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When I was seven years old, my mom was d...

When I was seven years old, my mom was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer(癌症). The doctors told us my mom might be saved with surgery(手术). But it could also kill her. She chose to have it.

The day before the surgery I was off school. And my mom planned the best day of my life, everything I loved at seven and everything that would put a smile on my face. The day began with her waking me up and saying, “Kate, I have a surprise for you. Come and see.” The surprise was a doll I have wanted for the longest time. Throughout the day, she told me everything that I would always make her proud. We had a picnic in the park, and it was so cold that we moved to the car. The day was filled with laughter. For the first time in a long time I could see she was really happy. I would never forget her smile, or the way her eyes shone as if we were the same age. It was the best day of my life, and I will never forget the conversation we shared.

My mother managed to live throughout the surgery. Now when I look back, I realized that the best day of my life could be her last and this could be the last day I would remember with her, the last one we shared. I also understand how unselfish a mother is.

1.Who made the decision to have a surgery in the story?

A. The doctors   B. The patient

C. The writer    D. The patient’s family

2.What did the writer’s mother do the day before the surgery?

A. She stayed at home to have a good rest.

B. She went to the doctor’s for advice.

C. She turned to her family for comfort.

D. She stayed all day for her child.

3.Why was the writer’s mother happy that day?

A. Because she left her child a special memory.

B. Because she realized her child had grown up.

C. Because she was proud of what her child had done.

D. Because she expected the surgery to be successful.

4.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that___________

A. the writer’s mother was ill again.

B. the surgery was unsuccessful.

C. the writer’s mother was getting better.

D. the surgery was very easy and simple.

5.Which of the following words best describes the writer’s mother?

A. Hardworking    B. Famous

C. Clever         D. Great


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了一位无私的妈妈,最做了重大的可能丢失性命的决定之后,陪孩子度过最美好的一天。最后,手术成功,多年后孩子理解了妈妈当时的心情。 1.B考查细节理解。从第一段最后一句She chose to have it.可以得知是作者的妈妈选择了手术。可以得出选择B。 2.2】D考查细节理解。从第二段可以得知作者的妈妈在手术的前一天所做的事,可以选择D。句意:她和孩子待了一整天的时间。 3.3】A考查细节理解。从第二段的最后一句It was the best day of my life, and I will never forget the conversation we shared.可以选出A。句意:作者的妈妈当天非常高兴是因为想给孩子一个特殊的回忆。 4.4】C考查细节理解。划线句子意为:我的妈妈在手术中活了下来。可以选择C。句意:作者的妈妈渐渐好了起来。 5.5】D考查细节理解。A. Hardworking勤劳的. Famous著名的C. Clever聪明的 D. Great伟大的,从全文理解和文章最后一句的unselfish可以选出D。 考点:记叙文。

Lightning(闪电)is shocking, and it happens all over the world! Scientists think that there are more than three million lightning strikes(袭击)every day in the world-that’s thirty strikes every second.

Lightning can also be very dangerous. Every year, lightning kills people because it can start big fires or because it reaches temperatures up to 28,000 degrees centigrade. American Roy Sullivan, who worked in a park, holds the record for surviving the most lightning strikes. Between 1942 and 1983, he was hit seven times!

So, why does lightning strike? Lightning strikes happen when ice and water in clouds rub(摩擦)together, and cause atmospheric(大气层的)changes. When this happens, it creates a static charge(静电电荷). Lightning can strike inside the cloud, between two clouds and between a cloud and Earth. It’s the last type of strike that is the most dangerous for humans. About 1,000 people get struck by lightning every year in the United States, and about 100 of them die as a result.

Lightning is certainly not something to toy with. When lightning strikes, it’s best to stay inside a large building. To stay safe, do not stand under trees, on hills or near water. Trees attract lightning. Also, do not lie down on the ground, otherwise the electricity may go through you and cause a heart disease.

1.Lightning strikes ________.

A. happen three billion times each day

B. will start when there are big fires

C. can reach very high temperatures

D. kill all those who work in a park

2.What does “surviving” in paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

A.目睹      B.幸存     C.制造      D. 遇难

3.We can infer(推断)from paragraph 3 that ________.

A. lightning strikes are caused whenever ice and water meet

B. lightning between two clouds is the most dangerous for humans

C. lightning strikes create static charge

D. about one tenth of the people struck by lightning die every year in America

4.Which expression means “to toy with” in the last paragraph?

A. to play with       B. to take seriously

C. to show off        D. to take it easy

5.Where’s the best place to be when lightning strikes?

A. On top of a hill.   B. In a swimming pool.

C. In a tree.         D. Inside a large building.




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1.Picture One is a(n) ________.

A. postcard      B. poster

C. invitation   D. menu

2.You should reply to the Johnson family by ______.

A. writing an email

B. making a phone call

C. visiting them in person

D. chatting online with them

3.If you want to eat well, you can’t miss the ________.

A. Dance as a Job Lecture

B. Musical Theatre Classes

C. Weight Training Classes

D. Sports Nutrition Classes

4.How long will the camp last?

A. Six days.    B. Ten days.

C. A week.     D. A month

5.If you are a 15-year-old student, what time is your audition?

A. 4:00 pm on Nov 13.

B. 4:30 pm on Nov 14.

C. 4:30 pm on Nov 18.

D.4:00 pm on Nov 19.



“I planted a seed. Finally grow fruits. Today is a great day. Pick off the star for you. Pick off the moon for you. Let it rise for you every day. Become candles burning myself. Just light you up, hey!... You are my little little apple. How much I love you, still no enough.”

This words are from the popular song You Are My Little Dear Apple. Bae Seul-Ki acted as the leading dancer in the MV of the song. She loves dancing. She became crazy about hip-hop when she was a school girl.

Bai Seul-Ki was born on September 27, 1986. She is a South Korean singer and dancer. She is 168cm tall. She loves cooking. Her favourite food is spicy and salty. She like pink and red most. There are five members in her family---father, mother, two younger brothers and herself. She isn’t married.

After her father and mother broke up, she lived with her mother and new daddy. She enjoys being alone.

1.Paragraph One is __________

A. a story from a book

B. words from a song

C. news from a newspaper

D. an article from a magazine

2.Bae Seul-Ki _________ in the MV of the song according to the passage.

A. sang     B. danced

C. cried       D. laughed

3.What is the age of Bae Seul-Ki now?

A. 27       B. 38         C. 29         D. 28.

4.Which of the following about Bae Seul-Ki is NOT true according to the passage?

A. She is a north Korean singer.

B. She likes spicy and salty food.

C. She hasn’t got a husband.

D. She has two younger brothers.

5.We can infer(推断) from the passage that_____________.

A. this article is mainly about a song.

B. Bai Seul-Ki can’t cook

C. Bai Seul-Ki doesn’t have a good family life.

D. Bai Seul-Ki became interested in dancing after she left school.




One day a wise young man was walking along the beach when he saw a young man far away picking up something and very gently throwing it into the sea. As he got ______, he called out to the young man, “Good morning! What are you doing?”

The young man _________, looked up and replied, “Throwing starfishes into the sea.”

“Why are you throwing starfishes into the sea?”

The sun is up and the _________ is going away. And if I don’t throw them in, they will ________.

“But, young man, don’t you ______ that there are miles of beach and starfishes all along it. You can’t ______ make a difference!”

The young man ________politely. Then he picked another starfish and threw it into the sea and said, “It made the difference for that  ________.”

There is something very ________ in each and every one of us. We have all been given the ability to make a difference to shape the future. We must each find our own starfish. And if we throw our starfish wisely and well, the _______ will be better.

1.A. better   B. farther       C. closer

2.A. continued  B. stopped    C. watched

3.A. water   B. wind      C. boat

4.A. leave   B. die     C. run

5.A. believe   B. realize    C. expect

6.A. possibly        B. hardly    C. especially

7.A. replied   B. argued    C. listened

8.A. one       B. time     C. place

9.A. special   B. brave     C. strange

10.A. family   B. country       C. world



If you _________ something that you have done, you wish that you had not done it.

A. regret     B. expect        C. like



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