满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My friend Bob has short hair and big nos...

My friend Bob has   short hair and   big nose.

A. a; a  B. an; an  C. the; the  D. /; a


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我的朋友鲍勃有短发和一个大鼻子。因为头发不可数,不能用a,an,nose是可数名词,结合故选D。 考点:考查冠词用法  

你在学习英语中有什么好方法吗?请同学们结合所学过的相关知识,给出 “How to learn English”的建议。






选词填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

because   on  happily  played  spend  drove  fun  our  photos  help

My family went on a trip last Saturday. We didn’t   1. much money and really had a good time.

In the morning, my father   2. us to a science centre in our city. We didn’t spend any money on the tickets 3. it is free. There is a children’s area in the science centre. My brother and I saw different kinds of animals and did some interesting things. We both had a lot of   4. playing together in the science centre. Then we took 5. car to a park near the science centre. My parents set up the tent first, and then we had a picnic 6. . After the picnic, my father started to read newspapers and my mother   7.  games with me. After we got back home in the afternoon, I turned   8.  the computer and copied (拷贝) all the photos we took that day. My mother even wrote some words for our   9.  . She hoped those photos and words would   10.  us remember the happy time.2




1.Can you tell me how____________ (finish) the work quickly?

2.It’s a good idea ____________ (get) there before 8:00 in the morning.

3.Why not____________(listen) to music on the Internet now?

4.Do you enjoy___________(fly) kites when you are free?

5.Mike advised me__________ (buy) a glass for my father on Father’s Day.

6.Lily writes as__________ (good) as Lucy.

7.It was cold yesterday. But it is much___________(cold) today.

8.Who runs _______(fast), Tom or Jim?

9.Gymnastics is __________(exciting) than football.

10.We practice ____________(speak) English every day.




1. 梅梅今天不在学校,她怎么了?

Meimei isn’t at school today. What’s the _______ _______her?


Their team _______  _______last year.


Reading is  _______ _______ than watching TV.


I _________  ________  you.


Please _________ ___________ your personal information on this piece of paper.




Li Ling was in Class 3, Grade 2. She was a very shy girl. She was afraid to meet strangers. Her face would turn red when she stood in front of many people.

Her school would have a storytelling competition. Every participant (参加者) should tell a story in English. Her teacher Mr Li called her into the office and said, “You are good at English. I would like you to join in the game for our class.” Li Ling answered quickly, “But I don’t think I can do it well. There will be so many students and teachers watching me. I will be very nervous (紧张的).” Mr Li asked her to have a try. “Don’t worry. Just be confident (自信的) in yourself. I’m sure you’ll be successful.” At last, Li Ling agreed. She began to get ready for it. After her hard working, she won.

1. Which class was Li Ling in?


2.How would Li Ling feel when she met strangers?


3.What kind of competition would Li Ling’s school have?


4.What did Mr Li ask Li Ling to do?


5.What did Li Ling do after her teacher had a talk with her?




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