满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。 1.More than two ...


1.More than two years ________________ since he came to this school.(pass)

2.He often buys ________________ newspapers to read.(week)

3.It is easy for that girl to get ________________. Don’t frighten her.(scare)

4.Many film stars had been ________________ before they entered the film industry.(sing)

5.The little girl was last seen ________________ home at about 6:00 am.(leave)


1.has passed 2.weekly 3.scared 4.singers 5.leaving 【解析】 试题分析: 1.has passed. 2.故答案是weekly。 3.故填scared。 4.故填singers 5. doing,故填leaving. 考点:单词填空


1.There will be a(n) ________________ at National Grand Theatre(音乐会)

2.I think the work goes ________________ his ability.(超出)

3.He ________________ that woman for his mother in the street.(误以为)

4.Some ________________ saw the man with blood on his jacket.(证人)

5.Anyone who did anything __________the laws will be arrested.(违反)



The Queen Elizabeth and her sister Margaret had very different characters (性格): Elizabeth was very serious and tidy; Margaret was outgoing and headstrong. But they kept close her a lot of help.

Margaret was one of the few people who could lose their temper (脾气)with the Queen. Even as an adult, she would sometimes shout at her. Once she threw a dishcloth at Elizabeth's face when they had a picnic. But they never quarreled for long. To Queen Elizabeth, it was a sadness that her sister never found lasting (持久的) personal happiness. as sisters. When they were children, they depended on each other. They had lessons at home with their go­verness Marion Crawford. Margaret was often naughty. Elizabeth always protected her every time when she broke rules. When they grew up, Margaret has sad love stories and unhappy marriage. The Queen gave her a lot of help.

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1.What kind of person was Elizabeth like? She was ________.

A. serious and tidy

B. outgoing and tidy

C. easygoing and headstrong

D. serious and headstrong

2.The word “governess” means ________.

A.服务员    B.家庭女教师   C.牧师   D.管家

3.Who had an unhappy family life according to the story?

A. Elizabeth.

B. Margaret.

C. Marion Crawford.

D. Both Elizabeth and Margaret.

4.According to the story, which of the following is not true?

A. The queen and her sister had quite different characters.

B. Elizabeth always protected her sister.

C. The sisters often fought each other.

D. Elizabeth felt sorry for her sister for her unsuccessful marriage.

5.What is the main idea of the story?

A. Elizabeth was a kind person.

B. The two sisters lived happily.

C. Margaret had sad love stories.

D. The two sisters had a very good relationship.



Shortly after Mary left the university, she went to travel in Canada. When she returned to New York, She told a lot of interesting things to her best friends, Jack. Jack was very interested in Canada from then on and decided to have a visit there.

The next summer vacation, Jack and Mary had a plan to go to Canada together. But her mother was seriously ill so she went to the airport to see her friend off.

When they got to the airport, Mary had to go to the washroom. After she came back, she couldn't find Jack because there were so many people in the airport. She looked for him everywhere, but it was hard to find Jack among the people.

Suddenly(突然), Mary saw Jack and she felt very happy then she shout, "Hi, Jack. Here, here!" At the same time, Jack wave(挥动)his arms, "I'm here!"

In 3 minutes, so many policemen came to the front of Jack and caught him, "Please come with me to the police office."

After the policemen found out the reason, they let them free. Why? Because the word "hijack" in the English has different meanings. If you want to know, you can look it up in the dictionary

1. Mary lived in______.

A. Canada    B. London

C. Toronto   D. New York

2. Mary couldn't go to Canada with Jack because______.

A she didn't want to go there again

B. she missed the plane

C. her mother was badly ill.

D. she was badly ill

3. Why was it hard for Mary to find Jack in the airport?

A. Because Jack was in the plane.

B. Because there were too many people.

C. Because he was in the washroom.

D. Because the policeman took him away from the airport.

4.The word "hijack" means ______ in Chinese.

A.劫机    B.喂,  杰克   C.救命啊    D.揩油

5. Which of the following is WRONG?

A. Jack didn't go to Canada because of the policeman.

B. Jack and Mary planned to go to Canada together.

C. A lot of policeman came to the front of Jack because of Mary's shout.

D. After Mary got to the airport, she had to go to the washroom.



We're a bilingual (双语的) school for children of 6-15.We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach and a language teacher.




Skill (技能)

Other term





can cook Chinese and western food







read different kinds of books







major in (主修)


healthy and strong







major in English



1.Which of the following can go to Happy Middle School?

A.A four­-yea­r-old child.

B.A ten­-year­-old child.

C.A sixteen-­year-­old child.

D.A five­-year­-old child.

2.Happy Middle School doesn't want ________.

A. a cook               B. a nurse

C. a library assistant  D. a sports coach

3.Which of the following may not speak English?

A. The cook.  B. The library assistant.

C. The sports coach.  D. The teacher.

4.The cook can cook ________.

A. Chinese food              B. Western food

C. Chinese and western food  D. food

5.Which is not needed as a sports coach?

A. He majors in P.E.

B. He must be healthy and strong.

C. He can speak Chinese and English.

D. He can cook western food.



完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

共l5小题; 每小题l分,计l5分

Once upon a time, there were two fishermen who were good at fishing. One day they went to a lake to     . One of them     fishing alone by himself    the other was an outgoing person who loved to      friends with different people.

When he found that some tourists at the lake couldn’t catch any fish. “I will teach you how to do that” he said to them. “If you catch 10 fish, give me one. If you don’t get 10, you    give me anything.”

They feel like old friends at first sight. Both sides come to an a (an)     immediately.

After he finished teaching a group, he went to teach another, and     taught them some fishing skills. He asked one for every 10 fish that the tourists     .

     of the day, the fisherman who kindly helped others received a (an)     basket of fish, and also got to know a large group of new friends. At the same time, he was respected(尊重) as     .

On the other hand,     fisherman didn’t have much fun. When the others circled around his camp, he became even more    . After fishing for a whole day alone, he looked into the fish basket, and found he had far     fish than his friend.

If we help others succeed, we harvest both    and friends.

1.A. play        B. study    C. fish    D. swim

2.A. prefer    B. enjoyed   C. wanted   D. would like

3.A. because    B. when    C. as    D. while

4.A. talk     B. be    C. teach    D. make

5.A. needn’t    B. didn’t have to  C. need    D. have to

6.A. agree    B. disagree   C. agreement   D. disagreement

7.A. also       B. as well    C. too    D. either

8.A. caught    B. give    C. gave    D. catch

9.A. At the beginning  B. In the middle  C. At the end   D. In the end

10.A. little    B. full    C. empty    D. lot of

11.A. a fisherman   B. a teacher   C. an engineer   D. a farmer

12.A. another    B. other    C. the other   D. others

13.A. helpful    B. successful   C. dangerous   D. lonely

14.A. fewer    B. less    C. many    D. more

15.A. success    B. money    C. fish    D. time



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