满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

KFC Tel: 62550011 Address: 28 Bridge St...



Tel: 62550011

Address: 28 Bridge Street

Open: 9: 00 a. m. —11: 00 p. m.

Food: fried chicken  French fries hamburgers


Drink: coke coffee milk

Dessert: ice-cream


Soup: vegetable soup


Big Pizza(比萨饼)

Tel: 88819056

Address: 102 Ting Street

Open: 9: 30 a. m. —12: 00 p. m.

Food: beef pizza       mutton pizza

fruit pizza      vegetable pizza

Drink: coffee milk fruit juice

Dessert: ice-cream


1.If you’d like hamburgers, you can   .

A. go to Big Pizza B. call 62550011

C. call 88819056 D. go to 102 Ting Street

2.What can’t you have in Big Pizza?

A. French fries.  B. Milk.

C. Fruit juice. D. Coffee.

3.What can you have at 11: 30 p. m. ?

A. French fries.  B. Mutton.

C. Pizza.         D. Fruit.

4.Where can you eat ice-cream?

A. In KFC.     B. In Big Pizza.

C. In Italy.   D. A&B

5.What can’t you have in KFC?

A. Coke.        B. Coffee.

C. Fruit juice.  D. Milk.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文介绍了去肯德基可以吃到些什么和去比萨饼店可以吃到喝到些什么。 1.1】.细节题。根据你要想吃汉堡,只能去肯德基店。所以本题选B。 2.2】.细节题。问题是在比萨饼店里你吃不到什么?B,C和D都可以在比萨饼店吃到,故选A。 3.3】.细节题。问题是十一点半我们可以吃到什么?根据表格内容,可得知肯德基店11点就关门了,故只能去比萨饼店吃。故选C。 4.4】细节题。问题是:在哪可以吃到冰激凌?根据表格内容,只有在肯德基店才可以吃到。故选A。 5.5】细节题。问题是:在肯德基店吃不到什么?A,B和D都能吃到,故选C。 考点:考查表格类阅读

I have four good friends. They are Bob, Helen, Dale and Cindy. Bob is very tall. He is of medium build. He has short straight hair. He likes playing soccer and he is the captain of our school soccer team. He is very popular. Helen is thin and she is of medium height. She is very beautiful. She has two big eyes and long black hair. She likes music and she often sings and dances. She can sing well. Dale is a good student. He is of medium height and build. He studies hard and he is good at his schoolwork. He likes reading and playing chess. Cindy is a little bit short. She often wears a red skirt and white shoes. She likes to tell jokes. She never stops talking. I like my good friends. We help each other.

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1. Bob’s hair is   .

A. long and curly     B. short and curly

C. short and straight D. long and straight

2.Helen has two   eyes and   black hair.

A. big; long   B. big; short

C. small; long D. small; short

3.   is good at schoolwork.

A. Bob   B. Dale   C. Helen   D. Cindy

4.    is the shortest of the four students.

A. Bob    B. Dale  C. Helen  D. Cindy

5.Cindy likes   .

A.telling jokes B. Talking

C. Studying     D. both A and B



-Did you buy any gifts   your family in the gift shop?

-No, I didn’t. The things in it were so expensive.

A. to B. for C. At  D. on



-What did Tom do last Sunday?

-He   flowers in the garden with his father.

A. grows       B. grew

C. is growing  D. will grow



Lily often  at school early, but this morning she  late.

A.arrive; arrived   B. arrived; arrived

C. arrives; arrives   D. arrives; arrived



Last summer vacation, we  many photos when we had a trip to Dalian.

A. take  B. Takes

C. took  D. will take



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