满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I like playing football, but I am not ve...

I like playing football, but I am not very good at it. I do not usually play on my school football team. I am a reserve player. This means that I play only if another player on the team can’t play or is hurt during a game. I have only played in one of the games this year. That was the game we played yesterday. In the middle of the game, one of the players hurt his knee. “Take his place,” the coach said. I ran onto the field. Soon a player on the other team ran towards me with the ball. We were both near my team’s goal. I ran towards him. I got the ball away from him. “ I can’t kick hard, “ I thought. “ I’ll kick the ball to my goal-keeper. He can pick it up and kick it to the other end of the field. “ I did this, but I kicked the ball too hard. The goal-keeper couldn’t get it. The ball went into the goal. I had scored on our own goal! I don’t think the coach will ask me to play for the team again.

1.Why won’t they ask him to play on the team again?

A. He doesn’t know the rules.           B. He got hurt.

C. He made a big mistake.                 D. He plays too well.

2. How often did he play on the team before this game this year?

A. Never.            B. A few times.

C. Quite often.      D.  All the time.

3.How did he probably feel after he scored the goal?

A. worried     B. Excited.

C. Sad         D. Very happy

4.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “reseave”?

A.业余的     B. 专业的         C. 替补的        D. 优秀的


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:短文讲述的是故事主人公在一次足球比赛中不小心将球踢进自己队球门中的幽默故事。本题需要在理解全文的基础上,进行选择。 1.】细节理解题。通过阅读全文可知,故事主人公在比赛中因为错失,将球踢进了自己队的球门中,给别的队赢得了分数,故选C。 2.】细节理解。根据短文,I have only played in one of the games this year.可知故事主人公只有今年才参加过一次足球比赛。,故选A。 3.】细节理解题。根据短文,故事主人公不小心将球踢进自己队的球门中,所以十分伤心。故选C。 4.4】词汇推测题。Reserve,“保守的”,在此文中课意译为“替补的”。故选C。 考点:故事类阅读。

完型填空  (本题有15个小题,每小题1分,共15分)


A professor stood in front of his class _______ some things on the table. When the class began, he picked up a very large and empty(空的 ) bottle and tried to fill() it with ________ stones.

He then asked the students if the bottle was full. They _______that it was. Then the professor picked up a box of small stones and put _______ into the bottle. He shook the bottle. The small stones rolled into the open areas between the big stones. He then asked the students      if the bottle was full. They agreed it ______.

The professor picked up a box of sand(沙子) and poured it into the bottle. Of course the sand filled up the remaining (留下的 ) open areas of the bottle.

“ Now”, said the professor, “ I want you to know that this bottle _______ your life. The big stones are the _________ things like your family, partners, health and children. The small stones are the other things that matter like your job, house and car. The sand is everything _______, the small things. ________ you put the sand into the bottle _________, there is no room for the stones. The same goes for your _________. If you ________ all your time and energy on the small things, you will ________ have room for the things that are important to you. Please put the big stones first. They are the things that are _________ important.

1.A. and         B. with         C. take           D. bring

2.A. important    B. small         C. big           D. easy

3.A. spoke       B. talked      C. told      D. said

4.A. it         B. them          C. it’s            D. they

5.A. too          B. again         C.also            D. still

6.A. is           B. was           C. isn’t            D. wasn’t

7.A.like          B. likes         C. is likes         D. is like

8.A. sad          B. small          C. important       D. little

9.A. else          B. other          C. others           D. another

10.A. Because      B. So            C. And            D .If

11.A. quickly       B. fast            C. first            D. second

12.A.life          B. house          C . job            D. car

13.A. cost         B. spend         C. pay             D. take

14.A. also         B. still           C. never           D. always

15.A. real         B. really          C. much           D. even




请以“My Life In The Future”为题,大胆设想一下自己的未来的生活,写一篇60词左右的文章。














1.People will not use __________(纸币 ) 200 years from now.

2.Would you like _________________(闲逛 )with me this weekend?

3.The students in the future will study_____________ (在电脑上) at home.

4. ___________(切碎)the bananas please,then put them into the blender .

5. This movie theater has the __________(最大的座位) in our city.




1.There were many______ (build) in the old city 100 years ago.

2.The ________(hard)you work, the better grades you will get..

3.They usually go shopping_________( two )a month.

4.----Who taught you to learn English?

-----I taught__________(I)

5.Why not _________(invite) Tom to come to your birthday party?



One day Einstein爱因斯坦is walking in the street in New York. His friend meets him and says to him, “Einstein, you should buy a new coat. Look, how old your coat is !”

But Einstein answers, “It doesnt matter. Nobody knows me here.”

After a few years Einstein becomes a famous scientist. But he still wears the old coat.

His friend meets him again and asks him to buy a new one.

But Einstein says, “I neednt buy a new one. Everyone knows me here”

1. Einstein is       scientist.

A. an English     B. a Chinese

C. an American    D. a Japanese

2. Einsteins coat is very old. His friend       .

A. gives him a new one

B. asks him to buy a new one

C. helps him buy a new one

D. helps him mend the old coat

3. Einstein doesnt want to buy a new one because        .

A. nobody knows him             B. he likes the old one

C. he has no money             D. he doesnt mind it

4.A few years later Einstein        .

A. buys a new one               B. becomes a great scientist

C. wears a new coat             D.nobody knows him

5. The title of this passage should be(短文的题目应是)      .

A. Einstein and His Friend        B. Einstein and His New Coat

C. Einsteins Coat                D. Einstein



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