满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I can two birds the tree and some apples...

I can two birds      the tree and some apples    the tree.

A. in, in    B. on, on

C. in, on    D. on, in


C 【解析】 试题分析:根据语境可知此句的含义是在树上我可以看到两只鸟和一些苹果。考查固定结构in the tree和on the tree在表达意义上的不同,前者表示飞进或落在树上的东西,而后者表示长在树上的东西,故第一空格要用in,第二个空格要用on,故选C。 考点:考查介词的用法  

There is     “u” and       “e” in the word ”use”.

A. a, a     B. an, an

C. a, an    D. an, a




以“My hometown为题,写一篇80字左右的短文。


平果位于广西的西部,在右江河畔上。(in the west of, on the Youjiang River

二十年前是个小镇(ago; a small town,现在……人口超过50万(the population of; over

离南宁大约120公里(away from; kilometres.因平果铝而出名(be famous for; the Aluminium Factory of Pingguo冬天不很冷,夏天不很热的地方。平果的人民很友好。(friendly)







1.Can you give me some advice on how to_______ (提高)my listening in English?

2.It’s_______  (合乎常理的) to forget new words.

3.This little girl is very_______(害羞的).She is afraid of speaking in front of class.

4.Why not write down the mistakes in your         (笔记本).

5.What are the three_______ (基础的)questions about learning English?

6.If you don’t know the m          of the words , please look it up.

7.My teacher often gives me some a        about studying.

8.You are wrong, I don’t a         with you.

9.What’s the m        with you ?.

10.The boy is so careless that he makes many m           in the exam(考试).




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The Trans-Siberian Railway is the1. railway in the world .You can go from Moscow ,the  2. of Russia , to Vladivostok on the  3. coast .It’s not the 4. way to travel from Moscow to Vladivostok ,but it is the most  5. and also the most comfortable way.



One of Henry's feet(脚) is bigger than the other. “I can't find good shoes for my feet,” he says to his friend Dick. “Why not go to a shoemaker(鞋匠)?” Dick says. “A good one can make you the right shoes,” “Good idea!” Henry said. “But where can I find a good shoemaker?” “Oh, there is one in my town.” Dick says.

One day Henry goes to the shoemaker in Dick’s town and asks the shoemaker to make him right shoes. Henry goes to the shoemaker again a few days later and looks at the shoes. Then he says to the shoemaker angrily, “I tell you to make one bigger than the other. Why do you make one smaller than the other?”

1. Henry’s feet are  ________.

A. very long     B. very big

C. the same     D. different in size(尺码)

2.His friend Dick  _________.

A. can make shoes              B. has longer feet

C. knows about a shoemaker     D. always has a good idea

3.Henry and Dick lives  ____________.

A. in the same town          B. in the same building

C. in different towns        D. with their parents

4. Why is Henry angry? Because he thinks  _________.

A. the shoemaker makes the wrong shoes

B. Dick is not happy

C. he has different feet

D. the shoemaker doesn't make any shoes for him

5.Who do you think is wrong?

A. Dick          B. Henry

C. The shoemaker  D. Henry’s friend



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