满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Would you like to climb mountains with ...

—Would you like to climb mountains with me this Sunday?

—I’d love to. But I _______ play table tennis against Class Three.

A. am going B. am going to  C. am D. going to


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-这星期日你要和我去爬山吗?-我想。但我要跟三班打乒乓球。由this Sunday可知该用一般将来时,所以选B。 考点:考查一般将来时的be going to结构。  


要求:1. 词数90词左右,不得出现真实姓名校名。

2. 内容包括:1)请作简单的自我介绍(李敏,第二中学,九年级15班)

2) 学习经历(你是什么时候开始学习英语的?你曾经在校外使用过英语吗?你对学习英语有什么感受?)









An English dictionary is the most important thing that you will need when learning English. Successful English learners use their dictionaries all the time--- that’s how they learn to use new words. In this way, you will know how to use a word after reading its English examples. Try to do this, and you will get an English way of thinking which plays an important part in your English speaking and writing. Chinese students and workers try to use English-Chinese dictionaries. However, this does not good to your English learning, because you put English into Chinese first and then you can understand it, which slows down your learning and stops you from real English.

Information Card

The most important thing when learning English.


The way of successful English learners is to learn to use new words.

They always 2._____________

The number of dictionaries mentioned in the passage.


Is it good to use English-Chinese dictionaries?


To form an English way of 5.__________

You should keep on using an English dictionary.




An old farmer had spent all his life 1.______ his farm in the country far from the city. One day, he didn’t have much work to do, so he 2._____ to visit the big city. Everything was new and strange to him, 3._____he had never traveled to the city. He was very excited. The old farmer walked around and 4._______ a lot of interesting places in the city. He came to a big tall building and saw an old woman. As he wanted, the old 5.______ got into the lift and closed the door. After a while, the door opened again and a very beautiful 6._______ girl came out.

The old farmer was very surprised. 7.______ interesting the little room is!” he said to himself. “It’s magic! It can 8._____ an old woman into a young girl. We 9._______ have this kind of thing in our country. My wife will be very young in this little room. Next time I come here, I will bring 10.____ along.”

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1.  Mr. Zhang is the first time to drive a car with his friends in America.

2. Chen Fang has celebrated Chinese New Year’s Day for times. Now she is curious           (好奇) about other countries.

3. Tong Da, he was asked to an American friend’s home for dinner. It’s new to him.

4. Edison, he is falling in love with a beautiful lady, but she doesn’t know it.

5. Miss. Xie ,  she is going to have a trip in London. She is not sure what kind of clothes she should take.

A.. New Year’s Day

January 1st. A  large celebration. Stay up late to welcome the coming of the new year. Enjoy drink and food, but clothing and sweet music. Visit friends.

B. Valentines Day

Feb. 14th. Sweethearts’ day, on which people in love with each other express their love massage.

C. Traffic Rules in America

Keep left! Don’t use your horn(喇叭) to express anger or complain.

D. Weather in England Changeable(变化多端). Don’t be surprised to see Englishmen leave home on a bright, sunny morning with a raincoat or an umbrella.

E. Names and Tittles

What is in a name? Can we day Teacher Chen? How to use Mr. Miss. Dr. or Prof?  etc.

F. Eating in America How to use knife and fork? Arrive on time or earlier?

G. Christmas Dec. 25th. The biggest and best-loved holiday in the USA. Hanging a stocking, Christmas Tree, get presents from Santa Claus.



Whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. Walking together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through which I learned lessons from his experiences. He always told me,”You should have goals like climbing the mountain.” Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn’t have enough time to spend together because my father was very busy. I really got a lot from mountain-climbing. It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my patience.(耐力)

Once we climbed a very high mountain. It was so challenging for me because I was only ten years old. During the first few hours of climbing, I enjoyed the flowers and trees, and the birds’ singing, but as time passed, I got a pain in both of my legs. I wanted to quit climbing. In fact, I hated it at that moment, but my father said to me,  “You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can’t see it before you reach the top. Only there at the top, you can see all of the nice things, just like in life.”

At that time, I was too young to understand his words. But later after that, I got new hope and confidence.(信心) I found myself standing at the top of the sky, which was as clear as crystal(水晶).

1.The passage tells us that mountain-climbing was _____ for Father and Son.

A. hard      B. enjoyable

C. painful    D. comfortable

2.The word “quit” in the passage means”________”.

A. carry on     B. put off

C. give up      D. pick up

3. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the father’s words in the second paragraph?

A.You will get all you need at the top of the mountain.

B.The sky is always as clear as crystal.

C.You can find life is full of nice things.

D.Never give up half-way.

4. We can infer (判断) from the last paragraph that ________.

A.the writer was very successful in his life

B.the writer didn’t reach the top of the mountain

C.though the writer was young, he could understand his father

D.The writer used to stop half-way when he climbed the mountain

5. The best title for the passage is “______

A. Reaching the Top of the Mountain

B. Enjoy the Beautiful Views

C. Congratulations Between Father and I

D. Father and I



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