满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Jane, when ______you come here? --- ...

--- Jane, when ______you come here?

--- In 2010. I _______ here for four years.

A. have; have been to       B. have; have gone to

C. did; have come           D. did; have been


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你何时来到这里?在2010年。我来这里四年了。根据答语In 2010可知问句该用一般过去时;根据for four years可知该句中要用现在完成时,所以选D。 考点:考查动词时态。  

—do you need more time to complete the task?

--yes, another ten days _____ enough.

A. was   B. were     C. is     D. are



---The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I found it difficult.

---The doctor is right. _________ you eat, ______ you will be.

A. The less, the healthier

B.  The less; the more healthily

C. The more; the healthier

D. The more; the more healthily



There is _____ “h” in the word “hour”, but _____ “h” doesn’t make a sound.

A. a; a    B. a; the

C. the; an D. an; the







有的人则认为 选秀纯粹是浪费时间,甚至还可能招致不理解或嘲笑。



Hi, everyone! I would like to say something about the talent shows that are popular on TV these days.




Thanks for listening.





Nowadays, there are more and more TV talent shows. they are very popular all over China.

These talent shows give everyone a chance(机会) to show off their talents. for some lucky people, these shows may make them famous, and can even make them rich. However, there are also many bad sides. First, some young people just imitate(模仿) the people they admire(钦佩 ) . They may forget about their own style. Second, young people spend too much time on such TV shows. They always dream of being a star. So they spend less time on their studies.

I think TV talent shows are social activities(社会活动 ). Young people can take part in these activities to get social experience(经验). But they should know that the chance of being famous is very small for most people and they should know that their schoolwork is much more important. In a word, you can do what you like, but you should know what is important and what is not.

Information Card


In China, TV talent shows are very                  .


1.                          .


Young people always dream of                       .


2.                              .


How many bad sides of TV talent shows in this passage?


3.                             .


What TV talent shows are according to the writer?


4.                              .


What the writer think is more important for young people?


5.                                 .



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