满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Hello! My name is Jim. I’m from the US....


Hello! My name is Jim. I’m from the US. Now I am in China with my father and mother. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, bread and porridge in the morning. I don’t like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is very good. I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables for lunch. Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings. I have supper at home with my parents(父母). Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. We have meat, vegetables and fruit.

1.Jim is ___________.

A. American            B. Chinese

C. English              D. Japanese

2.For breakfast, Jim has __________.

A. an egg, an apple, and porridge

B. an egg, bread and porridge

C. an apple, break and milk

D. an egg, an apple and break

3.Jim has lunch _____________.

A. at school         B. at home

C. in a restaurant     D. with his parents

4.Jim has ______ for lunch.

A. rice, meat and vegetables

B. dumplings and noodles

C. chicken, meat and fruit

D. A and B

5.Sometimes they have supper ________.

A. at school

B. in a restaurant with some friends

C. at his friends home

D. in the open air(户外)


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇介绍自己生活情况的短文,详细介绍了一日三餐和上学的情况, 1. from the US.所以答案应当选A。American,美国人。 2.2】B根据文中的句子:I eat an egg, bread and porridge in the morning.所以答案应当选B。 3.3】A根据句子:I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school.所以答案选A。 4.4】D根据句子:I eat rice, meat and vegetables for lunch. Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings.所以选D。 5.5】B根据句子:Sometimes we go out to eat with friends.,所以答案选B。 考点:介绍人物的说明文


The children often play football in the garden and sometimes break(打破) Mr. Black’s windows. One afternoon Mr. Black is at home and reads a book. In a minute he closes his eyes and goes to sleep. At that time a little boy knocks at the door. Mr. Black opens the door and asks, “Do you break my window again(再一次)?”“Oh, no” says the boy, “Your window is open this time and our football is in your room. May I get it please?”

1.The children often play football _________.

A. in the street(街道)         B. in the garden

C. in the zoo(动物园)        D. at school

2.Sometimes the children break _______ windows.

A. Mrs. White  B. Mrs. Black’s   C. Mr. Black’s D. Mr. White

3.Who knocks at Mr. Black’s door?

A. A girl     B. A boy     C. A man    D.A woman

4.The children’s football is _______ Mr Black’s room.

A. in          B. on

C. behind        D. before

5.Do the children break Mr Black’s window again?

Yes, they do.  B. No, they don’t.

C. Yes, we do. D. No, we don’t.




Hi! I’m Tina. This is a photo of Class 2. This class has twenty-five students, twelve girls and thirteen boys. These are

Amy and Bob. Amy is Bob’s sister. Amy is 12 and Bob is 13. Amy likes math and English. Bob likes music (音乐). He

has a CD collection. This is Bruce. He is 14. He likes sports and has a sports collection. Jerry is a teacher (教师). He is

twenty-four. He likes blue, black and green. Many of his clothes are in these colors. Do you know the relationship

between Jerry and Bruce? Aha! Jerry is Bruce’s uncle.


1.______ girls are in Class 2.

A. 12    B. 13    C. 24    D. 25

2.What does Bob like?

A. Math.    B. Music.    C. English.    D. Sports.

3.What color does Jerry NOT like?

A. Blue.   B. Yellow.   C. Black.   D. Green.

4.What’s the Chinese meaning of (……的汉语意思) relationship?

A. 性别    B. 国籍   C. 关系   D. 爱好

5.______ and Bruce are in a family.

Bob B. Jerry C. Amy D. Tina




I have a nice family. Only_____ people are in it. They’re my_____, my mother and me. Here is a _____ of my family. This is my father. He likes dogs (狗) and he has a white _____. The name of it is Tony. Look! Tony is next to (挨着) my father _____ the photo. Look at my mother. She _____ to cook (烹调). She cooks _____food for us every day. This is me. I’m 11. I’m in a good _____. I like English and our English classes are _____. I like playing sports and I like _____ sports games on TV.

My family is nice and I like it.

1.A. two  B. three   C. four   D. five

2.A. aunt   B. brother  C. sister   D. father

3.A. map   B.   book   C. name   D. photo

4.A. it   B. one   C. this   D. that

5.A. on  B. of   C. in   D. at

6.A. calls   B. thanks   C. likes   D. takes

7.A. first   B. healthy   C. last   D. boring

8.A. club    B. family    C. picture    D. school

9.A. boring   B. dear    C. interesting    D. difficult

10.A. playing   B. having   C. meeting    D. watching



_____a cat. We do not know_____ name.

A. It’s, its    B. Its, it is

C. It is, It is     D. It is, it’s



______ these your _________?

A. Are, pencil   B. Are, pencils   C. Is, watch



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