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Kunming is the capital of Yunnan. It's a...

Kunming is the capital of Yunnan. It's a city with a long history. Kunming has a population of more than 5,000,000. Though the weather in Yunnan changes from place to place, Kunming is famous for her beautiful weather. It's neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. That's why more and more people like to travel and even to live there. You can see that great changes have taken place here. A lot of tall buildings, cinemas and hospitals have been put up. You can cross the streets over footbridges in the city. You can buy whatever you want in shops and supermarkets in or around the city. People's lives are becoming better and better.

At weekend or on holiday, people like to relax themselves in different places and in different ways. In winter, people especially old people would like to climb the Western Hills. From the top of Hills, you can have a good look at the beautiful scenery of Kunming. Far away from the Hills, you can enjoy the Sleeping Beauty among the Hills. After supper, families take a walk along the bank of Dianchi Lake. The Golden Temple and EXPO Garden are two famous places of interest in the north of the city. EXPO Garden is known to people both at home and abroad. You can spend a whole day visiting the world-famous garden. A little farther away from the southeast of the city, a special forest welcomes you. It is not a tree forest, but a stone forest. So it is called the Stone Forest.

People in Kunming are really friendly. They often invite their friends home to try delicious food, like rice or noodles. If you want to know more about Kunming and taste her food, please visit her yourself.

1.What's the population of Kunming?

A. Over five million.

B. Over five thousand.

C. Over five billion.

D. Over five hundred.

2.The weather in Yunnan is _______.

A. the same in different places

B. neither too hot nor too cold

C. different in different places

D. different in the same place

3.The Sleeping Beauty is the name of a _______.

A. Person   B. hill   C. shop   D.film star

4._______ is known to people all over the world.

A. The Western Hills

B. The Stone Forest

C. The Golden Temple

D. EXPO Garden

5.The writer of this passage wants to _______.

A. invite tourists to Kunming

B. visit Kunming

C. taste her food

D. know more about Kunming


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要昆明的人口,气候及著名的旅游景点。 1.A考查细节理解题。根据 “Kunming has a population of more than 5,000,000.”可知昆明的人口是五百多万。故选A。 2.2】C考查细节理解题。根据“Though the weather in Yunnan changes from place to place, Kunming is famous for her beautiful weather.” 虽然云南的天气因地方的不同而变化,但是昆明因她美丽的天气而著名,可知昆明不同地方的天气也不同。故选C。 3.3】B考查细节理解题。根据Far away from the Hills, you can enjoy the Sleeping Beauty among the Hills.群山之间你可以欣赏the Sleeping Beauty可知这是山的名字。故选B。 4.4】D考查细节理解题。根据EXPO Garden is known to people both at home and abroad.可知,世博园在国内外都很闻名。故选D。 5.5】A考查细节理解题。全文介绍了昆明的气候以旅游景点,目的是让人们去昆明旅游。故选A。 考点: 地点介绍类短文

In 1896, the first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens. Since then many countries have successfully held the Olympics, such as England, France, Germany, Canada, the USA, Spain and Australia. After more than a century the Games returns to its hometown.

When people hold the Olympic Games, they always make an emblem (会徽). The emblem of the Athens Olympic Games this year is a white circle of olive branches(橄榄枝) in the sky.

Athens is developing a spirit of peace(和平).” An officer said, "While in Athens, the world should be at peace. We hope the peace is not just for a short time. We would like the message from the Athens Games to help countries come together and solve(解决) their problems."

Four years from then, the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing ,China. And China has already made a seal (印章) as the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The emblem has a single Chinese character on a red seal and means "Chinese Seal、Dancing Beijing(中国印.舞动的北京)”. Below it, there are the words "Beijing 2008". The character in the emblem is "Jing". It means "capital'' of China and it is also like a runner or a dancer. The running figure(人形) on the emblem shows the spirit of the Olympics--faster, higher and stronger.

1.In which country was the first modern Olympics held?

A. Greece      B. China.

C. Australia, D. France.

2.What do people always make when they hold the Olympic Games?

A. A picture. B. An emblem.

C. A flag.    D. A map.

3.What message did the Athens Olympic Games want to give?

A. War, B. Luck.  C. Danger.  D  Peace.

4.How many years  have passed when Athens  holds the Olympic Games again/

A. 100.  B. 104.  C. 108.  D. 112.

5.The spirit of the Olympic Games is ______.

A. history and friendship

B. faster, higher and stronger

C. running and dancing    

D.peace, friendship and development



In north America people are always in a hurry.Children have special lessons or sports activities after school.Parents often work late and don't get home until 7 or 8 o'clock at night.More than 50% of women work at full-time jobs,and many people do part-time work.Most North American families don't have time to eat many meals together.

When a family takes the time to eat a meal together,often there isn't enough time to prepare the food That is why “fast food ”is so popular in North America.People spend about 40% of their dollars on fast food.

Fast food is food such as pizza, sandwiches or fried chicken.People usually buy the food from a restaurant chain(连锁店) such as Pizza Hut,McDonald's,or Kentucky Fried Chicken.Fast food saves time,but it is not very nutritious(有营养的).

Fast food is popular in many countries.American fast-food companies now have restaurants all over the world.But not everyone is happy about the spread(扩展 of North American fast food.A group of people in Italy want to fight against it.They do not want any more fast-food chains to open restaurants in their country.They also want to fight against the spread of fast food everywhere in the world.

1.Children in North America _______.

A.don't go home until 7 or 8 o'clock at night

B.often have sports activities after school

C.often do part-time work after school

D.have meals with their parents every evening

2.The second paragraph tells us ______.

A.something about American women

B.where to have fast food

C.why people often have fast food

D.how to spend one's money on fast food

3.Which of the following is NOT fast food?

A Pizza  B.Sandwiches

C.Fried chicken    D.Rice

4.According to the writer,_______.

A.people in many countries like fast food

B.fast food is not at all popular in North America

C.people in North America spend most of their money on fast food

D.fast food is becoming more and more popular in the world

5.The passage is mainly about _______.

A.fast food

B.history of fast food

C.fast food in Italy

D.fast food restaurants




Yesterday afternoon I went to the hospital ____  my mother. She had been sent there the day before. I was going into the hospital   ____  I suddenly met an old friend of   ____ , Mr Black. I was very happy to see him. We had not seen each other ____ we left school five years ago. He looked worried. I asked him ____ he was worried about. He told me that he had just had a tooth taken out. I thought that there was____ serious about it and I said so. But he said, “I’m worried because the doctor has taken out a____ when the doctor finished. I couldn’t tell him what had happened to me because my mouth was filled ____ cotton. Ten minutes later, after the cotton was pulled out, I was able to tell the doctor that the bad tooth was ___ there.” He said that he was _____ to hear that . “I will have another operation.”

1.A. saw   B.  to see C. seen    D. seeing

2.A. while B.  when   C. after   D. as

3.A. I     B.  me     C. my     D. mine

4.A. since B.  for   C. as      D. when

5.A. why   B.  how    C. whom    D. what

6.A. something  B.  anything   C. nothing  D. everything

7.A. had one  B. wrong one     C. bad tooth D. one tooth

8.A. by    B. with    C. of     D. almost

9.A. already  B. also C. yet    D. still

10.A. glad   B. happy  C. sorry  D. angry



  It’s very difficult to learn English well , but you can’t___.

A.put it up   B. take it up

C. look it up  D. give it up



—Lisa has made great progress these days.

--_____ , and ______.

A. So has she; so have you

B. So has she ;so you have

C. So she has; so you have

D. So she has; so have you



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