满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



  示:1、每天坚持锻炼。 2、多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃垃圾食品。

3、保证每天至少睡8小时。 4、少看电视,少玩游戏。

Dear Mary,










Dear Marry; I'm very glad to hear from your letter.But I'm sorry to hear that you are not healthy.I have some good advise on how to keep healthy. First,you should eat more fruits and vegetables,and eat less junk food. Second,It is good to Keep exercising every day. Third, At night, you should sleep at least 8 hours a night. What’s more, Watching less TV and playing less computer games.is good for your health. I hope those may help a little. Good luck to you! Yours, Linda 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇提纲的给材料作文。主要介绍怎样保持身体健康的建议。包括四个方面,锻炼,饮食,睡眠及娱乐方面。在写作时注意句子的衔接要合理。 【亮点说明】这篇短文内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。词汇和句型句式运用恰当.。学习中注意总结,一些固定句式及短语如:how to keep healthy,It is good to Keep…. .is good for等,牢记这些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用, 让文章更出彩。 考点:提纲作文。  


1. 这个男孩给那个女孩儿买了相当多的鲜花。

The boy                            flowers for the girl.

2. 因为下雨我不能去锻炼了。

I can’t exercise              the rain.


It’s bad for your       to                    often.

4. 他几乎从没有按时完成过作业。

He               finishes his homework on time.

5. 丽丽就比我高一点儿。

Li Li is                          me.




1.Mary decided           (walk) to school every day in the new term.

2.Do you know the           (different) between these two words .

3.I allowed my daughter to surf the Internet           (two) a month.

4.Lucy’s shoes aren’t so           (cheap) as Lily’s.

5.Mr. Smith is much             (serious) than our English teacher.



A young man graduated(毕业) from college. He wanted to own a sports car, so he told his father his dream. Several days later, his father called him into his room and gave him a beautiful gift box. The young man opened it and found a Bible(圣经). He was very angry.“You give me a bible?”,then he ran out of his home, leaving the Bible.

Since then, he lived alone. Many years passed, one day, he got a letter telling him his father had passed away. When he arrived at his father’s house, he began to look for his father’s important papers and saw the still new Bible. He opened the Bible, suddenly, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. The key to the sports car is just he wanted. At that moment, he knew how much his father loved him.


1.What did the young man hope to get when he graduated from college?


2. Why was the young man angry when he saw the Bible?


3. Who bought a sports car for the young man?


4. The young man’s father didn’t love him, did he?


5. What do you think after reading this article?




Venice(威尼斯) is a beautiful city in northern Italy. It’s very famous because it is built on many islands and it looks like it is built on water. There are 117 islands in Venice. Vince is famous for its architecture(建筑) and well-known people who were born there. One was Antonio Vivaldi.

Today, Venice has a big problem because it is sinking down deeper and deeper into the water. It is sinking down about 4 centimeters every 10 years. It doesn’t sound like much but it is a big problem because there are more and more floods(洪水) every year and people now have to use special wooden bridges to walk in the city.

In the last 170 years, the city sank down about sixty centimeters. If it sinks fifty more centimeters, there will be a serious problem for everybody living there.

1.Venice is a famous city built        .

A. on islands

B. on water

C. under the water

2.Where was Antonio Vivaldi born?

A. In England     B. In Italy         C. In America

3.From the second paragraph, we can know        .

A. Venice is sinking down 4 cm every year

B. there are fewer floods in Venice every year

C. people have to pass special wooden bridges to walk in Venice

4.How many centimeters did Venice sink for about 170 years?

A. About 40    B. About 50   C. About 60

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to this passage?

A. The architecture in Venice is very famous in the world.

B. There are more than one hundred islands in Venice.

C. People will not live in Venice any longer in 50 years.



“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. ” is a popular saying in the USA. We need to rest as we need to work. Without enjoying recreation (娱乐) we can’t keep ourselves in good health and high spirit (精神), and so we can’t continue working well.

People have different ways to relax themselves, but the most popular way is to take part in some sports. There are individual (个人的) sports: swimming, running, skating and climbing mountains. There are also team sports: basketball, volleyball and football. Many people also like some forms of indoor recreation, just like singing, dancing and watching TV. It doesn’t matter whether you like indoor recreation or outdoor sports. You need to play well if you want to work well.

1. If we want to be healthy and enjoy life, we       .

A. need to work and recreate

B. should sleep all the time

C. must work all the time

2. Football is a kind of       .

A. individual sport

B. team race

C. team sport

3. In the saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”, the word “dull” means       .

A.good    B. happy       C. foolish

4. The most popular way of relaxing is to       .

A.take part in some sports

B. study

C. read English stories

5.Which of the following statements is right?

A. If you want to keep fit, you can only take part in team sports.

B. Recreation can help us work better

C. Indoor recreation is bad for our health



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