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Today is our Open Day. Our parents come ...

Today is our Open Day. Our parents come and see our school on this day. Our school is very big and beautiful.There are five buildings in our school. Look! The office building is on your right. Our teachers work in it. Behind the building, there are two classroom buildings and a school library. In the library there are all kinds of books. Our big playground is on the left of these buildings with lots of trees around it. Every day, many students play football, basketball and tennis. We have a good time on the playground after school. We also have a school hall behind the playground next to the library. We meet our parents and have parties (举行晚会)in the school hall. Today, after school, we have a welcome party for our parents. I think our parents will like our school, too.

1. _______ come to see our school today.

A. Our parents

B. Our cousins

C. Our brothers

D. Our friends

2.There are _______ buildings in our school.

A. 3      B. 4        C. 5        D. 6

3.Students _______ on the playground after school.

A. read books

B. do sports

C. meet parents

D. do homework

4.We meet our parents _______.

A. in the teaching building

B. in the library

C. on the playground

D. in the school hall

5.Which is the right map of the school?

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1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇介绍学校布局的说明文。在学校的开放日,家长们来参观学校,作者从所处位置开始详细介绍了学校的主要建筑和布局。 1. Our parents我们的父母B. Our cousins我们的堂兄妹们 C. Our brothers我们的兄弟们D. Our friends 我们的朋友,Our parents come and see our school on this day我们的父母今天来我们学校参观。由这句判断选A 2. are five buildings in our school.我们学校有五栋楼。由这句话判断选C 3.Our big playground is on the left of these buildings with lots of trees around it. Every day, many students play football, basketball and tennis.我们的大操场在这些楼房左侧,四周种了很我树。每天很多同学在操场上踢足球、打篮球和网球。由此判断同学们放学后在操场上做运动。因此选B 4. in the teaching building 在教师办公楼 ,B. in the library在图书馆C. on the playground 在操场D. in the school hall在学校礼堂。We meet our parents and have parties (举行晚会)in the school hall. Today,今天我佯装在学校礼堂接见父母们并且举行晚会。根据这句话选D 5.he office building is on your right.办公楼在你的右侧 Behind the building, there are two classroom buildings and a school library. 在这栋楼(办公楼)后面有两栋教学楼和一个学校图书馆。Our big playground is on the left of these buildings with lots of trees around it.我们的大操场四周种满了树,在这些楼的左侧。 We also have a school hall behind the playground next to the library.在操场后面挨着图书馆是我们的学校礼堂。由这几句话,结合四个选项判断选A 考点:说明文阅读


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1.Who is from America?

A. Tony      B. Susan

C. Ben        D. Betty

2.How old is Tony?

A. 11             B. 12

C. 13         D. 14

3.Whats Bettys Middle School?

A. No. 1 Middle School

B. New Star Middle School

C. Jinshan Middle School

D. No. 4 Middle School

4.Who can speak(说) English?

A. Tony and Betty   B. Tony and Ben

C. Susan and Betty  D. Susan and Ben

5.Are Susan and Ben in the same school?

A. Yes, they are .

B. No, they arent .

C. Yes, she is .

D. No, he isnt .




This is a photo of Mr. King’s family.    five people in his family. Mr. and Mrs. King, their two sons and a daughter. They are England. Mrs. King is    Chinese teacher. Mr. King is a bus driver.     daughter is eleven and she is a student.   __ name is Kathy. She is in _ in No. 1 Middle School. There are thirty students in her class. She likes _ and  goes swimming on Sundays. Tom and David_____her brothers. They are nine years old. They are___  , too. Tom and David like _  and they play it every day. They love their sister very much.

1.A.There are  B.There is       C. Has D. Have

2.A. of           B. from    C. on   D. with

3.A. a            B. an       C. the     D. /

4.A. They       B. Them    C. Their D. Our

5.A. He          B. His    C. She      D. Her

6.A. class four      B. Class four   C. Class Four D. class Four

7.A. sports       B. books       C. pictures D. play

8.A. be          B. am    C. is      D. are

9.A. teachers      B. friends    C. students D. sisters

10.A. school       B. teachers     C. Chinese     D. football



----Lets play table tennis after school. ----         .

A .OK. Sorry

B. OK. Good idea

C. Go, play

D. Yes, of course



—What’s the boy’s name?   —_______ name is Jack.

A. My              B. His

C. Its            D. Her



Today is Monday, tomorrow is          .

A. Tuesday

B. Saturday

C. Thursday

D. Wednesday



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