满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 Dear...


Dear John,

I`m glad to hear from you. Look! This is a __1. 照片)of my students. Now I`d like to tell you something about my students. There are __2. (七) days in a week. My students go to school from Monday to _3. (星期五) . They have six classes in a day and after school they do some sports in the playground __4. (在……后面)the classroom building. Around the classroom building ,there are many green _5. (树). At weekends, they don`t go to school. When the weather is 6. (温暖的),some __7.  (男孩)often play football and basketball in a __8. (大的) park and some girls __9. (画画)and dance there with _10.(她们的)friends.


Mr. Brown


1.photo 2.seven 3.Friday 4.behind 5.trees 6.warm 7.boys 8.big 9.draw 10.their 【解析】 试题分析:本文是布朗先生写给约翰的一封信,在信中他介绍了他的学生们学习生活情况。他的学生们从星期一到星期五去上学。放学后他们在教学楼后面的操场上做运动。当天气温暖时,一些男孩子经常在大公园里踢足球和打篮球,一些女孩和她们的朋友在那里画画、跳舞。 1. photo of“一张……的照片”,故此处为photo。句意:这是一张我的学生的照片。 2. a week可知此处指的是一周,故是七天,故为seven。句意:一周有七天。 3. weekends, they don`t go to school. 可知周末不上学,因此上学是在星期一至星期五,from Monday to Friday,故此处为Friday。句意:我的学生从星期一到星期五去上学。 4. the classroom building“在教学楼后面”,故此处为behind。句意:放学后他们在教学楼后面的操场上做运动。 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. girls是复数形式,故谓语用非第三人称单数形式,故为draw。句意:一些女孩在那里画画’跳舞。 10. 考点:短文填空。


city        aunt      on     white      he

1.I come from Wenzhou. I think Wenzhou is a beautiful _______.

2.The woman in red is my _______. She is my mother`s sister.

3.They often play basketball _______ Sundays.

4.He is a new student here. What`s ______ name?

5.Frank’s schoolbag is black and _______.





There are a lot of food and drinks in Mrs Yang`s fridge(冰箱). She has got some pork and some beef in the fridge. But she hasn`t got any fish. Her husband doesn`t like fish. She has got some tomatoes, carrots and apples in the fridge. And she has also got some hamburgers and some Cola. Her son Jack likes them very much. She hasn`t got any candy because it is unhealthy food. Mrs Yang likes orange juice, so she has got some.


Healthy food

Pork, 1._______, carrots, 2.________,apples

Unhealthy food


Healthy drink


Unhealthy drink






A. And what’s this?

B. How are you?

C. It’s a ruler.

D. O-R-A-N-G-E.

E. Spell it, please.

F. o-r-a-n-g-e.


A: Hi, Alice! How are you?

B: I’m fine.   1.

A: I’m OK.

B: What’s this in English?

A:    2.

B: Good.   3.

A: R-U-L-E-R.

B:    4.

A: It’s an orange.

B: Can you spell it?

A: Yes.    5.



  How much do you know about American schools?

There are two terms(学期)in a school year in American schools. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.

High school students take four or five subjects(科目)each term. They usually go to school every day except(除了)Saturday and Sunday. All of them have lunch in the school dining hall. They have homework for every class. After school, they often do some sports with their friends. What about your school?

1.How many terms in a school year in American schools?

A. One.  B. Two.  C. Three.  D. Four.

2.Where do they have lunch?

A. At home.          B. At school.

C. In the office.    D. In the classroom.

3.How many days do the students in American go to school?

A. four      B. five     C. six      D. seven

4.After school, they often   with their friends.

A. sing and dance       B. read books

C. listen to music      D. play football



In many English homes people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥) 、eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee for breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.

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1.Many English people have ____________ meals a day.

A. two     B. three    C. four     D. five

2.Afternoon tea is ______ in the afternoon.

A. at one o`clock         B. from four to five

C. from one to two        D. from seven to nine

3.People don’t have _____________________ for their dinner.

A. bananas and apples   B. soup and meat

C. meat and fish        D. Porridge



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