not have a lot in common with them. But you can 10. (尝试) to see their problems through their eyes. In doing so, you are better able to understand them and their problems.




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1.The doctor ______ my grandfather not to smoke any more.

2.Li Ming is in Canada alone and he ______ his parents very much.

3.– I’m afraid you can’t finish the work ______. Let me help you, Tom.

That’s very nice of you.

4.The food at the restaurant is not only ______ but also cheap. That’s why I love to come here.

5. Few people like so many ______ on TV.



Fiona Famous was a very popular girl at school. She was clever and fun, and got on well with everyone. It was no accident that Fiona was so popular. From an early age she had tried hard to be kind and friendly to everyone. She invited the whole class to her birthday party, and from time to time she would give presents to everybody. She was such a busy girl, with so many friends. However, she felt very lucky, no other girl had so many friends at school and in the neighborhood.

But everything changed on National Friendship Day. On that day, at school, everyone was having a great time, drawing, painting, giving gifts. They had to make three presents to give to their three best friends.

However, when all the presents had been made and shared out among classmates, Fiona was the only one who had not received a present! She felt terrible, and spent hours crying. How could it be possible? So much she had done to make so many friends, and in the end no one saw her as their best friend? Everyone came and tried to comfort her for a while. But each one only stayed for a short time before leaving.

When she got home that night and asked her mother where she could find true friends.

“Fiona, my dear,” answered her mother, “you cannot buy friends with a smile or a few good words. If you really want true friends, you will have to give them real time and affection (情感). For a true friend you must always be there for them, in good times and bad”.

“But I want to be everybody’s friend! I need to share my time among everyone!” Fiona argued.

“My dear, you’re a lovely girl,” said her mother, “but you can’t be a close friend to everybody. There just isn’t enough time for everyone, so it’s only possible to have a few true friends. The others won’t be close friends”.

Hearing this, Fiona decided to change her ways so that she could finally have some true friends. That night, in bed, she thought about what she could do to get them.     Her mother was always ready to help her. She could stand all of Fiona’s dislikes and problems. She always encouraged her. She loved her a great deal...

That was what makes friends!

And Fiona smiled happily, realizing that she already had the best friend anyone could ever want.

1.Fiona was a very popular girl because she ______.

A. gave her best friends presents

B. often made presents for her friends

C. was kind and friendly to everyone

D. invited some of her class to her birthday party

2.Which of the following can be put in the blank (空白处) in Paragraph 4?

A. She thought about her mother.

B. She decided to find true friends.

C. She talked with her classmates on the phone.

D. She was sad and couldn’t sleep any more.

3.The right order about Fiona is ______.

a. She decided to have some true friends.

b. She tried to get on well with everyone at school.

c. She asked her mother where she could find true friends.

d. She didn’t receive any present on National Friendship Day.

A. b-d-a -c     B. b-d-c-a

C. c-b-d-a      D. b-c-d-a

4.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Fiona tried hard to find some true friends all the time.

B. Fiona always spent more time with some of her friends.

C. Fiona found that giving gifts to every friend was important.

D. Fiona finally realized how she could find true friends.



A baby giraffe is born 10 feet high and usually lands on its back. Bringing a giraffe into the world is a tall order. In his book, A View from the Zoo, Gary Richmond describes how a new-born giraffe learns its first lesson.

The mother giraffe lowers her head long enough to take a quick look. Then she puts herself directly over her child. She waits for about a minute, and then she does the most unreasonable thing. She throws her long leg and kicks her baby, so that it’s sent sprawling (四脚朝天).

When it doesn’t get up, what the mother has done is repeated again and again. The struggle (挣扎) to rise is important. As the baby giraffe grows tired, the mother kicks it again. Finally, it stands for the first time. Then the mother giraffe kicks it off again. Why? She wants it to remember how it can get up. In the wild, a baby giraffe must be able to get up as quickly as possible to stay with its group, where there’s safety.

Another writer named Irving Stone understood this. He spent a lifetime studying great people, writing stories about such men as Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, Sigmund Freud, and Charles Darwin.

Stone was once asked if he had found something unusual about these great people. He said, “I write about people who sometime in their life have a dream of something. They’re beaten over the head, knocked down and for years they get nowhere. But every time they stand up again. And at the end of their lives they’ve realized some small parts of what they set out (着手) to do.”

1.The expression “a tall order” in Paragraph 1 most probably means ______.

A. a happy thing B. a difficult task

C. a big dream   D. a beautiful place

2.A View from the Zoo is a book written by      .

A. Gary Richmond    B. Charles Darwin

C. Irving Stone     D. Vincent van Gogh

3.The mother giraffe puts herself over her child and throws her long leg and kicks her baby because she       .

A. is an unkind mother

B. likes watching her bay sprawling

C. doesn’t want her baby to live with her

D. wants to train her baby to get up in this way

4.The writer mainly wants to tell the readers that       .

A. the giraffe is an unusual animal

B. we should learn to be a careful writer

C. learning to get up leads to success

D. A View from the Zoo is a good book to read



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