满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Our planet(星球), the Earth, is becoming m...

Our planet(星球), the Earth, is becoming more and more crowed and the environment is badly polluted. Some people think that we will have no places to live in the future. Don’t be panic(惊慌的). Recently some scientists believe that we will live on Mars(火星) by the year 2100. Here is what life will be like on Mars in 2100.

Tranasport(交通) will be much better. It takes months to get to Mars today. But in 2100, the spaceship can travel at half the speed(速度) of light. It might take us two or three days to get to Mars.

Because none of us can live without food, water or air, scientists will develop plants that can be grown on Mars. These plants will produce(生产) food and air that we need. However, can these plants produce water for us? There is still no answer now.

Life on Mars will be better than that on Earth in many ways. Living in a large building with 10 bedrooms in even possible for people. Many people believe that robots will do most of our work, so we will have more spare(空闲的) time.

There will probably be no schools on Mars. Every student will have a computer to study at home. Every student will also have their own online teacher called “e-teacher”. It’s really interesting, isn’t it?

1.Our planet         .

A、has more and more robots

B、has more and more animals

C、isn’t clean as before

2.How long might it take us to get to Mars by spaceship in 2100?

A、Two or three days.

B、Two or three months.

C、Several weeks.

3.There will be plants on Mars that can produce         for people according to

the scientists.

A、food and drinks

B、air and drinks

C、food and air

4.There will probably be no        on Mars.

A、food     B、schools    C、work

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A、Perhaps people will live on Mars by 2100.

B、Life on Mars will be harder than that on Earth.

C、There will be robots on Mars.


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章是对未来的设想,随着地球越来越拥挤,越来越被污染,我们在以后会搬到火星居住,现在科技不发达,我们到达火星需要好几个月的时间,以后我们两三天就可以到达。科学家会发明一种生产实物和空气的植物,但是能不能生产水尚且不知道,火星的生活会比地球好很多,将会出现机器人代替人类工作,我们会有大量的空闲时间,到时将没有学校,学生们通过电脑学习知识。 1. planet(星球), the Earth, is becoming more and more crowed and the environment is badly polluted.我们的地球变得很拥挤,并且环境被严重污染,故选择C。 2. in 2100, the spaceship can travel at half the speed(速度) of light. It might take us two or three days to get to Mars.到2100年,宇宙飞船的速度提高,到火星需要两三天的时间。故选择A。 3. will develop plants that can be grown on Mars. These plants will produce(生产) food and air that we need,科学家们将发明一种植物,它可以生产食物和空气。故选择C。 4. will probably be no schools on Mars.火星上将没有学校。故选择B. 5. on Mars will be better than that on Earth in many ways,火星上的生活将比地球上好一些,判断B是错误的。根据文章.第二段 Many people believe that robots will do most of our work,许多人相信或有很多机器人做大量的工作。判断C是错误的。故选择A。 考点:科普类阅读短文。


The word “sandwich” is an English word. Sandwich was an English    . He lived in England about two     years ago. Sandwich had a lot of     . He     very rich(富有的). But he liked    cards for money. He often played     day and night.     day he played for twenty-four hours without    . He did not     the card table to eat. He asked his man    him some meat and     . So he    some meat between two pieces of bread. He did not want to stop     cards. From the14 of this man, Sandwich, we have the word “sandwich”    .

1.A、place     B、book     C、man

2.A、hundred    B、hundreds    C、hundred of

3.A、bread      B、money        C、cards

4.A、is         B、was         C、had

5.A、playing    B、play      C、played

6.A、every           B、one     C、all

7.A、Next                B、One              C、Some

8.A、stop              B、to stop            C、stopping

9.A、leave                B、put               C、show

10.A、to bring              B、to take             C、bringing

11.A、milk               B、fruit              C、bread

12.A、puts               B、put              C、putting

13.A、to play              B、play              C、playing

14.A、name              B、bread              C、cards

15.A、today              B、at school            C、this year



I’m going to keep on       him.

A、help     B、helping    C、to help



He always tries to face any       when he met some        things.

A、danger, dangerous

B、danger, danger

C、dangerous, danger



Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon       sound and music.

A、with      B、in     C、of



Walt Disney made 87 cartoons        , he became         .


B、successful, successfully




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