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Even in early time, people could realize...

Even in early time, people could realize the important of dreams and knew that dreams gave meaning to life. Every great achievement (成就) has been the result of years of dreaming. If a person has a dream and holds fast to it, he or she will find a way to bring it into reality (现实).

Children do not have much experience or knowledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not laugh at them for being naive. Many great men were dreamers when they were children. One such dreamer was Thomas Edison. He used to be ostracized (排斥) when he was in primary school, but his achievements were greater than everyone else’s in his time.

Teenagers and young people should also be encouraged to dream. The world is full of successful teenagers and young people. They dreamt big and their dreams changed their lives and even the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples. They have developed technology and brought great progress (进步) to human besides making money for themselves.

Older people should believe that it is never too late to dream and that human mind is never too old to make dreams turn into reality. Colonel Saunders realized his dreams at the age of 67 and set up the biggest fried chicken company (KFC) in the world.

To dream is a wonderful ability which can lead to wonderful results. Olympic records were broken by players who were brave enough to dream. No one is too young or too old to dream and to make dreams come true.

1. Young people should be encouraged to dream because ______.

A. their dreams are natural

B. they are greater than everyone else

C. they have much knowledge

D. their dreams might change the world

2.What does the example of Colonel Saunders show us?

A. Setting up a big company is a wonderful ability.

B. Developing technology can bring great progress.

C. Even older people can make their dreams come true.

D. People should be brave enough to dream when they are young.

3.The underlined word “naive” in the passage means “______” in Chinese.

A. 逆反的    B. 幼稚   C. 调皮的      D. 冲动的

4. The best title (题目) for the passage is “______”.

A. From Dream to Reality

B. Good Examples of Dreams

C. Achievements in History

D. A list of Successful Dreamers


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述的是我们应该有自己的梦想,并且要坚持自己的梦想,找到实现梦想的方法。对于实现梦想来说,我们不会太年轻,也不会太老。文章中作者举例向我们证明了这一点。 1.推理判断题。根据短文第三段They dreamt big and their dreams changed their lives and even the world.可知,文章中作者觉得年轻人应该有自己的梦想,有了梦想,并且坚持自己的梦想,就能找到实现梦想的路。因此,我们应该鼓励年轻人有梦想,因为他们的梦想也许会改变这个世界。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据短文第四段中的内容可知,这一段中作者给我们举了一个例子,Colonel Saunders 在67岁的时候实现了自己的梦想,开设了世界上最大的肯德基。通过这个例子,作者告诉我们甚至老人也可以实现自己的梦想。故选C。 3.词义猜测题。根据划线单词所在的句子及上下文的意思可知,我们不应该嘲笑他们太幼稚,很多伟大的人都是在小的时候就有自己的梦想。因此这里着重说的是我们不要嘲笑年轻人的幼稚,天真。故选B。 4.主旨大意题。这篇短文主要讲述的是我们应该有自己的梦想,并且要坚持自己的梦想,找到实现梦想的方法。对于实现梦想来说,我们不会太年轻,也不会太老。文章中作者还举例向我们证明了这一点。因此A选项从梦想到现实这个题目最符合文章的大意。故选A。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Once there was a man traveling in a faraway village. As he was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped. He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains(锁链), no cages. It was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn’t try to get away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they still believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can hold them, so they never try to break free.”

How could it be? These animals could at any time break free from their ropes. But because they always stuck right where they were, they believed they couldn’t.

Just like the elephants, how many of us go through life believing that we cannot do something, just because we failed at it once before? We should never give up the struggle(挣扎) in life.

1. What did the writer see in the village?

A. Chains        B. Elephants

C. Cages      D. Farmers

2. Why do the elephants never try up to break free from the ropes?

A. Because they think they can not.

B. Because they are too old to do it.

C. Because they like their living places.

D. Because they get on well with the trainer.

3. How did the man feel after he heard what the trainer said?

A. Moved        B. surprised

C. Angry       D. Nervous

4.Which of the following is the missing part in the last paragraph?

A. Failing is part of learning.

B. We should be different from others.

C. Helping animals is helping ourselves.

D. Traveling always makes people relaxed.



(1)Shirley Temple, the once-famous child movie star, died at the age of 85 on February 10, 2014. She was born on April 23, 1928. She was good at acting and dancing. In 1934, she starred(主演) in the movie Bright Eyes. From then on she became famous around the world. Later she starred in other movies and won a Juvenile Oscar in February, 1935.

For many Americans born in the 1930s and 1940s, Temple was not just an on-screen star but also a close friend in their childhood. She was remembered by the world as the forever “little angle”. An American movie star said, “Little Shirley Temple encouraged the whole country during the Great Depression(大萧条).”

(2)Shi Li and Cui Jiping are husband and wife. They are disabled. They complete the first Chinese encyclopedic(百科知识的)dictionary for deaf people and people with hearing problems.

The dictionary includes words on medicine, education, psychology, law, history and culture about deaf people’s life. This book provides a learning tool for this special group of people and it helps them know about the world more easily.

They spent six years and over 1,000,000 yuan on the book. They first collected material for the book by themselves, then they invited a lot of experts(专家) across the country to write.

The book is warmly welcomed by the deaf. One of the readers said, “The book shows that we’re not alone. We can have our own way to communicate with the world.

1. Temple won the first Juvenile Oscar in        .

A. 1928             B. 1934          C. 1935           D. 1948.

2. From the passage we know that Temple        .

A. was not good at dancing

B. began to star in her first movie when she was ten years old.

C. was unfriendly to her fan

D. encouraged the whole country during the Great Depression

3. According to the passage, Shi Li and Cui Jiping         .

A. are disabled people full of love

B. wrote many famous books.

C. finished the book by themselves

D. live a very poor life

4.Which of the following is TRUE about the book?

A. It is the first world encyclopedic dictionary.

B. It can help deaf people know about the world more easily.

C. It took them sixteen years to finish the book.

D. It includes medicine and art about the life of deaf people.




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1.When can we visit Art Museum?

A. 11:00 am-7:00 pm every day

B. 8:00 am 6:00 pm on weekdays

C. 8:00 am – 9:30 am every Sunday.

D. 8:00 am 6:00 pm on weekends.

2. Where can we go if we want to learn music?

A. 25 Jiefang Road.      B. 95 the Fifth Avenue.

C. 120 Xinjin Street.    D. Thermopolis Town.

3. If you and your parents visit National Park, how much should you pay?

A. $ 15       B. $ 30      C. $38    D. $45



Hundreds of years ago in a small town, a moneylender lent a lot of money to a poor man. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, ____ the poor man’s beautiful daughter. So he came up with an idea. He said the poor man didn’t need to return the money to him ____ he could marry his daughter. Both the man and his daughter were very_______.

The moneylender then told them that he would put a small ______ stone and a small white stone into an empty bag. The girl would have to _____ one. If she took the black stone , she would become the moneylender’s ______ and her father’s debt would be let go. If she picked the white stone, she didn’t need to marry him and her father’s debt would_____ be let go. Her father would be put into prison(监狱)if she refused to pick a stone.

As they talked, the moneylender picked up two stones. As he did that, the girl____that he had put two black stones in the bag. He then asked the girl to pick her stone from the bag.

The girl thought for a while and then had an idea. She put her hand into the bag and took out a stone. _____ looking at it, she let it fall onto the path where it ______ became lost among all the other stones. “Oh how_____ I was!” She said, “But never _____. If you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to _______ which stone I picked.” This ______ tells: Sometimes we can think about things in a ______way. Most difficult problems do have an solution

1.A. pleased    B. listened    C. loved   D. saw

2.A. if         B. unless    C. so     D. but

3.A. bored       B. afraid    C. relaxed  D. excited

4.A. pink       B. red       C. black     D. yellow

5.A. show     B. damage      C. check     D. choose

6.A. daughter  B. cousin       C. wife     D. friend

7.A. again     B. still       C. never      D. hardly

8.A. said      B. feared        C. thought    D. noticed

9.A. On        B. About        C. For      D. Without

10.A. usually   B. surprisingly  C. quickly D. slowly

11.A. worried   B. clever      C. careless    D. lucky

12.A. laugh    B. mind      C. cry       D. complain

13.A. tell      B. explain   C. ask     D. arrange

14.A. saying   B. story    C. news       D. man

15.A. careful     B. funny      C. different  D. normal



---Wow! Your skirt looks so nice!    ---__________. It is my mother’s design.

A. Thank you   B. Sounds great

C. My design    D. Good idea



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