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One morning, Sam went to school by bus. ...

One morning, Sam went to school by bus. It was a long way, so he wore a Bluetooth earphone(蓝牙耳机) to listen to music.

Suddenly, an old woman went up to him and said quietly, “Good morning, sir!” He was surprised but asked in a friendly way, “What’s up, Madam?”

The old woman didn’t answer him. But she looked happy and turned to an old man next to her and said loudly, “You see. His audiphones (助听器) must be pretty great. I said in a quiet voice, but he could still hear me.”

Sam got even more surprised. He didn’t know what happened. Just then, the old man moved quickly to him and asked: “Excuse me, young man. In which store can I buy the audiphones you’re using?”

1.Where did the story happen?

A. On a bus.          B. On a train.

C. In a store.       D. In a school.

2.How many people are there in-the story?

A. Two.     B. Three.    C. Four.  D. Five.

3. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Sam could be a student.

B. The story took place in the morning.

C. Sam was a friendly and polite person.

D. The old woman didn’t like to speak loudly.

4. What might the audiphones help old people?

A. Say something better,

B. See something better.

C. Hear something better.

D. Walk better.

5. From the story, we know _________.

A. the old man hear well

B. the old woman couldn't hear well

C. Sam was angry with the two old people

D. Sam helped the two old people in the end


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇故事类短文。文章提到在公交车上,一对老夫妇听力不好,看到年轻的Sam戴着蓝牙耳机听音乐,误认为是助听器,因此上前探试咨询的故事。 1.细节理解题。One morning, Sam went to school by bus.句意:一天早晨,Sam乘公共汽车去学校。从这句话可知这个故事发生在公共汽车上,因此选A 2.细节理解题。从文章中可知,提到的人物有Sam,an old woman, an old man,所以是三个人,因此选B 3.推理判断题。One morning, Sam went to school by bus.一天早晨,Sam乘公共汽车去学校,由此推断他可能是名学生,且故事发生在早晨,故排除AB。He was surprised but asked in a friendly way, “What’s up, Madam?”句意:他很惊奇,但是很友好的问道:“有什么事吗,夫人?”从这句话判断,Sam是个友好有礼貌的人,因此排除C。而D项老夫人不喜欢大声说话并没有提到,因此选D 4.细节理解题。"You see. His audiphones (助听器) must be pretty great. I said in a quiet voice, but he could still hear me."句意:你看,他的助听器一定很好,我用很小的声音说话,他仍然能听到我的话。由此可知助听器的作用是帮助人听得更好。选C 5.推理判断题。But she looked happy and turned to an old man next to her and said loudly,…句意:但是她看起来很高兴然后转身对一位挨着她的老头大声说,…,由此句可知那个老头听力不好,故排除A项;He was surprised but asked in a friendly way, "What's up, Madam?"句意:他很惊奇,但是友好地问道:“有什么事,夫人?”由此句可知应该排除C项;从第一段可知,Sam戴的是蓝牙耳机,并不是最后一段老头问的助听器,所以Sam不可能提供帮助给他们,故排除D项。The old woman didn’t answer him.老夫人没有回答他。从这句可知老夫人可能没有听到Sam的话,因此老夫人可能听力有问题,故选B; 考点:故事类短文阅读


Nearly every town in America has a post office. Some are very small and you may _____ them near a shop, and _____ are in big buildings. From Monday to Friday, they are usually ____ from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

If you don’t know how much you should _____ for your letter, you can ask the worker. The prices of stamps are _____, from one cent to some dollars. If you want your letter to go _____, write on the envelope(信封)that you want it to go by _____or use an air-mail envelope. But the price will be _____. At a post office you can _____ buy postcards. A postcard is cheaper than a letter. It is an easy way to _____ letters to friends in different places. It is also a cheap way.

1.A. say    B. find     C. hear

2.A. others   B. all     C. both

3.A. closed   B. free     C. open

4.A. cost    B. spend    C. pay

5.A. same    B. different    C. easy

6.A. carefully   B. slowly    C. fast

7.A. air    B. bike     C. car

8.A. low    B. small     C. high

9.A. never    B. also     C. only

10.A. send    B. show     C. make



We should save water because people can use water to make _____.

A. energy         B. sound    C. rain



Fishing with birds is a _________ skill in Guangxi Province.

A. modern   B. traditional   C. important



If you _______ Hainan, you _______ the beautiful sea.

A. visit; will find

B. will visit; find

C. will visit; will find



Shanghai is one of ___________ cities in the world.

A. bigger    B. biggest    C. the biggest



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