满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Dear editor, I live in a beautiful city....

Dear editor,

I live in a beautiful city. Many visitors come to my city every year because there are so many colorful peacocks (孔雀) here.

The peacocks mostly live on the grassland of Dongfeng Square. Visitors usually throw food to them, but they dont think about at all whether the food is good or not. Some of the peacocks became ill, and some even died eating the bad food given by visitors.

Im sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the bird, but they dont realize that they may be doing them harm (伤害). Visitors should be told that what they have done is harmful to the birds, and this kind of thing must be stopped.

Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food. For us every person, it is our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds to look after them carefully.


Wang Yang

1.The letter will be sent to _____________________.

A. a school        B. a hospital

C. a newspaper      D. a museum

2.Many visitors come to the writers city every year to _________________.

A. give peacocks food   B. see peacocks

C. do some shopping  D. travel

3.Some peacocks became ill and died because __________________.

A. they werent given any food

B. they were given too much food

C. they were given some bad food

D. they werent given enough food

4. The writer suggests that some small shops should be built so that they may _______.

A. sell peacocks food to visitors

B. sell food to peacocks

C. make the square more beautiful

D. sell some things for everyday life

5. Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

A. Peacocks mainly live on the grassland of Dongfeng Square.

B. Some small shops were built in the square.

C. People should look after peacocks carefully.

D. Some visitors throw food to the peacocks.


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章艺术新的形式记叙了自己的家乡因为有美丽的孔雀,所以吸引了许多的游客,但因为孔雀被乱喂食物而生病或致死,希望报纸能够起号召作用,让游客不要再伤害孔雀。同时提出修建专卖孔雀事物的商店以解决问题。 1.C考查细节理解。可以根据文章开头的称呼,是写给报纸的编辑的一封信。句意:这封信将会被寄给一份报纸。 2.2】B考查细节理解。可以根据第一段第二句Many visitors come to my city every year because there are so many colorful peacocks (孔雀) here.句意:每年许多游客来到作者的家乡看孔雀。 3.3】C考查细节理解。可以根据第二段最后一句Some of the peacocks became ill, and some even died eating the bad food given by visitors。句意:一些孔雀生病或死去因为他们被给一些不好的食物。 4.4】A考查细节理解。可以根据最后一段第一句Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food.句意:作者建议一些小型的商店被建立,那么他们就可以卖一些孔雀的食物给游客。 5.5】B考查细节理解。可以根据最后一段第一句:作者建议建一些小商店,所以小商店没有被建。可推断出选B。句意:下列哪一个不是正确的?在广场上一些小商店被建立了。 考点:记叙文。

完形填空 (10)

Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say that their parents dont understand them. They often think their parents are too strict __ them.

Parents often find ___ difficult to win their childrens trust and they seem to ____ how they themselves felt when they were young.

For example, young people like to do things without much ____ . Its one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can ____ any difficult problems. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead and dont like their plans to be changed. So when you want your parents to let you do ____ , you will have better success if you ask  before you really start doing it.

Young people often make their parents angry by clothes they wear, the music they enjoy and something ____ . But they dont mean to cause any trouble. They just feel that ____ this way they can be cut off from the old peoples world and they want to make a new culture of their own. And if their parents dont like their music or clothes or their way of speech, the young people feel very sad. Sometimes instead of going out with their parents, they just want to stay at home ____ and do what they like.

If you plan to do something, youd better win your parents over and get them to understand you. ___  , your parents will certainly let you do what you want to do.

1.A. on          B. with         C. in           D. to

2.A. it            B. this          C. that           D. one

3.A. forgets       B. remember     C. forget           D. remembers

4.A. thinking       B. speaking      C. reading          D. saying

5.A. know         B. find         C. find out    D. solve

6.A. anything       B. nothing      C. something    D. everything

7.A. else         B. one          C. old          D. more

8.A. by            B. through        C. in              D. over

9.A. sadly        B. alone           C. lonely         D. sad

10.A. If not          B. Or            C. If so            D. However



-- Your spoken English is much better now.

-- Thanks. Our English teacher often asks me ______ English as ____ as I can.

A. to talk many   B. to speakmuch

C. to saymany   D. to tellmuch



Computers are so popular in our country that every pupil knows _____ e-mails.

A. how can he send

B. how does he send

C. how to send

D. how sending



-- Have you ever considered _______ Paris some day?

A. visit          B. visiting

C. visits         D. visited



The girl is _______ her mother in many ways. For example, they are both tall and thin.

A. similar to       B. kind to

C. friendly to      D. different from



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