满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

All the students like Miss Green because...

All the students like Miss Green because she always makes her class _______.

A. lively and interested             B. lively and interesting

C. alive and interested              D. alive and interesting


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:所有的学生喜欢格林老师,因为她总是让她的课有趣。interested有趣的,修饰人;interesting有趣的,修饰物;interest兴趣,名词,引起兴趣,动词;her class为物,根据动词短语make +宾语+形容词,这里形容词作宾语补足语;故选B. 考点:考查形容词辨析  

—I’d like you to tell me something about Shenongjia.

----I’m sorry, but neither Jack nor I ____________there.

A.have been        B. had been

C. have gone      D. has gone



____Grian_____Tara are studying Chinese history and culture now.  They find them rich and amazing.

A.Neither , nor   B. Not only, but also

C. Both, and    D. Either, or



- Have you seen ________ film Where are We Going, Dad?

-  Yes, it's ________ interesting film!

A. a; the    B. the; an

C. a; an   D. the; the



寒假就要到了。很多学生打算在假期打工锻炼自己,可是有些家长不同意。他们认为打工既耽误学习,又不太安全。请你以“Should teenagers be allowed to have part-time jobs?"


Should teenagers be allowed to have part-time jobs?










A: Environmental problems have become more and more serious.

B: Yes , I think so.  Last weekend I planned to swim in Qingcheng River.  When I got  there, I was shocked by what I saw. 1.               .But now, it is full of rubbish, and there is no fish at all.

A: 2.                !And the air pollution is serious, too. How I miss the blue sky and the fresh air! 3.               ?

B:  First, we' must take action from ourselves. 4.             

A: I agree. Being volunteers really helps.

B: Then, we need to invite more people to join us.

A:  Good idea!  But how can we do that?


A: Sounds good! Let's do that!



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