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完形填空(10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B...



Souanis Kim was an archery(射箭)teacher in a sports school and had trained many outstanding archers. So many parents sent their children to him. One morning, Souanis Kim took the students to a tall tree for    .He put a toy bird on the trunk and said, "The task is to      the toy bird down.”

The students stood in a    quickly. The first one was Sandy. He walked a few steps forward, put the arrow on the string(弦),drew the bow(弓)and aimed at the toy bird.

“What's    the bird?" asked Souanis Kim suddenly.

“The blue sky," Sandy answered.

Souanis Kim smiled. He asked Sandy to stand aside. The students    what the teacher's meaning was.

The next was Keston. Like Sandy, he walked up. Just as he was    to shoot the arrow, Souanis Kim asked him the same question.

“I see the trunk and the leaves,” answered Keston. Souanis Kim smiled and asked Keston to stand aside, too.

The third one was Jobes. Just    he was drawing the bow, Souarus Kim asked. "What’s over the bird, Jobes?"

Jobes stared at the toy bird and said,。I have seen    but the toy bird.”

“Great!" said Souanis Kim    .Then he shouted, "Go ahead!"

Jobes shot the arrow and the toy bird fell. The students cheered with one voice.

Souanis Kim looked at the surprised students and said seriously,“Remember,  when an archer is showing, he must have only the.    but nothing else.”

1.A.walking    B.training    C.playing    D.resting

2.A.put        B.tum       C.shoot      D.get

3.A.circle      B.way       C.position    D.line

4.A.over       B.under      C.inside      D.behind

5.A.thought    B.expected    C.learned    D.wondered

6.A.ready      B.afraid      C.anxious    D.willing

7.A.as         B.after       C.before     D.because

8.A.anything    B.something  C.nothing    D.everything

9.A.hopefully   B.softly      C.angrily     D.happily

10.A.bird        B. goal      C.sky        D.bow


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是:射箭教练苏亚尼斯 基姆带一队学生练习射箭。他把一个玩具鸟放在树干上说大家的任务是把玩具鸟射下来。苏亚尼斯基姆问了几位学生鸟的上面是什么,他们的答案都不让他满意。Jobes的回答是除了这只玩具鸟之外他什么也没有看到。教练苏亚尼斯基姆很高兴地说,“当一个射手要发射时,他必须只有目标,而没有其他别的东西。” 1.非谓语动词及语境的理解。句意:一天上午,苏亚尼斯基姆带学生到一棵高树那儿训练。A.walking走路, B.training训练,C.playing玩,D.resting休息。据He put a toy bird on the trunk and said, "The task is to the toy bird down.”和上下文,故选B。 2.动词及语境的理解。句意:他把一个玩具鸟放在树干上说,“任务是把玩具鸟射下来。”A.put放,B.tum叫, C.shoot射,D.get拿。据下文He walked a few steps来forward, put the arrow on the string(弦),drew the bow(弓)and aimed at the toy bird.和语境 故选C。 3.这些学生快速站成一队。A.circle圆,B.way道路,C.position位置, D.line线。据The first one was Sandy.和上下文,故选D。 4.介词及语境的理解。句意:鸟的上面是什么?A.over在上面,B.under在下面,C.inside在里面, D.behind在后面。据“The blue sky," Sandy answered. 故选A。 5.动词及语境的理解。句意:学生们想知道教师的意思是什么。A.thought思考,B.expected期待;C.learned学习,D.wondered想知道。据上下文,故选D。 6.形容词及语境的理解。句意:正当他准备射箭时,苏亚尼斯 基姆问了他同样的问题。A.ready准备好的,B.afraid害怕的,C.anxious焦虑的,D.willing乐意的。据上文...drew the bow(弓)and aimed at the toy bird. “What's the bird?" asked Souanis Kim suddenly.及语境故选A。 7.正当他拉弓时,苏亚尼斯 基姆问:“Jobes,鸟上有什么?”A.as当……时候,B.after在……之后,C.before在……前, D.because因为。据语境和上下文,故选A。 8.代词及语境的理解。句意:除了这只玩具鸟之外我什么也没有看到。A.anything任何东西,B.something一些东西, C.nothing什么也没有, D.everything一切。据语境,故选C。 9.苏亚尼斯 基姆高兴地说:“太好了!”A.hopefully有希望地,B.softly温柔地,C.angrily生气地,D.happily高兴地。据“Great!"故选D。 10.记住,当一个射手要发射时,他必须只有目标,而没有其他别的东西。A.bird鸟,B. goal目标,C.sky天空, D.bow弓。据上文He put a toy bird on the trunk and said, "The task is to the toy bird down.”. 故选B。 考点:故事类短文阅读。

Your future depends on    

A. what do you do          B.that you were lucky

C. whether you work hard    D.how much did you get



The spirit of pulling together can always make our team____at last.

A. winning    B.won    C.to win    D. win



-What did you do in today's history class?

-We talked about the characters____ achieved fame in American history.

A. who    B.which    C./    D.what



-Why are you so late getting home?

-Our teacher didn’t let us go____  we had finished our homework.

A. because    B.when    C.if    D.until



-Why are there so many people in the restaurant?

-It starts business today and the drinks____ for free.

A. were offered    B.have offered

C.are offered     D.will offer



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