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A jobless man applied(申请)for the positio...

A jobless man applied(申请)for  the  position  of  “office boy” at  Microsoft,  The HR manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.

“You  are  employed,”  he said.  “Give  me  your  e-mail  address and I’ll send you the application form to fill in, as well as the date when you may start.”

The man replied, “But I don't have a computer or an e-mail.”

“I’m sorry,”said  the  HR  manager,  “If  you don't have an e-mail, that mean you do not exist. And the one who doesn't exist cannot have the job.”

The man left with no hope at all.  He  didn't know what to do.  With only $10 in his pocket, he decided to go to the supermarket and buy 10kg  tomatoes. He then sold the tomatoes from door to door . In less than  two  hours, he  succeeded in  making his money double.  He repeated the

operation three times, and returned home with $60.

The man realized that he could survive in this way, and started  earlier  and    returned late.

Thus, his money doubled or tripled every day.  Shortly, h e bought a cart,  then a truck  and then he had his own fleet to send food . Five years later, he became one of the biggest food   sellers in The US.

He started  to  plan his family's future, so he called  an  insurance  broker (保险经纪人)to Have  a  discussion. When  the conversation was over, the broker asked him for his e-mail. The man replied again,“I don't have an e-mail.”

The  broker  answered  in surprise,  “You don't have an e-mail, and yet have succeeded building an empire.  Can you imagine what you could have been if you had had an  e-mail?”

The man thought for a while and replied, "Yes, I would be an office boy at Microsoft


1.Why was the man refused by the Microsoft?

A.He didn't pass the test.

B. He didn't do well in the interview.

C. He didn't get on well with the manager.

D. He didn't have a computer or an e-mail.

2.How much money did the man make in less than two hours by selling tomatoes?

A. $10.    B.$20.    C.$40. D.  $60.

3. What does the underlined word“fleet mean in Chinese?

A.公司    B.农场    C.车队    D.商场

4. What does the insurance broker's answer mean?

A. He suggests that the man should have an e-mail.

B. The man doesn't have an e-mail. so he has succeeded.

C.The man could be more successful if he had an e-mail.

D. He can't imagine there exists someone who has no e-mail.

5.  What's the best tide of the passage?

A.I don't have an e-mail.

B.I used to be an office boy.

C.Having an e-mail is important

D. Insurance is important in one’s life.


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文告诉我们:一名男子因为没有电脑或电子邮件故被微软拒绝。通过他自己的勤奋与努力,终于有了自己的车队。他咨询的那位经纪人很吃惊他竟然没有电子邮件,故说,“如果你有电子邮件, 你知道你可能怎样吗?”男子答道:“我可能会是微软的一位办公室小职员。” 1.这个男子为什么被微软拒绝?他没有电脑或电子邮件。根据“If you don't have an e-mail, that mean you do not exist. And the one who doesn't exist cannot have the job.” 故选D。 2.在不到两小时这个男子通过卖西红柿赚了多少钱?10美元。根据With only $10 in his pocket,he decided to go to the supermarket and buy 10kg tomatoes. In less than two hours, he succeeded in making his money double. 可知选A。 3.猜测词义题。划线单词“fleet”的汉语意思是什么?车队。根据Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck and then he had his own fleet to send food .. 故选C。 4.保险经济人的回答的意思是什么?如果他有电子邮件这个人可能会更成功。根据The broker answered in surprise, “You don't have an e-mail, and yet have succeeded building an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had had an e-mail?” 可知,应该选C。 5.主旨大意题。这篇文章最好的题目是什么?通读全文且根据I don't have an e-mail. 贯穿全文,起线索的作用,故选A。 考点:故事类短文阅读。



Souanis Kim was an archery(射箭)teacher in a sports school and had trained many outstanding archers. So many parents sent their children to him. One morning, Souanis Kim took the students to a tall tree for    .He put a toy bird on the trunk and said, "The task is to      the toy bird down.”

The students stood in a    quickly. The first one was Sandy. He walked a few steps forward, put the arrow on the string(弦),drew the bow(弓)and aimed at the toy bird.

“What's    the bird?" asked Souanis Kim suddenly.

“The blue sky," Sandy answered.

Souanis Kim smiled. He asked Sandy to stand aside. The students    what the teacher's meaning was.

The next was Keston. Like Sandy, he walked up. Just as he was    to shoot the arrow, Souanis Kim asked him the same question.

“I see the trunk and the leaves,” answered Keston. Souanis Kim smiled and asked Keston to stand aside, too.

The third one was Jobes. Just    he was drawing the bow, Souarus Kim asked. "What’s over the bird, Jobes?"

Jobes stared at the toy bird and said,。I have seen    but the toy bird.”

“Great!" said Souanis Kim    .Then he shouted, "Go ahead!"

Jobes shot the arrow and the toy bird fell. The students cheered with one voice.

Souanis Kim looked at the surprised students and said seriously,“Remember,  when an archer is showing, he must have only the.    but nothing else.”

1.A.walking    B.training    C.playing    D.resting

2.A.put        B.tum       C.shoot      D.get

3.A.circle      B.way       C.position    D.line

4.A.over       B.under      C.inside      D.behind

5.A.thought    B.expected    C.learned    D.wondered

6.A.ready      B.afraid      C.anxious    D.willing

7.A.as         B.after       C.before     D.because

8.A.anything    B.something  C.nothing    D.everything

9.A.hopefully   B.softly      C.angrily     D.happily

10.A.bird        B. goal      C.sky        D.bow



Your future depends on    

A. what do you do          B.that you were lucky

C. whether you work hard    D.how much did you get



The spirit of pulling together can always make our team____at last.

A. winning    B.won    C.to win    D. win



-What did you do in today's history class?

-We talked about the characters____ achieved fame in American history.

A. who    B.which    C./    D.what



-Why are you so late getting home?

-Our teacher didn’t let us go____  we had finished our homework.

A. because    B.when    C.if    D.until



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