满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Earth Day is April 22 and we’ll tell you...

Earth Day is April 22 and we’ll tell you some Earth Day activities for your kids.

Show how plants drink water

Fill a glass with water and add a bright colour of food colouring(食物色素). Then place a long stemmed(长茎的)white carnation(康乃馨) in the coloured glass of water. Each day. Watch as the white carnation changes into the same colour as the food colouring. Children can see that plants drink water and where the water goes, and this is a favourite Earth Day activity for kids.

Leaf collection

This Earth Day project is fun and easy to do. First, take a walk in the field and children can collect lots of leaves. When collection is complete, kids can place the leaves in between two pages of white paper and then put them together to make a leaf book.

Feed the birds

Here you will find an exciting Earth Day activity that helps animals, especially birds. Find or purchase a large pinecone(松果). Cover the pinecone with butter and bread. Hang the homemade bird feeder on a tree near a window and watch the birds come to have their dinner.

Clean the park

There are many organized events in towns and cities for clean-up activities on Earth Day. But if one is not offered in your town or city, you can do some clean-up just by yourself in the local park. A huge clean-up is not necessary; a little help goes a long way and the idea is to show kids that keeping public areas clean is everyone’s business.

1. Earth Day is_______ .

A. on 2nd, April          B. on 22nd, April

C. on 22nd, March         D. on 2nd, March

2. If your children show much interest in the growth of plants, you may show them __________ .

A. how plants drink water   B. how to make a leaf book

C. How to feed the bird     D. how to clean the park

3. Your children can use a pinecone with butter and bread to ____.

A. Know how to protect the plant

B. Help feed the birds

C. learn more about the plant.

D. share things with other people

4. The passage is mainly written for _______.

A. The students      B. The teachers

C. The children      D. The parents

5.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Some Earth Day activities for children.

B. Some knowledge children should know.

C. How to protect our nature.

D. How to learn with our children.


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲述的是地球日这一天所进行的一些活动,分段讲述植物如何吸收水分,在透明的玻璃瓶里装满水和食物色素,然后在插上康乃馨,第二天观察康乃馨发生了什么变化。收集树叶这一段主要讲看家长带孩子去田野里收集树叶,然后夹在两张纸中间,制作成一本小册子。喂鸟这一段主要讲述的是人们将沾满黄油和面包的松果放在一个自制的容器里,然后放在窗户外面,等着鸟来吃食。打扫公园这一段主要讲了大人们要给孩子树立爱护公共环境的意识。。 1.“Earth Day is April 22 and we’ll tell you some Earth Day activities for your kids.”这句可知,地球日是4月22日,故选B. 2. 3. the pinecone with butter and bread. Hang the homemade bird feeder on a tree near a window and watch the birds come to have their dinner.”这句可知,孩子们用带有黄油面包的松果来喂鸟,故选B。 4. 5. Day is April 22 and we’ll tell you some Earth Day activities for your kids.”这一句就介绍了地球日的时间,并且说要告诉一些关于地球日的一些活动,点明主旨。故选A. 考点:环境类短文阅读。


There was a little girl sitting in the park by herself. She looked so _____. Dressed in an old pink dress, barefoot(赤脚) and dirty, the girl just sat and watched the people go by. She ____ tried to say a word. Many people passed by her but no one would_____.

The next day I went back to the park to see if the little girl would still be there. Yes. She was there, and still with the same sad look in her ___.

I walked over to her. I could see the back of the little girl’s dress was in a strange ____. I thought that was the _ __people just passed by and didn’t speak to her. As I got closer 1 could see her back more clearly. Her back was humped(驼背的).

I smiled __    her, sat down beside her and said, “Hello.” The little girl stammered a “hi” after a long stare into my eyes. I smiled and she shyly smiled back.

We talked until darkness fell and the park was completely ___. “Little girl,”’ I said, “You remind me of an angel --- sweet and innocent(天真的). You’re like a little Guardian Angel to watch over all those the people walking by.”

She___her head and smiled. With that she opened the back of her pink dress and allowed her wings to spread(展开). “Yes. I’m your Guardian Angel,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. “For once you thought of____other than yourself. My Job here is done.”

1.A. hungry          B. cold           C. sad

2.A. sometimes       B. never          C. ever

3.A. stop            B. listen          C. leave

4.A. hands           B. legs           C. eyes

5.A. size             B. age           C. shape

6.A. reason          B. place          C. time

7.A. with            B. at             C. to

8.A. crowded         B. busy          C. empty

9.A. made           B. lowered        C. nodded

10.A. someone else     B. else anyone     C. anyone else



--What about travelling during the summer holidays?

--- _____________ It can relax us and open our eyes.

A. Why not?

B. What for?

C. I think so.



---Must I finish the homework now?

---No, you ________. You can do it after dinner.

A. can’t   B. needn’t     C. mustn’t



Jin Yong is one of the _____________  and _____________  writers in China.

A. greater, older

B. greater, oldest

C. greatest, oldest



I noticed a man go _____________ the gate and didn’t come out until midnight.

A. over        B. through      C. across



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