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Name: Sally Age: 12 Country:﹙国家﹚England...


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Name: Sally

Age: 12


Class: Class Three,

Grade Seven

QQ: 22635901

Tel: 83422668

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Name: Sam

Age: 13

Country: America

Class:Class, Two

Grade Eight

QQ: 50318693

Tel: 22201685

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Name: Lin Tao

Age: 13

Country: China

Class: Class Four,

Grade Eight

QQ: 136038291

Tel: 87533229

1.How old is Sally? She is ______.

A. twelve     B. thirteen

C. fourteen   D. eleven

2. Where is Sam from?  He is from ______.

A. Canada       B. England

C. the U.S.A.   D. China

3. What’s the number 136038291? It’s ______.

A. Sally’s QQ number

B. Sam’s QQ number

C. Lin Tao’s QQ number

D. Lin Tao’s phone number


1.A 2.C 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了三个学生的学生证,上面有他们的年龄、国籍、班级以及QQ号和电话号码。莎莉12岁,来自英国,在七年级三班。山姆13岁,来自美国,在八年级二班。林涛12岁,来自中国,在八年级四班。 1. Sally Age: 12可知莎莉12岁,故选A。 2. Sam Age: 13 Country: America可知山姆13岁,来自美国,America=the U.S.A.“美国”,故选C。 3. 136038291可知这是林涛的QQ号。故选C。 考点:广告布告类短文阅读。



Good morning, boys and girls. I       your English teacher. My name is Alice Brown. Alice is my       name, and Brown is       last name. Look! What’s this? Yes, it’s a photo of my     . This is my husband. He is a teacher,     . But he is not in our school. I have a son and a daughter. This is my     . His name is Jim. And that is my daughter.     name is Gina. They like sports very much, and they often do sports    their friends after school. What’s my husband`s favourite sports? Well, Beckham (贝克汉姆) is his favourite sports star. So    is his favourite sports. If you want to play and need help, please call(打电话) him. His      number is 886-5318.

1.A. am   B. is          C. are    D. be

2.A. family  B. first   C. last     D. full

3.A. my   B. your   C. her     D. his

4.A. teacher  B. watch      C. library     D. family

5.A. to   B. too   C. two     D. and

6.A. cousin  B. father   C. son      D. uncle

7.A. His   B. Her   C. My   D. Your

8.A. with   B. in       C. of      D. and

9.A. basketball B. football  C. tennis      D. swimming

10.A. telephone   B. QQ          C. ID card        D. MSN



--- _________________?

--- I’m fine, thanks.

A. How old are you            B. What day is it today

C. What’s the weather like   D. How are you



–Well, ______ do you spell your name, Tom?

---T-O-M, Tom.

A. what    B. how   C. how many   D. can



–Is there a man under the tree?


A. Yes, there`s.       B. No, there aren`t

C. Yes, there is       D. No, it isn`t



—Would you like some food, Lingling?

---Sure, I`d like some_______.

A. bread   B. apple   C. egg   D. water



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