满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Please look at the word on the blackboar...

Please look at the word on the blackboard and ________.

A. write it down       B. write down it

C. write them down   D. write down them


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:请看看黑板上的单词,然后把它写下来。代替单数名词the word用代词it,故排除CD两项。当人称代词作为短语动词+副词的宾语时,人称代词位于动词和副词之间。故选A。 考点:考查代词的用法。  

Please take _____umbrella when you go out.

A.  an           B. the          C. a            D. \





My friend is Alice.












Edward is my friend. He often gets up(起床) at 630 in the  1. . Then he  2.  to school at 730. He  3.  math at eight o’clock and history at nine. Math is  4.  favorite subject. He likes it  5.  it’s very interesting. But he  6.  like history, he  7.  it’s boring. Mrs. Jones is his math teacher and 8.  is very nice. He eats lunch  9.  school, and he eats dinner at home. After dinner he watches TV for half an hour. He likes  10.  TV. Then he does his homework. He goes to bed at 900.





There are five people in Joe’s family: his grandpa, his parents, his sister and Joe. They live in Campton. It is a small town. His grandpa is 65 years old. He likes fishing with Joe and playing chess(棋) with his friends. Joe’s family always have grandpa’s fish for dinner. Joe is twelve years old, and he’s a student. He likes playing basketball very much. He always plays basketball after school. Joe’s father, Bill, is a teacher in Joe’s school. He likes playing football, and he is a member(成员) of the football club. Joe’s mother, Diana, is a doctor. She works in a hospital(医院). She likes reading some books in her free(空闲的) time. Joe’s sister, Mary, is 10 years old, and she is a student. She likes swimming very much. She always swims in the summer vacation(暑假). Joe and Mary like watching their father playing football in the club. The town(城镇) is small, but Joe’s family are happy here.

1.How many people are there in Joe’s family?


2.Where do Joe’s family live?


3.What does Joe’s grandpa like doing?


4.Who likes basketball very much?


5.Are Joe’s parents both(两个都) teachers?






Mr. Clark: Can I help you, young man?

David: I like sports. 1.

Mr. Clark: OK. What’s your name, please?

David: David Jackson.

Mr. Clark: 2.

David: 14.

Mr. Clark:3.

David: Tennis. I can play it very well.

Mr. Clark: Do you like playing basketball?

David: Yes, 4.

Mr. Clark: Why do you want to join(加入) the club, may I ask?

David: 5.

Mr. Clark: Oh, I see. Can I have your phone number and email address?

David: Yes, my telephone number is 835 -6720 and my email address is David@sportslover.com.

Mr. Clark: OK. Welcome to our sports club. You can come here on Sunday.

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