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Interested in Soccer? Join us now! King'...

Interested in Soccer?

Join us now!

King's School is organizing a soccer camp for students aged 15~17. Join us

for 5 days of fun as you learn to play this exciting sport !


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16~20 September, 2013 (Monday to Friday)

3:00 p. m.~5:00 p. m.

Where                   Cost

City Sports Hall            $ 10 each

267 State Street

Our special offer:

Players from the National Soccer Team will be your coaches for the 5 days of camp! .

Coach Ben Smith--National Soccer Team

Coach Bill Williams-National Soccer Team

Coach Jim White--National Soccer Team captain


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After the camp, you will be able to:

·understand the rules of the game

·carry the ball with your feet

·pass the ball to other players using your feet

·kick the ball towards the goal(球门)

Please come in comfortable shorts, T-shirts and sports shoes.

For more information, please call us at 01159515092, or email us at KS_ soccer camp @hotmail. com. uk

1.The camp is for the children who _______.

A. are good at soccer          B. are 15~17 years old

C. come from King's School      D. want to relax in camp

2. The camp will start on _______.

A. September 16    B. September 20

C. Sunday          D. Friday

3.If you want to join the camp, you should pay _______ for it.

A. $5      B.$6      C.$7      D.$10

4.Students in the camp can learn all the skills EXCEPT _______.

A. carrying the football     B. kicking a goal

C. passing the football       D. making game rules

5.Which of the following seems to be the most attractive(吸引) to children?

A. The camp lasts for 5 days.

B. The camp doesn't cost much.

C. The camp is organized by King's School.

D. The coaches will be national soccer players.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:你想参加足球运动夏令营吗?这是国王学校为十五岁到十七岁的学生组织的足球活动。时间从二零一三年的九月十六日到二十日。每个人的学费为十美元。教练员们都是来自于国家队的运动员。期待你的加入。 1. King's School is organizing a soccer camp for students aged 15~17. 句意:国王学校为十五岁到十七岁的学生组织的足球活动。明确是为十五到十七岁的学生举办的活动。故选B 2. September, 2013 (Monday to Friday)句意:二零一三年的九月十六日到二十日。因此开始的时间为十六日。故选A 3. City Sports Hall $ 10 each 句意:到城市体育大厅,每人交十美元。结合选项第四项正确。故选D 4. understand the rules of the game ·carry the ball with your feet ·pass the ball to other players using your feet ·kick the ball towards the goal(球门) 句意:理解游戏的规则;用你的脚运球;使用你的脚传球给其他球员;学会如何射门。联系选项中的内容,明确第四项提到的内容没有,因此第四项为所选项。故选D 5. 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。


Mr. Ellis is very old. He has seen__ __ changes in his home town. He knows that things are different now. But he never forgets the old days. He likes to talk about them. He often talks about his favourite _ __, the robins (知更鸟). "When I was a boy, these houses were not here. There were wide fields and tall trees. Every spring the robins would come. Thousands of them would fly up to the north from the south. They spent the     in the south. Some would build their nests (巢) in the    near our houses. We knew it was spring when the robins came. When they left , we knew winter   __ .

“Then people     building more houses. They cut down trees and they filled the fields  ___ _ houses. The robins stopped _ back. Oh, we’d seen some once in a while , but they couldn't find a right place    their nests near our houses because there were no trees."

"Now there are lots of houses and roads. There are no     area for the robins. They do not come any more, which is sad."

1.A. too much      B. much too      C. many         D. many too

2.A. animals        B. houses        C. birds         D. days

3.A. spring         B. summer       C. autumn       D. winter

4.A. trees           B. fields        C. parks         D. buildings

5.A. left            B. came         C. reached       D. got

6.A. stopped         B. went         C. started        D. came

7.A. of             B. with          C. in            D. up

8.A. returning        B. flying         C. to return      D. to fly

9.A. to build         B. building        C. to live       D. to live in

10.A. building        B. feeding        C. hunting       D. living



---If you’re free tonight, how about having dinner together?

---__________ .

A. It doesn’t matter    B. That’s all right

C. All right            D. Not at all



--- Don’t make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping.


A. Sorry, I won’t              B. It doesn’t matter

C. Excuse me, I am wrong         D. Certainly, I won’t



Would you please _________ home, Tom? She didn’t catch the last bus.

A. to drive her to   B. to drive her

C. drive her        D. drive her to



We have to       the questions before answering them.

A. look after      B. look up

C. look through     D. look at



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