满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

If you can not find the place, I will sh...

If you can not find the place, I will show you _______.

A. what it is      B. what it was

C. Where it is     D. Where it was


C 【解析】 试题解析:句意:如果你找不到地方,我将告诉你在哪儿?用where it is解答,所以选C。 考点:宾语从句的用法  

Her son _____ Coke, but now he_____ milk.

A. used to drink ; is used to drinking

B. used to drinking ; drinks

C. is used to drinking ; used to drink

D. is used to drink ; is drinking



–Excuse me . Could you please tell me _____ my car?

-- Sure . Park it right here. I’ll help you

A. how to stop

B. where to park

C. where to stop

D. when to park



_____ children there are in a family , _____ their life will be.

A. The less ;  the better

B. The fewer ;  the better

C. Fewer ;  richer

D. More ; poorer



--Do you often get online?

-- Yes , I _______ lots of time on it. It's a good way to kill time.

A. cost     B. spend     C. take     D. use



--What do you often do _____ classes to relax yourselves?

--We often do eye exercises ,listen to music or do some running around the school.

A. in     B. among     C. between     D. through



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