满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Eric is not going to Nanjing by ________...

Eric is not going to Nanjing by __________ plane. He is taking _________ train.

A. a; /    B. a; the    C. /;  a    D. the; a


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:埃里克不将坐飞机去南京,他将坐火车去。by+表示交通工具的名词,其中名词前不用任何冠词;第二空是短语take a train坐火车,这里train是可数名词,故选C。 考点:考查冠词的用法。  


1.ready    A. [e]   B. [i:]  C. [ai]  D. [æ]

2.smooth   A. [ð]  B. [θ]   C. [s]  D. [z]



写作 (共计20分)






sometimes sleep in class

listen carefully


copy others’

on his own, finish on time


no communication with parents

talk to parents politely


not wait for the traffic lights

follow traffic rules






3. 信中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

Hello, everyone! I’m glad to tell you that Andy has changed a lot.










My classmate Amy wrote a letter to the chairperson of the Birdwatching Society. She’d like to join the Birdwatching Society. Here is what she writes in her letter.

First, she introduces h  1.   . She is a Grade 8 student at Sunshine Middle School. Her favorite s  2.   is Biology. She is very interested in learning about different k  3.   of plants, birds and animals. She enjoys the n  4.   world and loves the nature very much.

She would like to become a m  5.  of the Birdwatching Society. She wants to know more a  6.   birds and she thinks it is important to do something to p  7.   them. She can take p  8.   in activities from 2 p.m. to 5 p. m. on Sundays.

She asks them to c  9.   her on 010-5558 6390 or e  10.  her at amy@sunshine.com.




1.Our government has made lots of       (法律) to protect the wild animals.

2.—Could I have your       (地址)?

—Why not? Room 406, Building 2, Yucai Road.

3.Temperature in our hometown often       (下降) below zero in winter.

4.We must obey rules when       (成千上万) of people gather together.

5.Square dance (广场舞) has become more and more popular       (近来).

6.We should realize the       (important) of teamwork in the daily life .

7.Birds can       (easy) catch fish for food in Yancheng Nature Reserve.

8.My parents told me the sun       (rise) in the east when I was young.

9.People were busy       (clean) the snow from the streets the next morning.

10.My father and mother have lived in Binhai since they got       (marry).




Most children have wonderful toys to play with. Usually, their parents buy these toys for them, often as Christmas or birthday gifts. Some children buy small toys with their pocket money. But instead of buying toys, one fun way to get new toys is to make them.

The easiest toy to make is a kite. For a kite, all you need is a large piece of paper, two sticks, some string and some glue. Take the two sticks and use the string to join them together in the centre. Then take a string and tie it to the ends of the sticks to make a string square. Cut the paper to make it the same size as the square. Finally, stick the paper to the string square with glue. Now your kite is finished. All you need to do is to tie a long string to the kite so you can fly it.

In many countries, they have kite-building competitions. Hundreds of people come together to show off their kites. In one famous competition, some of the kites are more than three metres tall. They take many strong men to fly them and use rope instead of string.

1. According to the article, what is one fun way you can get toys?


2.What materials do you need to make your own kite?


3. What is the last thing you need to do before you can fly your kite?


4.How big are some of the kites in one famous competition?


5.With really large kites, what must people use instead of string?




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