满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? -...

--- Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?

--- Well, it all _______ the weather.

A. belongs to     B. depends on

C. happens to      D. concentrate on


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们明天要去野餐吗?嗯,这都得取决于天气。A. belongs to属于,B. depends on取决于, C. happens to恰好,D. concentrate on专心于。据句意,故选B。 考点:考查动词短语辨析。  

---What do you usually do in your spare time?

---I often practice ______ English.

A. speak            B. to speak

C. speaking        D. speaks




当前我国政府正致力于建设“节约型”社会,倡导节约,抵制浪费。作为学生我们也能做些力所能及的事情,如步行或骑自行车上学;随手关水、断电;减少物品的使用和废旧物品的回收、再利用等。以What can we do to build economized society?


要求: 2. 80词左右;2.至少写出4点建议。

提示:tap(水龙头), uneaten food/leftovers(剩余饭菜)

What can we do to build economized society?

Our government is aiming to build an “economized society”. I think it is every citizen's duty to work hard to achieve this goal.








1.inventions,  change,  world,  great,  the (.)


2.are,  from,  two,  newspaper,  here,  articles,  the (.)


3. living,  you,  computers,  imagine,  can,  without (?)


4. do,  how,  play,  often,  computer,  you,  games (?)


5.made,  gold,  the,  bowl,  is,  of (.)





Since last year, Where Are We Going, Dad? has become the most popular TV shows. On the show, the five fathers and their children 1.________ (travel) around China riding camels through the western deserts, 2.______ (fish) on the east coast, and selling vegetables for their bus fare (费用) home in 3.________ (southwest)Yunnan province.

One dad doesn’t know how 4._______ (do) his daughter’s hair, so some people try to help him. Another one must survive (生存) with his son for three days in the desert because the father can’t cook, they only eat instant noodles (方便面).

Why is Where Are We Going, Dad? so popular? 5.______ it is about how Chinese parents look6._____their kids. The show makes modern parents think about what they should do with their kids.” In 7._________ (tradition) Chinese culture, the father is strict and the mother is kind. But on the show, we see fathers who are much gentle on their kids and more involved (参与) in their upbringing (成长).” said Li Minyi, a professor of early childhood education.

In the past, children were taught their parents’ whishes and look after them in 8.__ (they) old age. But today Chinese parents increasingly realize that respecting their children’s 9._____ (choose) may be a 10._____ (good) way to prepare them for modern society. As they raise their children, parents are growing up at the same time.



Taylor Burghard is a young businesswoman. She grew up around technology in her parents' computer shop. She even helped her dad make a sale when she was just 2 years old: she showed a customer how easy it was to use a computer. Now, she has her own business. “We recycle old computer pieces and turn them into jewelry," she said.

Taylor Burghard sells her jewelry, which is made of keyboard keys, memory hardware and other computer parts.

Taylor sells her jewelry online, in her parents' store and in a California toy store where her aunt works as a buyer. Taylor’s friends buy her jewelry for gifts. She said it made her feel so happy when people bought the jewelry.

Taylor said she was also happy to find a way to help recycle old computers and reduce electronic waste. Her dad even asked other businessmen to send their old keyboards and computer parts to the store for Taylor to use.

She has three goals. "I want to help pay for college, learn about business and have fun," she said.

1. How did Taylor help her dad make a sale when she was 2 years old?

A. She shouted aloud.

B. She introduced a computer.

C. She showed it was easy to use a computer.

D. She showed it was interesting to use a computer.

2. Taylor sells her jewelry _______.

in her classroom

in her parents' store

in a California toy store

on the Internet

A. ①②③  B. ①②④   C. ①③④   D. ②③④

3. What does the underlined word "buyer" mean?

A. Someone who buys something.

B. Someone who owns something.

C. Someone whose job is to buy things for a shop.

D. Someone whose job is to sell things for a shop.

4.How many goals does Taylor have?

A. Two.    B. Three.

C. Four.   D. Five.

5.Which of the following can be used to describe Taylor?

A. Clever.   B. Stupid.

C. Funny.     D. Friendly.



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