满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完型填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后...



Father came to Jack’s bed and sat down beside him.       kind of day did you have?”

     “ It was a         day for me,” Jack answered. “ I had a fight打架       .Tom. The teacher      a note home about me. And I talked back to mother.”

Yes, part of the day was bad,” Mr Brown said. “but tell me about the      thing today.”

Jim smiled. After school I went      alone,” he said. I didn’t think I would have any pleasure 乐趣. But I did. I      a fish!”

“I’m glad you      a good time,” Mr Brown said. Think about it      you go to sleep. Now I’m going to __      __ the light. Happy dreams.”

Every night, Jack answers the      question. What was the best thing that happened to you today?” Every night      going to sleep, Jack thinks about the best thing. Of course he has many happy      .

Sometimes he has to think      to find the best thing. Sometimes it is a very small thing._      _ he always finds out a good thing to think about. This is a good way Jack’s father has taught to end his day.

1.A. What   B. When   C. Where    D. Why

2.A. nice     B. good   C. great   D. bad

3.A. in    B. with   C. from   D. on

4.A. gave     B. bought   C. sent    D. spent

5.A. good     B. best    C. better    D. bad

6.A. fishing    B. swimming  C. shopping   D. skating

7.A. found    B. killed    C. bought   D. caught

8.A. had    B. have   C. enjoy   D. enjoyed

9.A. when    B. before    C. after    D. if

10.A. turn up    B. turn down  C. turn on    D. turn off

11.A. easy   B. difficult  C. same   D. different

12.A. after     B. during    C. when   D. before

13.A. dreams   B. stories   C. lessons    D. films

14.A. quickly   B. hard    C. slowly    D. carelessly

15.A. But    B. So   C. And    D. Or


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章介绍的是Jack和爸爸之间的对话,爸爸问Jack这一天过得怎么样,Jack认为不好,因为他和同学打架了。爸爸让他回忆这一天发生的最好的事情,Jack认为放学后去钓鱼是一件开心的事。以后的每天爸爸都要问Jack这一天发生的最好的事情是什么。用这种方法,爸爸教给Jack每天都以一种美好的方式来结束这天的生活。 1. ,为什么。根据后一句描述,可知此处问的是,你度过了怎么样的一天?what kind,哪种,故选A。 2. 3. a fight with,和……打架,故选B。 4. 5. 6. 7. 抓住。根据后一句描述,可知我抓住了一条鱼,因此我很高兴。故选D。 8. ,喜欢,享受。句意:我很高兴你度过了一段不错的时光。短语have a good time,玩得高兴。本句是省略了that的主语从句,从句中描述的是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时态。选A。 9. 10. up,出现,发生,开大;turn down,关小,调低;turn on,打开,发动,取决于;turn off,关掉,关闭。根据后一句可知本句指的是,我要关灯了。故选D。 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 考点:考查人生百味类短文

--Mary, would you like to go and visit the Science Museum with me ?

-- _____, but surfing on the internet seems more interesting.

A. No problem        B. That’s a good idea

C. I’d love to      D. That’s it



My father advises me _____ games, he thinks it’s not good for my study.

A. to play B. not to play

C. playing D. not playing



The _____ you work at your lessons, the _____ result you will get.

A. hard, good   B. harder, good

C. hard, better  D. harder, better



_____ exciting job it is to work as a guider in such a big mall.

A. What a    B. What an

C. What     D. How



It’s very nice of you to _____ so much time showing me around your school.

A. cost    B. have   C. spend   D. take



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