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完形填空(10分,每小题1分) Nearly every town in Ame...


Nearly every town in America has a post office. Some are very small and you may _____ them near a shop, and _____ are in big buildings. From Monday to Friday, they are usually ____ from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

If you don’t know how much you should _____ for your letter, you can ask the worker. The prices of stamps are _____, from one cent to some dollars. If you want your letter to go _____, write on the envelope(信封)that you want it to go by _____or use an air-mail envelope. But the price will be _____. At a post office you can _____ buy postcards. A postcard is cheaper than a letter. It is an easy way to _____ letters to friends in different places. It is also a cheap way.

1.A. say    B. find     C. hear

2.A. others   B. all     C. both

3.A. closed   B. free     C. open

4.A. cost    B. spend    C. pay

5.A. same    B. different    C. easy

6.A. carefully   B. slowly    C. fast

7.A. air    B. bike     C. car

8.A. low    B. small     C. high

9.A. never    B. also     C. only

10.A. send    B. show     C. make


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇关于美国邮局分布范围、大小、营业时间及营业内容的说明文。 1.考查动词辨析。句意:有些邮局很小并且你可能会发现它们在商店旁边。Say说;find发现;hear听说;根据句意判断应该选B 2.考查代词辨析。句意:…其他邮局设在高楼里。Others其他的;all所有,全部;both两个都;根据句意可知:美国的邮局有的很小,设在商店旁边,还有一些很大设在大楼内。上文已知,美国几乎每个乡镇都有邮局,所以不可能用both代替,而且邮局根据大小可分为两类,一些小的设在商店旁边,一些大的设在大楼内。所以用all 代替也不合理。所以用others其他的,指除那些小的以外,剩下的那些,故排除BC选A 3.考查形容词辨析。句意:从星期一到星期五,他通常的营业时间是从上午8:30到下午3:30。Closed停业的;free免费的; open营业的,根据句意选C 4.考查动词辨析。句意:如果你不知道该为你的信付多少钱的话,你可以咨询工作人员。cost ,花费,主语为物;spend花费时间或金钱,主语为人;pay支付,付出,pay…for为…付出钱。根据句意选C 5.考查形容词辨析。句意:邮票的价格是不同的,从一分到几美元。A. same相同的;B. different不同的;C. easy容易的。根据句意判断,选B 6.考查副词辨析。句意:如果你想让信件邮寄的快一些,……A. carefully小心地;B. slowly慢慢地,缓慢地;C. fast迅速地,快速地。根据句意及后半句“or use an air-mail envelope.或者使用空运信封”判断句意为:如果你想让信件寄的快一些,因此选C 7.考查名词辨析。句意:……,在信封上写上你想用汽车运送或者……A. air空气;B. bike自行车;C. car汽车。根据后半句“or use an air-mail envelope.或者使用空运信封”,可知本题是快速寄出信件的一种方式,后面提到了空运,这里肯定是另外一种运输方式,通过比较三个选项可知,应该选C 8.形容词辨析。句意:但是这种价格会高一些。A. low低的;B. small小的;C. high高的。价格用高低形容,故排除B,A postcard is cheaper than a letter.从这句话判断明信片比信件成本低廉,由此可知,此题应该选C.high高的。 9.考查副词辨析。句意:在邮局你还可以购买明信片。A. never从不,决不;B. also 也,还,同样;C. only仅仅,只。从上文可知邮寄信件可以选择信件的方式,这里又介绍了明信片的方式,所以这里应该选B.also,还,也。 10.考查动词辨析。句意:这是一种给异地的朋友寄信的容易的方法。A. send发送,寄出;B. show说明,展示;C. make布置,制造。根据句意判断,应该是寄出名信片,所以选择A。 考点:社会常识类短文阅读

We should save water because people can use water to make _____.

A. energy         B. sound    C. rain



Fishing with birds is a _________ skill in Guangxi Province.

A. modern   B. traditional   C. important



If you _______ Hainan, you _______ the beautiful sea.

A. visit; will find

B. will visit; find

C. will visit; will find



Shanghai is one of ___________ cities in the world.

A. bigger    B. biggest    C. the biggest



When it snows ________, he feels very ________.

A. heavy; happy   B. heavily; happy  C. heavily; happily



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