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阅读下面材料,从每题所给的三个选项(A、B和C)中,选出最佳选项。 CCTV’s...


CCTV’s new TV show, A Bite of China 2, went on air on April 18, 2014. Each Friday a new episode (集) comes out. Two years ago, the first season of A Bite of China came out, attracting viewers in and out of China. It shows China’s many tasty foods and its rich food culture. Many believe it’s the best TV show ever made by CCTV.The second season is aiming higher. Through homemade food, it tells the smiles and tears of ordinary Chinese in changing times, said its director Chen Xiaoqing.The TV show looks at people who work hard to give their families a better life. It also explores the relationship between people and local food. In the TV show, a 19-year-old Tibetan boy climbs 40 meters up a tree to get some raw honey. He sells the honey and uses the money to pay for his younger brother’s schooling. A grandma teaches her two grandchildren to make noodles in a traditional way. They hang noodles in their courtyard to dry them. The scene looks artsy and warm.

This season will cover the stories of more than 150 people, and over 300 types of food.

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1. A Bite of China 1 came out __________.

A. in 2010                 B. 2012                C. 2014

2. The TV show, A Bite of China, mainly tells about ___________.

A. different kinds of places of interest

B. some famous people in China

C. many kinds of foods and its culture

3. The underlined word “tasty” means _________.

A. delicious      B. terrible    C. interesting

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The TV show , A Bite of China 2,comes out a new episode every day.

B. The TV show,A Bite of China 1, isn’t popular out of China.

C. The TV show tells some moving stories about ordinary Chinese.

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Tibetan boy pay for his brother’s schooling

B. “A Bite of China” Returns with Season Two

C. Learn to make noodles in a traditional way


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了中国中央电视台的新的电视节目:舌尖上的中国2。它是在2014年4月18日播出的。每个星期五会播出新的一集。两年前第一季播出后就吸引了海内外的许多观众,这也表明中国有丰富的饮食文化。许多人认为这是由中国中央电视台播出的最好的电视节目。第二赛季的目标更高。通过自制的食物,它讲述了普通中国人生活的时代变迁,它还探讨了人与人之间的关系和当地的食物。 1.第二季的时间是A Bite of China 2, went on air on April 18, 2014.,及短文Two years ago, the first season of A Bite of China came out, attracting viewers in and out of China.可知第一季比第二季早两年,故选B。 2.短文It shows China’s many tasty foods and its rich food culture.可知节目主要讲述了许多美味的食物和丰富的饮食文化,故选C。 3.上下文可知是美味的食物,而不是可怕的食物,和有趣的食物,故选A. 4.】归纳理解题。根据短文中例举的两个例子,可知讲述的是普通中国人的感人故事。故选C。 5.短文主要描述了舌尖上的中国第二季的有关情况,故选B。 考点:社会现象类短文阅读。


In the months of December and January, China experienced some of the worst air pollution in its history. At times, Beijing’s Air Quality Index(AQI)was measured at 406. Any AQI reading over 150 is considered “unhealthy” and any reading over 300 is considered hazardous.” In Shanghai, we had several days when the AQI neared 300. The PM2.5 readings were also high. PM2.5 refers to particulate (微粒的)matter smaller than 2.5 microns(微米) in diameter. These particles are small enough to get into the lungs and can cause cancer and other lung diseases.

China is now becoming acutely aware that the rush to development has come at a price and may be endangering the health of its citizens. This is something other countries have faced before. The U.K. used to be the most polluted country in the world. It wasn’t until London’s Big Smog of 1952 that people realized that air pollution was a real health hazard. Twelve thousand deaths were directly related to that “pea-souper(浓雾)” and it resulted in Parliament(英国议会)passing the Clean Air Act(《清洁空气法案》)of 1956.

China will no doubt pass similar laws. It’s a choice between wealth and health. As Beijingers and Shanghainese coughed their way through December and January, the choice may have become easier to make.

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1.According to the following AQI, if you are in _________now, it is healthy for you.

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A. Shanghai.             B. Guangzhou.              C. Beijing.

2. Why did Parliament pass the Clean Air Act of 1956?

A. Thousands of people died because of the “pea-souper”.

B. The PM2.5 readings were very low in UK.

C. The Parliament wanted to pass more laws.

3. Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A. The U.K. is the most polluted country in the world now.

B. PM2.5 may cause cancer and other lung diseases.

C. China will not pass similar laws like the Clean Air Act.

4.The underlined word “hazardous” means ______ in Chinese.

A. 危险的           B. 温和的           C. 健康的

5. According to the passage, why will China pass laws to make air cleaner?

A. It may help the country develop more rapidly.

B. People can’t make the choice between wealth and health.

C. People realize air pollution was a real health hazard.




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1. Marsha’s House may be a _________.

A. cinema

B. supermarket

C. hotel

2.If you want to buy apples, you should go to ________.

A. Marsha’s house

B. Country Life Market

C. Wawa Village

3.Arnold Swenson may be a(n) ______.

A. musician        B. film star     C. athlete

4. If you want to get a present from Next Wave Music Store, you should_________.

A. not get there later than 50 people on Saturday

B. be the first people to get there on Saturday

C. get there before 7:00 a.m on Saturday

5.If you go out for a few days, you can call_________ to look after your dog for you.

A. 543-002   B. 544-996     C. 544-741



Let’s go to have a picnic this Sunday. __________

A. Good idea!

B. Don’t worry.

C. What a shame!



Happy New Year!— ______________.

A. Yor’re welcome

B. The same to you

C. Thank you



—I’m sorry for losing your pen. ___________.

A. I hope so

B. I am afraid not

C. Never mind.



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