满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mary is from America. A.the USA B. the U...

Mary is from  America.

A.the USA     B. the UK

C.Cuba      D. China


A 【解析】试题分析:句意:Mary来自美国。美利坚合众国(英语:The United States of America,简称:The United States、America,缩写:USA、The US),因此选A 考点:考查名词短语  

Michael is from America.

A.come from   B.comes from

C.be from  D. isn’t from






1.以前是个电影迷,一周至少去看两次电影,有时租VCD在家里看, 最喜欢的影星是姜文;



Li Ming is my good friend. He has many hobbies. He used to










1.Tom is fond of_______(recite) poems and reading stories.

2.The young man used to______(get) up late, but now he gets up early.

3.I know several kinds of______(music) instruments, such as the violin, the piano.

4.I’m afraid I may ____ (be) a little late.

5.Liu Huan is a famous _______(sing) in China.




1.In ____ ____ (初期) 1800s, Sunday was the holy day.

2.Hangzhou ______ ______ _______ (因……而闻名) the West Lake.

3.He usually ____ ____(做鬼脸)in class.

4.Don’t worry. There’s ____ ____ (不严重) with your leg.

5.Computers are widely used in people’s ____ ____(日常生活) in the future.



Live Music—Late Night Jazz

Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He is known(出名) to play well in the early hours. So don’t want to get much sleep.

PLACE: The Jazz Club.

DATES: 15-23, June


TIME: 10 p.m. till late

TEL: 4668736

Scottish Dancing

Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be given(将举行).

PLACE: Jack Stein’s   DATES:10-20, May

PRICE:¥180     TIME:7-10 p.m.

TEL: 4021877





Shows-Anhui Museum 

There are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.

PLACE: Anhui Museum    DATES:1 Mar.-30 Jun.

PRICE:¥60(¥30 for students)

TIME: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.Weekends 9 a.m. –9 p.m.

TEL: 4888688


1.If you want to watch dancing, you can call ____.

A. 4668736   B. 4021877   C. 4210877  D. 4888688

2.You can see the whole of Chinese history at ____ in April in Anhui Museum.

A. 8 p.m. every day         B. 7 a.m. from Mon. to Fri.

C. 10 a.m. at weekends      D. 7 p.m.every day

3. You can enjoy ____ at Jack Stein’s.

A. American jazz

B. Scottish dancing

C. 12,000 pieces on show

D. yourself at night

4.You have ¥150 and you can ____.

A. listen to Jazz

B. watch Scottish dancing

C. go to Anhui Museum

D. go to the Jazz Club

5.The history teacher, Mr. Li and his four students want to go to the museum.  How much will they pay?

A.¥150.    B.¥300.     C.¥180.     D.¥160.



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